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Invasion Of The Body Catchers


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The main thing I have noticed about the Bears" receivers form the first 2 games is that they are catching the balls from Cutler with both hands in their mid sections and Knox on a couple of occassions leaped and caught the ball in his stomach. The same can be said for Kellen Davis,Hester and Bennett. The one attempt at a catch that was in a receivers hands was when Olsen got hit hard by Carter. This trend is not a problem now but when the weather gets cold balls may bounce off receivers.I have always been a fan of hands catchers but don't get madif you catch with the body but hold on to the ball. If you watch our WRs closly you can see receivers readjusting to balls that hit them in the body and bounce up. Olsen seems to be the one who is having the most problem with this as is Forte who I saw having a little trouble with the speed at which Cutler gets the ball to him. This is something I hope gets better as the season progresses.

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The main thing I have noticed about the Bears" receivers form the first 2 games is that they are catching the balls from Cutler with both hands in their mid sections and Knox on a couple of occassions leaped and caught the ball in his stomach. The same can be said for Kellen Davis,Hester and Bennett. The one attempt at a catch that was in a receivers hands was when Olsen got hit hard by Carter. This trend is not a problem now but when the weather gets cold balls may bounce off receivers.I have always been a fan of hands catchers but don't get madif you catch with the body but hold on to the ball. If you watch our WRs closly you can see receivers readjusting to balls that hit them in the body and bounce up. Olsen seems to be the one who is having the most problem with this as is Forte who I saw having a little trouble with the speed at which Cutler gets the ball to him. This is something I hope gets better as the season progresses.



There are times when it's best to get your body on the ball quickly because a DB hit is imminent and this helps protect the ball from getting stripped. Just because a guy is catching against his body doesn't mean he's not using his hands to make the catch. For sure some WR use their body to stop the momentum of the ball and then wrap their hands around it. That I don't like. However, many elite WR will catch in close to their body in tight situations. Knox provides a good example of this on his TD catch. Instead of reaching up for the ball he jumped high and used his body to shield the defender. He wraps both hands on the ball as it arrives. He didn't grab the ball as cleanly as I'd like, I'm sure he'd say the same, but he pulled it in quickly where it couldn't get stripped away. IMO that's a good instinctive play for a rookie to make.


I have no major problems with Olsen's two drops. On the first one he reached out for the ball and it got stripped away from him before he could tuck it away. Should he have made that catch, yes but he's made plenty of big time "hands" catches for us and he'll continue to do the same. On the second one he got speared the moment the ball arrived. I was amazed at how quickly he got back out on the field.



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One, I wonder if the manner in which our receivers are catching the ball has anything to do w/ how hard Cutler throws the ball. W/ a QB like Orton throwing it, you could reach up w/ one hand and palm the ball in mid-air. W/ Cutler, some of those passes can take a hand off. I wonder if our receivers are attempting to put their bodies behind the catch as a sort of backstop.


Think baseball. When you are fielding a grounder, you do whatever you can to get your body behind the ball. That doesn't mean you are trying to catch it w/ your body, but simply giving yourself a bit of insurance. If our receivers catch the ball away from their body, w/ the speed it is thrown, there is likely a better chance it gets threw their hands and is incomplete or picked off. However, if they get their body behind the ball, it may help.


Two, the one receiver right now that has me a bit concerned is Olsen, who has not impressed me in his catching. I am not talking just about the two missed opportunities, but even some of his catches were bobbled before he hauled them in. He simply doesn't seem to be catching the ball well right now.


There are times when it's best to get your body on the ball quickly because a DB hit is imminent and this helps protect the ball from getting stripped. Just because a guy is catching against his body doesn't mean he's not using his hands to make the catch. For sure some WR use their body to stop the momentum of the ball and then wrap their hands around it. That I don't like. However, many elite WR will catch in close to their body in tight situations. Knox provides a good example of this on his TD catch. Instead of reaching up for the ball he jumped high and used his body to shield the defender. He wraps both hands on the ball as it arrives. He didn't grab the ball as cleanly as I'd like, I'm sure he'd say the same, but he pulled it in quickly where it couldn't get stripped away. IMO that's a good instinctive play for a rookie to make.


I have no major problems with Olsen's two drops. On the first one he reached out for the ball and it got stripped away from him before he could tuck it away. Should he have made that catch, yes but he's made plenty of big time "hands" catches for us and he'll continue to do the same. On the second one he got speared the moment the ball arrived. I was amazed at how quickly he got back out on the field.


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I automatically assumed it had to do with the pouring down rain. In such conditions catching with your hands loses some of its advantage over using your body. Also Olson being gunshy after dropping that one pass he got his bell rung on. He looked like all he cared about doing was curling up into a ball and daring anyone to think they could hit him so hard he'd drop it. Can't know unless someone asks them though.

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We need to put out an APB on Harris. I tried to really watch him, and I didn't even see him getting double teamed. He is simply not getting penetration, and frankly, now showing much power either. What is more baffling, IMHO, is w/ the play of our DEs on the outside, you would really expect to see elevated play from our interior.


In the first two games, OLs really began to stack their extra protection on the outside as Wale, Brown and even Anderson were all proving capable of turning the corner and pressing the QB. Due to our DEs, I would have expected to see two things.


(a) DTs to get into the picture more often as they begin to see more and more single blocks. To add to the DEs on the outside, we have also sent quite a few inside blitzes, thus preventing double teams on our DTs.


(B) As we pressure from the outside, QBs are more often forced to step up in the pocket. That "should" push the QB into the arms of the DTs.


But w/ the exception of a play here or there, I have not really seen any of our DTs making plays. That is really disappointing, and especially w/ Harris.


I might give Harris the nod in the most disappointing category. Forte's struggles are partially on him, but also the OL and 3-4 defenses have to factor. Harris and our DTs have no such excuse IMHO, especially w/ how well other areas of the D have been executing.


Tommie Harris would be a close 2nd.


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We need to put out an APB on Harris. I tried to really watch him, and I didn't even see him getting double teamed. He is simply not getting penetration, and frankly, now showing much power either. What is more baffling, IMHO, is w/ the play of our DEs on the outside, you would really expect to see elevated play from our interior.


In the first two games, OLs really began to stack their extra protection on the outside as Wale, Brown and even Anderson were all proving capable of turning the corner and pressing the QB. Due to our DEs, I would have expected to see two things.


(a) DTs to get into the picture more often as they begin to see more and more single blocks. To add to the DEs on the outside, we have also sent quite a few inside blitzes, thus preventing double teams on our DTs.


(B) As we pressure from the outside, QBs are more often forced to step up in the pocket. That "should" push the QB into the arms of the DTs.


But w/ the exception of a play here or there, I have not really seen any of our DTs making plays. That is really disappointing, and especially w/ Harris.


I might give Harris the nod in the most disappointing category. Forte's struggles are partially on him, but also the OL and 3-4 defenses have to factor. Harris and our DTs have no such excuse IMHO, especially w/ how well other areas of the D have been executing.


I would expect Harris to step up his game within the next couple of games. Remember on knock on Harris is that with as good as he is he tends to "disappear" for a couple of games b4 going ballistic.


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We need to put out an APB on Harris. I tried to really watch him, and I didn't even see him getting double teamed. He is simply not getting penetration, and frankly, now showing much power either. What is more baffling, IMHO, is w/ the play of our DEs on the outside, you would really expect to see elevated play from our interior.


In the first two games, OLs really began to stack their extra protection on the outside as Wale, Brown and even Anderson were all proving capable of turning the corner and pressing the QB. Due to our DEs, I would have expected to see two things.


(a) DTs to get into the picture more often as they begin to see more and more single blocks. To add to the DEs on the outside, we have also sent quite a few inside blitzes, thus preventing double teams on our DTs.


(B) As we pressure from the outside, QBs are more often forced to step up in the pocket. That "should" push the QB into the arms of the DTs.


But w/ the exception of a play here or there, I have not really seen any of our DTs making plays. That is really disappointing, and especially w/ Harris.


I might give Harris the nod in the most disappointing category. Forte's struggles are partially on him, but also the OL and 3-4 defenses have to factor. Harris and our DTs have no such excuse IMHO, especially w/ how well other areas of the D have been executing.

It wouldn't be the first time he was our most dissapointing player either. I fully expect Tommie to get cut at the end of the season with him moving on somewhere else and playing more as a part time DT. I just don't think he's healthy enough to make much of an impact as an everyday starter and only a fresh, well rested Harris will be able to much anything, which means he needs to be a part time player.


From what I saw from the game, Ogunleye received a few double teams and Alex Brown made them pay for those double teams by getting to the QB and having a pretty disrupting game. I figure WR (one more couldn't hurt), safety, Oline, and DT will be the primary needs this off-season.

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Actually, Harris usually breaks out early and then fades as the season goes on.


In his first two seasons, his sacks came in the first half of the season.


In 2006, he had 5 sacks in the first 4 games, then nothing after.


In 2007, he had 7 sacks in the first half, then not another until he got one in the final game.


Harris usually starts out strong, but then fades, thus all the questions of whether or not he can handle a full time job in the NFL and why we try to rotate him so much.




I would expect Harris to step up his game within the next couple of games. Remember on knock on Harris is that with as good as he is he tends to "disappear" for a couple of games b4 going ballistic.


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Not sure i agree with you on harris,


But I do think we need to look at OL, S, and DL fr next year. WR to, but I actually think the other slots are more important. Especially OL. We have too much age.


It wouldn't be the first time he was our most dissapointing player either. I fully expect Tommie to get cut at the end of the season with him moving on somewhere else and playing more as a part time DT. I just don't think he's healthy enough to make much of an impact as an everyday starter and only a fresh, well rested Harris will be able to much anything, which means he needs to be a part time player.


From what I saw from the game, Ogunleye received a few double teams and Alex Brown made them pay for those double teams by getting to the QB and having a pretty disrupting game. I figure WR (one more couldn't hurt), safety, Oline, and DT will be the primary needs this off-season.


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Not sure i agree with you on harris,


But I do think we need to look at OL, S, and DL fr next year. WR to, but I actually think the other slots are more important. Especially OL. We have too much age.

He pretty much has a series of one year contracts going forward which pay him pretty good money. And to cut him would essentially cost nothing at this point, so I would think the Bears would be better off looking elsewhere and getting the consistent DT than putting good money into a DT who has been breaking down for a number of years and is only getting older.


I can never see Harris even being a shell of what he once was and therefor I think the smart thing to do would be to move on at the end of the season. I could also say we could renegotiate and use him more as a part time player, but I don't think he'll do that, and I'm sure some crazy team like the Redskins would pay him based upon his past reputation.


The sad thing was, at one point, Harris was by far and away the best DT in football. I love the guy and like his attitude for the most part, but I've gotten sick of the act and I don't like when guys can't stay on the field and perform. It really is why I haven't been so concerned about Urlacher going down (even though he's much better than Hill) and I look forward to seeing how the Bears can maybe find a new MLB starting next year (as I never supported Urlachers extension).

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I'd rather dangle his as trade bait. We could get something for him I imagine. Look what Seymour got? And he's older and has his fair share of injuries.


I loved Tommie when he was healthy and kickin' butt. now, I just don't know.


I just want to get something for him rather than just cut him.


He pretty much has a series of one year contracts going forward which pay him pretty good money. And to cut him would essentially cost nothing at this point, so I would think the Bears would be better off looking elsewhere and getting the consistent DT than putting good money into a DT who has been breaking down for a number of years and is only getting older.


I can never see Harris even being a shell of what he once was and therefor I think the smart thing to do would be to move on at the end of the season. I could also say we could renegotiate and use him more as a part time player, but I don't think he'll do that, and I'm sure some crazy team like the Redskins would pay him based upon his past reputation.


The sad thing was, at one point, Harris was by far and away the best DT in football. I love the guy and like his attitude for the most part, but I've gotten sick of the act and I don't like when guys can't stay on the field and perform. It really is why I haven't been so concerned about Urlacher going down (even though he's much better than Hill) and I look forward to seeing how the Bears can maybe find a new MLB starting next year (as I never supported Urlachers extension).


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I automatically assumed it had to do with the pouring down rain. In such conditions catching with your hands loses some of its advantage over using your body. Also Olson being gunshy after dropping that one pass he got his bell rung on. He looked like all he cared about doing was curling up into a ball and daring anyone to think they could hit him so hard he'd drop it. Can't know unless someone asks them though.


He got the wind knocked out of him. Apparently you've never played a physical sport and have no idea what it's like to not be able to breath.

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From what I saw from the game, Ogunleye received a few double teams and Alex Brown made them pay for those double teams by getting to the QB and having a pretty disrupting game. I figure WR (one more couldn't hurt), safety, Oline, and DT will be the primary needs this off-season.


The other players that is fairly disappointing right now is Harrison. While not on the same level as Harris due to expectations, I think all the same things can be said for Harrison. With all the attention going to the DEs, our DTs should be doing far more. The only DT I think has played well is Adams. Adams has had 2 tackles in each game, and generally has clogged up the middle. Heck, he even had a QB hurry this past game.


Harris had one tackle this past game. Granted, it was a great play behind the LOS, but that was the only time he was visable. In game one, he had one assisted tackle. That's it.


Harrison didn't even register a tackle this past game. In game one, he only registered one assisted tackle.


That is it for our DT production. Especially as Lovie has so many times said this scheme really starts w/ the DT, that is freaking pathetic.


As for the draft next year, I think our draft should be all about the trenches. I really don't think I would even look anywhere else. We have quite a bit of talent IMHO at WR. The issue is not so much talent, but simply experience, and adding another rookie WR is not going to change that. Safety is w/o question a need, but I think one which would be better served with the addition of a veteran.


Our OL has been a need for years, and little seems to have changed. Best case is Williams develops and gives us at least one solid OT for the future, but I have not yet been impressed. Pace was hoped to be a couple year bandaid, but thus far, he looks like he should have retired after last season. We spent money to get Omiyale, who has been flat out awful. We also spent money to get Shaffer, who was just awful in camp. On the DL, Wale and Anderson will be FAs. Brown is a nice DE, but little more. At I do not see a DT in the mix who has shown an ability to get to the QB.


In my eyes, our next draft should be all about the trenches.

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Since the thread turned from how the receivers are catching the ball very close to their body to who is this year's most disappointing player in TWO GAMES, I'll chime in and say by far it has to be the O-line. This was where the most offseason money was spent and Omiyale for one has been the gate keeper who left his post. This unit has been better at the screeen game than anything else.On those passes to the WRs on the sideline screens they have been doing fairly okay but, just simply firing off the ball to drive the opponnent back and create running lanes has not happened like we had hoped. With Searrle runninh a 4-3 I would hope that they have a better game trying to establish the run because as soon as this happens we will see just how fast Knox and Hester are on play action fakes.

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I think the only reason the OL has not been part of this discussion is, while many hoped they would be improved from last season, I don't think many expected them to be great, especially early on. Forte last year was great, even w/ a poor OL. And expectations, especially after Marinelli was added, were very high too for Harris.


On the OL, we are talking about


(a) Pace, who many felt was about done, but we hoped he had a bit left. As I recall, his only other offer was Baltimore, who thought he could only play RT at this point in his career.


(B) Omiyale, here is a guy who had limited playing time at OT, and we were playing him inside where his experience was less.


© Williams, who missed his rookie season w/ injury, and had a so-so camp.


I agree this unit has been weak. Heck, I have said a lot worse than that. But the only reason I think others were placed ahead is due to expectations. I just don't think this group should have been expected to be great, or even that good, particularly early on.


One person I really hope begins to be looked at more critically is Harry Hiestand, our OL coach. I got my wish when Babich was demoted and our DL coach fired, but Harry was another I wanted gone. IMHO, our play in the first two games only continues to reinforce my campaign against this guy. We will see this week against a 4-3 defense, but I really think a huge aspect has been playing against a 3-4 scheme. Far too often, our OL simply didn't look prepared. Its one thing if you are facing a 3-4 scheme midseason , w/ little time to prepare, but we played a couple 3-4s in preseason, and started the regular season with two in a row. We should have been very prepared for this scheme, but I just do not feel we were. That has to reflect on coaching.


Since the thread turned from how the receivers are catching the ball very close to their body to who is this year's most disappointing player in TWO GAMES, I'll chime in and say by far it has to be the O-line. This was where the most offseason money was spent and Omiyale for one has been the gate keeper who left his post. This unit has been better at the screeen game than anything else.On those passes to the WRs on the sideline screens they have been doing fairly okay but, just simply firing off the ball to drive the opponnent back and create running lanes has not happened like we had hoped. With Searrle runninh a 4-3 I would hope that they have a better game trying to establish the run because as soon as this happens we will see just how fast Knox and Hester are on play action fakes.


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