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Giants props to....

Guest TerraTor

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I definitley recall the play you mentioned.


I'm honestly not sure what to make of it. But I still kind of hold the philosophy, that he simply needs more carries. I think he's trying to find his groove. Maybe thinking a bit too hard about what he can do to get it started.


It's kind of like an NBA shooter needing to take some more shots. He's maybe in a little funk and needs to hit some free throws.


We bust on him for his lack of productivity for these 1st 2 weeks, but is it rreally warranted?


1. Green Bay - Turner didn't have us off the bus running. We were passing fools. We insisted on passing pover running. Then when we ran, it seems at ill position on the field, ill down and distance, and the D looked ready. Say what you want about Benson running on GB. But he never saw the end zone last week. And even with that, pretty much everyone expected a better GB D than last year.


2. PIT - The play calling for runs was a bit better, but I still don't think good. Down, distance, selection etc seemd to be off. And a good reason for that is PIT's D is freakin' good. Look what Chris Johnson did in W2 vs what he didn't do agasint PIT in W1.


I'm not saying there isn't reason for concern, and some of the negative that you and others mentioned.


However, I'm going to reserve my real concern until after these next 2 games. I expect Forte to get his running going and return to form. If not, then we may have a legit problem.


I noticed something different at the next level too. There was a sweep play to the left. He had already picked up a few yards, and had some OL in front of him. He was dang near walking behind the OL, and was then brought down from behind. Couple different ways of looking at this.


- Is he trying to more often let his blockers set up for him? You always hear coaches talk about runners needing to be patient and let their blockers open things up. Problem is, that sort of hesitation can also lead to getting dropped from behind, and frankly, the less momentum you have running, the easier you are to bring down.


If it is the above, is this something the coaches have been trying to get him to do, or is it something he is doing on his own.


- The other side of this is, or could be, having to do w/ our new faces on the OL. Maybe he used OL to set up his blocks last year, but St.Clair and Beekman were quicker to get out and block, and thus we didn't "see" Forte play hesitant. Maybe it isn't nearly as much Forte running different as having two new OL on the left.


Honestly, I don't know what the story or reasons are. All I know is Forte seems to be running very different this year.


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No massive argument. I think there is reason for concern, but not yet to the extent that I have written Forte off. Not even close. I also think a huge issue here is the 3-4, which frankly has to go back to the coaching staff. I just do not feel our players are prepared for 3-4 schemes, and have felt that way for years. 3-4 schemes always seem to give us fits, and that has to go back to coaching.


No question this is a big game for our run game. Especially w/ some of the injuries Seattle is suffereing, and what Gore did to them, if we can't run on Seattle, I think our problems are greater than we now suspect.


I definitley recall the play you mentioned.


I'm honestly not sure what to make of it. But I still kind of hold the philosophy, that he simply needs more carries. I think he's trying to find his groove. Maybe thinking a bit too hard about what he can do to get it started.


It's kind of like an NBA shooter needing to take some more shots. He's maybe in a little funk and needs to hit some free throws.


We bust on him for his lack of productivity for these 1st 2 weeks, but is it rreally warranted?


1. Green Bay - Turner didn't have us off the bus running. We were passing fools. We insisted on passing pover running. Then when we ran, it seems at ill position on the field, ill down and distance, and the D looked ready. Say what you want about Benson running on GB. But he never saw the end zone last week. And even with that, pretty much everyone expected a better GB D than last year.


2. PIT - The play calling for runs was a bit better, but I still don't think good. Down, distance, selection etc seemd to be off. And a good reason for that is PIT's D is freakin' good. Look what Chris Johnson did in W2 vs what he didn't do agasint PIT in W1.


I'm not saying there isn't reason for concern, and some of the negative that you and others mentioned.


However, I'm going to reserve my real concern until after these next 2 games. I expect Forte to get his running going and return to form. If not, then we may have a legit problem.


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