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Touchback rules


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I was re-watching the game and got to thinking...Isn't this technically a safety? He fields the kickoff in bounds backpedals out of bound and downs the ball out of bounds? Always thought if you on your own step out of the back of the end zone it's a safety? I could be wrong if the rules are different on Kick off returns as opposed to being on offense and stepping on the end line. Probably a dumb question but curiosity.


Along those lines the kickoff pictured here is the one following the roughing which honestly that's a worthless penalty to simply kick it off 15 yards further up field. Unless you have a kicker who struggles with distance it's going to be a touchback. Too bad it can't be tacked on to the end of the ensuing kick return.



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Good question. Part of me think it should be a safety, but I'm thinking that there's no way it can be...


I was re-watching the game and got to thinking...Isn't this technically a safety? He fields the kickoff in bounds backpedals out of bound and downs the ball out of bounds? Always thought if you on your own step out of the back of the end zone it's a safety? I could be wrong if the rules are different on Kick off returns as opposed to being on offense and stepping on the end line. Probably a dumb question but curiosity.


Along those lines the kickoff pictured here is the one following the roughing which honestly that's a worthless penalty to simply kick it off 15 yards further up field. Unless you have a kicker who struggles with distance it's going to be a touchback. Too bad it can't be tacked on to the end of the ensuing kick return.




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Thanks, that does make sense. if he were to field and and advance it out of the end zone into the field of play, retreat back into the end zone and be tackled or run out of bounds then it would be a safety. I just was wondering because he possessed the ball inside the end zone as pictured below, then retreated out of the end zone to down it. Not sure why he didn't just let it got through the end zone. no point in attempting to return that. But thanks for the explaination I wasn't real clear on it but figured it wasn't since the refs were right there and no one reacted to it and the announcers said nothing I figured it was legal.






But this is one of my fav shots from the game.




and this one



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Guest TerraTor
I was re-watching the game and got to thinking...Isn't this technically a safety? He fields the kickoff in bounds backpedals out of bound and downs the ball out of bounds? Always thought if you on your own step out of the back of the end zone it's a safety? I could be wrong if the rules are different on Kick off returns as opposed to being on offense and stepping on the end line. Probably a dumb question but curiosity.


Along those lines the kickoff pictured here is the one following the roughing which honestly that's a worthless penalty to simply kick it off 15 yards further up field. Unless you have a kicker who struggles with distance it's going to be a touchback. Too bad it can't be tacked on to the end of the ensuing kick return.




have to be passed the goal line and then return to the end zone......

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Great pictures! Thanks for sharing!


Thanks, that does make sense. if he were to field and and advance it out of the end zone into the field of play, retreat back into the end zone and be tackled or run out of bounds then it would be a safety. I just was wondering because he possessed the ball inside the end zone as pictured below, then retreated out of the end zone to down it. Not sure why he didn't just let it got through the end zone. no point in attempting to return that. But thanks for the explaination I wasn't real clear on it but figured it wasn't since the refs were right there and no one reacted to it and the announcers said nothing I figured it was legal.






But this is one of my fav shots from the game.




and this one




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No. You must come out of the endzone, then run back in, and get tackled in the endzone/run out of bounds in the endzone in order for it to be a safety.


Actually, that's not entirely correct.


In this case, the momentum rule is applied. If a player is moving in a specific direction and catches or intercepts the ball while moving toward their own goal line or end line, the results of crossing the lines are ignored. In this case, the official more than likely ruled that the player was back-peddling already (to catch the ball), and as a result went out of bounds at the endline. In regards to free kicks (i.e. kickoffs) in nearly all levels, this rule is almost universally lenient towards the official's discretion. The same applies to an interception caught within the five yard line while going in towards. If the momentum is what causes the defensive player to cross the goal-line, then forward progress is given to the defensive player where the pass was intercepted.


However, if either of the following situations were to take place, it would be a safety:


A] Player X catches the kick while in the end zone (EZ) and not moving towards his endline, then through his own volition moves towards and over the endline, the result is a safety.

B] Player X catches the kick while in the EZ, runs out of the EZ, runs back in, and is subsequently tackled in the EZ, the result is a safety. (the scenario you mentioned)

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