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Well, we knew Cutler....


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See, this is why some players HATE playing in Chicago. 1 bad game and some are ready to throw him under the bus and run him out of town. My god can we just get real for a second. In the first half he played like crap but the Oline didn't help much the either. In the past we have complained very vocally about the inability to make half time adjustments. Cutler in the first half was 8 of 22 with 3 INT's, and then in the 2nd half he came back and help lead the team down the field and get us the lead with less than 2 minutes to go. He ended with 277 yards passing. In the past we would have gladly taken this. Also with the QB's we have had in the past like Grossman once he throws a couple of picks the game is over with and we would get trounced. Cutler throws 3 picks however still showed the ability to put things behind him and help lead. I don't like that in the first half we got away from running the football and then we got to running the ball in the 2nd half. This I will blame on the coaching, however like someone stated before you can blame the coaching staff about something in every game. I have heard some people just chastize our WR's and TE's. Lets keep in mind that GB did an excellent job at constantly double teaming Olsen. He was never open. Of course I do wish that Clark would have ran through his route in the end zone, then the ball doesn't get picked. Our WR's could have done better, however Bennett finished the game with 7 receptions. If this continues he will end the year with 112 receptions(holy crap that would be amazing). Also Knox had 2 catches for 82 yards, right there he is showing the big play threat and his ability that he could have an impact season this year, while most of us agreed that it would be in the future and not this year. Now I get to Devin Hester, he is looking more and more like that impact player and WIDERECEIVER. Thats right I said Wide Receiver. He had a good game with 4 rec for 90 yards and a TD. Oh yeah that was a great through where Hester never slowed down and he made a perfect catch. Makes things a lot easier knowing that your QB has the ability to actually put that ball in front of you and "let him go and get it" I believe was the words that Cutler used after the 1st preseason game. Also just something that I saw and even the Packer fan that was over at my house saw it as well. I also have a small case of diabetes although Cutler's is worse than me. In the 1st half we saw that Cutler looked very pale and very sick looking and I believe that he need an insulin shot. When they came back out after HalfTime he had color back in his face and didn't look so sick anymore. For those who don't know an insulin shot can start helping almost immediately after administered. Sorry about my rant but this is just a few things that I just had to get off my chest.

I am not throwing Cutler under the bus. I am simply saying he had a bad game. Ask him he will tell you he needs to play alot better for us to win.


Peace :dabears

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I am not throwing Cutler under the bus. I am simply saying he had a bad game. Ask him he will tell you he needs to play alot better for us to win.


Peace :dabears

Sorry Connor, my rant wasn't directed a person directly it is geared towards those casual fans who are all about "what have you done for me lately"

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