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The Bears have developed a trend over the first three games that needs to end.


We have started slow every game and seem to wake up around the second quarter going into the half and play better after halftime. We have gotten away with it twice and it bit us in the behind once. This goes mostly on the coaching as they don't seem prepared going in and the Bears are flat coming out of the gate and spend the rest of the game trying to match their opponent's intensity. But I also blame players who are supposed to be professionals, this is their job they should know that they need to bring the intensity from their end. Coaches can cultivate intensity but they can't manufacture it from apathy and hollow talk, the players need to bring it. If we expect to be the strong dominant team we seem to think we are, we need to start the game hot and set the intensity bar high from the get go and force other teams to adjust to us and figure out a way to stop and match our intensity. I look back at games like the one in Denver they came out firing and had great intensity, GB came out the same way and so did the Steelers. Seems like no matter who we're playing we just show up and expect to dominate then only after getting smacked in the mouth several times do we realize we need to step it up and fight to get back into the game.

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For me, this is coaching more than anything. I realize the intensity aspect you mention, but at the same time, I think what you view as a lack of intensity is more simply our plays not working.


On offense, you always read about how most teams begin a game w/ scripted plays. After you get through the script, you have a sense of what is working and what isn't. You have a sense for how the defense is reacting to various plays, and can then begin to change things up and attack specific areas.


IMHO, this is one of our problems. The script simply isn't very good, and it is not until we get away from the script that we can start to play effectively.




The Bears have developed a trend over the first three games that needs to end.


We have started slow every game and seem to wake up around the second quarter going into the half and play better after halftime. We have gotten away with it twice and it bit us in the behind once. This goes mostly on the coaching as they don't seem prepared going in and the Bears are flat coming out of the gate and spend the rest of the game trying to match their opponent's intensity. But I also blame players who are supposed to be professionals, this is their job they should know that they need to bring the intensity from their end. Coaches can cultivate intensity but they can't manufacture it from apathy and hollow talk, the players need to bring it. If we expect to be the strong dominant team we seem to think we are, we need to start the game hot and set the intensity bar high from the get go and force other teams to adjust to us and figure out a way to stop and match our intensity. I look back at games like the one in Denver they came out firing and had great intensity, GB came out the same way and so did the Steelers. Seems like no matter who we're playing we just show up and expect to dominate then only after getting smacked in the mouth several times do we realize we need to step it up and fight to get back into the game.


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We are definitely on the same page on this one...


We seriously don't look ready to play when the coin is flipped. After about a quarter and a half, we awaken and start playing. This is on both sides of the ball.


That is on the coaches.


For me, this is coaching more than anything. I realize the intensity aspect you mention, but at the same time, I think what you view as a lack of intensity is more simply our plays not working.


On offense, you always read about how most teams begin a game w/ scripted plays. After you get through the script, you have a sense of what is working and what isn't. You have a sense for how the defense is reacting to various plays, and can then begin to change things up and attack specific areas.


IMHO, this is one of our problems. The script simply isn't very good, and it is not until we get away from the script that we can start to play effectively.


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I feel like this is bizarro world!






Seemed like in the past few years, Smith & crew would have a great first half plan, and then fail to make any adjustments until the last minute of a game. Now it's like they come in with no plan or heart, wake up, make adjustments, etc...


I'm baffled.


While I'm pleased that they are making adjustments. I'm still irritated that the team appears not to be ready to play for 3 weeks straight now.


I'd say the coaching staff has done a great job making adjustments and right now it is just taking a bit for guys to get in sync early in games and I expect that problem will go away shortly.


This has been the best coach season by Lovie thus far, imo.


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I'd say the coaching staff has done a great job making adjustments and right now it is just taking a bit for guys to get in sync early in games and I expect that problem will go away shortly.


This has been the best coach season by Lovie thus far, imo.



That is my hope that it is mostly an in sync issue but that only excuses the offense this defense for the most part has been together for a while. Biggest problems I see is the obvious lack of wrapping up that TD by JJ would not have happen had one of the two guys on him wrapped up and simply pushed him out of bounds instead he breaks away from two guys who had him in their grasp and runs down the field for the TD. Effective use of the pass rush. I see guys rushing their way out of the play. Over running a running back It's good to come after the back and QB with speed but you need to stay under control and not run yourself out of the play.


On the flip side the positive is that we didn't let that early slow start keep us from getting in a position to win. We were in position to win at GB and won the next two. They could have laid down and let the thing slip away. But they kept fighting.

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