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Quarterly Report Card


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We've got a bye week at what appears to be perfect timing to allow several key players to get healthy. After four games you have a good feel for what your team is so I'm putting my thoughts out there.




CBs: Work in progress but I like the fact our corners are more aggressive at the LOS than they were last year. We still give up too many easy outs and comeback plays. With Bowman still learning on the job and Tillman still getting in game shape we should improve during Q2. Despite that we'll still going to be more of a bend but don't break style here. Depth behind these two from Vasher, Graham is not sound. Overall I'd say we're just average at CB....grade C+.


S: I think DManning has played well but still is not a leading playmaker for us. Perhaps more importantly he seems to be out of his habit of making occasional critical errors. Manning also switches to nickel back and has played well there. Afalava, still learning on the job this kid looks to have a solid future. It's clear at times he still thinking a lot and hesitant but once he sees the play he arrives quickly. Payne is solid not spectular. Again overall grade is Average...grade C+.


LB: Hit by lots of injuries the bench players have played very well. Briggs continues his knack for reading plays and blowing them up early. There have been lapses at times as backups came in but it seems as those players gain experience during the game, just like today, things settle down and defense gets better as the game goes on. I look forward to getting Pisa back on the field but even without him these guys don't seem to be a liability. Considering the rapid turnover I grade these guys above average and I"ll give them a B+.


DT: Harris was non-existent the first couple games but slowly stepped up the last two. He's far from the playmaker he used to be but at least the arrow seems to pointing upward. I did some slow-motion replays keying on him today and he did draw some double teams and on one play had the double team and Raiola was keying on him as well while Izzy went around his man and got a sack. Beyond Harris nobody else has made a name for themselves. Adams has shown his usual solid play but nobody else has consistently shown up. Below average but improving. Grade C-.


DE: Alex Brown,Ogunleye, and former disappearing act Mark Anderson clearly are seeing benefits from Marinelli's coaching. Ogunleye has 4.5 sacks, Brown 2.5, and Anderson 1. None of these guys are playing at an elite level but the trio is playing but the run and pass very well. Grade A.


Defensive coaching: we've done enough to win games but aren't yet shutting teams down. I see improvement and overall the defensive play is much better than last year. Still need to see more consistency. Grade B-.



WR: Various players have gone from zero to hero over night, Bennett, especially Knox. Hester seems to be a more reliable target for Cutler and has made several key receptions to keep drives alive. How much is QB vs. WR, who knows but all three of them have made tough catches for us and drops seem to be lower than last year. Clearly the arrow is pointing up as these guys gain experience as well as familiarity with Cutler. Despite not having an elite #1 to draw attention they've been better than anyone expected and their numbers compare favorably aorund the league. Grade B.


RB: Forte was playing tentative until today. AP actually was hitting the holes harder. Wolfe is starting to get more attempts but has yet to silence his critics (I believe he will but that can't factor into the grade). Today's game saved what was a below average to grade and brought the group up to a C.


Oline: Pass protection has been improving but is not something this group can hang their hat on. That's unfortunate because the run blocking has just been bad. These guys need to come together for our offense to flourish as the weather gets colder. Grade D.


TE: While Olsen hasn't shown to be an elite player like we hoped this group overall has been extremely effective in games. When Clark went out for a couple games Davis stepped in and played well. When you consider yards for the group they are average but on TDs they are at the head of the class. Overall grade B+.


QB: Packer game was horrible but since then Cutler has controlled the offense and kept the team in the games. When a game-winning drive is needed he's answered the call except against Green Bay. There are still timing and route issues to work out with the WR and TE but the improvement shows up each week. Grade B+.


Offensive coaching: I'll give Turner a B. He's had a lot of new players to deal with and clearly work still needs to be done but considering what he's had to work with he's done a good job. Yes, he has an outstanding QB to work with yet he also got Cutler to calm down after the Green Bay loss and play within the offense.


Special Teams: There have been a few lapses on coverage but it doesn't seem to matter who returns kicks or punts we are getting big production. That credit has to go to the special teams coach. Gould and Maynard are playing very well. Gotta give Toub an A.


Head coach. Lovie made a lot of changes during the offseason in the coaching staff and so far they appear to be paying off. I think he's also doing a better job of holding players accountable and hasn't been afraid to go with the best player even if he's a rookie. Everyone is looking for more consistency from both the offense and defense but given all the changes in personnel finishing the first quarter 3-1 with an offense and defense both showing slow but steady improvement is pretty good. Overall grade B.






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Thanks for posting that. Was going to do the same. Agreed with all the Defensive personnel grades, but think think the staff gets a B to B+. On the offensive side the OL has moved from an F to a D- for me. They usually need time to gel, but that is not being factored in my grade. Agreed on Turner. Toub gets a B for his unit getting gashed on coverage breakdowns. Lovie gets a B+. I'm glad he has taken accountability and making others accountable.


Looking for Harris and Harrison to come to life. If they do, all other fascets of the D will improve.

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We've got a bye week at what appears to be perfect timing to allow several key players to get healthy. After four games you have a good feel for what your team is so I'm putting my thoughts out there.




CBs: Work in progress but I like the fact our corners are more aggressive at the LOS than they were last year. We still give up too many easy outs and comeback plays. With Bowman still learning on the job and Tillman still getting in game shape we should improve during Q2. Despite that we'll still going to be more of a bend but don't break style here. Depth behind these two from Vasher, Graham is not sound. Overall I'd say we're just average at CB....grade C+.


S: I think DManning has played well but still is not a leading playmaker for us. Perhaps more importantly he seems to be out of his habit of making occasional critical errors. Manning also switches to nickel back and has played well there. Afalava, still learning on the job this kid looks to have a solid future. It's clear at times he still thinking a lot and hesitant but once he sees the play he arrives quickly. Payne is solid not spectular. Again overall grade is Average...grade C+.


LB: Hit by lots of injuries the bench players have played very well. Briggs continues his knack for reading plays and blowing them up early. There have been lapses at times as backups came in but it seems as those players gain experience during the game, just like today, things settle down and defense gets better as the game goes on. I look forward to getting Pisa back on the field but even without him these guys don't seem to be a liability. Considering the rapid turnover I grade these guys above average and I"ll give them a B+.


DT: Harris was non-existent the first couple games but slowly stepped up the last two. He's far from the playmaker he used to be but at least the arrow seems to pointing upward. I did some slow-motion replays keying on him today and he did draw some double teams and on one play had the double team and Raiola was keying on him as well while Izzy went around his man and got a sack. Beyond Harris nobody else has made a name for themselves. Adams has shown his usual solid play but nobody else has consistently shown up. Below average but improving. Grade C-.


DE: Alex Brown,Ogunleye, and former disappearing act Mark Anderson clearly are seeing benefits from Marinelli's coaching. Ogunleye has 4.5 sacks, Brown 2.5, and Anderson 1. None of these guys are playing at an elite level but the trio is playing but the run and pass very well. Grade A.


Defensive coaching: we've done enough to win games but aren't yet shutting teams down. I see improvement and overall the defensive play is much better than last year. Still need to see more consistency. Grade B-.



WR: Various players have gone from zero to hero over night, Bennett, especially Knox. Hester seems to be a more reliable target for Cutler and has made several key receptions to keep drives alive. How much is QB vs. WR, who knows but all three of them have made tough catches for us and drops seem to be lower than last year. Clearly the arrow is pointing up as these guys gain experience as well as familiarity with Cutler. Despite not having an elite #1 to draw attention they've been better than anyone expected and their numbers compare favorably aorund the league. Grade B.


RB: Forte was playing tentative until today. AP actually was hitting the holes harder. Wolfe is starting to get more attempts but has yet to silence his critics (I believe he will but that can't factor into the grade). Today's game saved what was a below average to grade and brought the group up to a C.


Oline: Pass protection has been improving but is not something this group can hang their hat on. That's unfortunate because the run blocking has just been bad. These guys need to come together for our offense to flourish as the weather gets colder. Grade D.


TE: While Olsen hasn't shown to be an elite player like we hoped this group overall has been extremely effective in games. When Clark went out for a couple games Davis stepped in and played well. When you consider yards for the group they are average but on TDs they are at the head of the class. Overall grade B+.


QB: Packer game was horrible but since then Cutler has controlled the offense and kept the team in the games. When a game-winning drive is needed he's answered the call except against Green Bay. There are still timing and route issues to work out with the WR and TE but the improvement shows up each week. Grade B+.


Offensive coaching: I'll give Turner a B. He's had a lot of new players to deal with and clearly work still needs to be done but considering what he's had to work with he's done a good job. Yes, he has an outstanding QB to work with yet he also got Cutler to calm down after the Green Bay loss and play within the offense.


Special Teams: There have been a few lapses on coverage but it doesn't seem to matter who returns kicks or punts we are getting big production. That credit has to go to the special teams coach. Gould and Maynard are playing very well. Gotta give Toub an A.


Head coach. Lovie made a lot of changes during the offseason in the coaching staff and so far they appear to be paying off. I think he's also doing a better job of holding players accountable and hasn't been afraid to go with the best player even if he's a rookie. Everyone is looking for more consistency from both the offense and defense but given all the changes in personnel finishing the first quarter 3-1 with an offense and defense both showing slow but steady improvement is pretty good. Overall grade B.

I agree with most of what you are saying but I'll give Cutler a pass in the Green Bay game..because he did put us in a position to win that game with the drive that mae the game score 15-13 our defense let it slip away on that one deep TD play


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CBs: ....grade C+.


C- tops for me. We are ranked 22nd in the league in pass defense. We have just 3 interceptions as a team, and only one by a DB. Now, a lot of the yardage issues may be a result of scheme, but I would also say we have seen some really shoddy tackling by our DBs. In our scheme, one of the biggest keys for the DBs is tackling. Its the difference between stoping a WR after a 4-7 yard gain and giving up a big play. The iffy tackling, high yardage and lack of turnovers has to cause a below average grade.


S: ...grade C+.


C. While we have not seen the big breakdowns we have seen in the past, I really just have not seen the big plays either. DM and Afalava have gotten in on blitzes a couple times, but part of the secondary pass defense issues has to also go on the safeties. They have been average, and have avoided giving up big plays, but I would not say they have been above average.


LB: I"ll give them a B+.


I'd agree w/ this. I might even go higher if we allow to factor 2 starters down w/ injuries, as well as our primary backup MLB. I am still not a huge Roach fan, but he has made some solid plays. Briggs has really stepped up in Urlacher's absence, and Jamar Williams made a couple plays too. Middle is still a bit weak, but getting stonger.


DT: Grade C-.


I'd go D-. This has been maybe the biggest disappointment for me on defense. You say Harris has started to step up the last couple games, but I just haven't seen it. Yea, he got the interception, but do you realize the reason he got that pick? Because he got stood up at the LOS and was no where near the QB. He gets credit for the catch, but lets be honest, he was in position to make the catch because he did not get any penetration on the play. As I see it, our DEs have done a pretty solid job (outstanding at times) of pressuring the passer, but our DTs have been so ineffective that QBs too easily just step up in the pocket to avoid the DEs. Adams has done well in run defense, but I just see Harris getting pushed around too much, and lacking any burst. Harrison has been more invisible than Casper. Heck, maybe the best DT play I have seen came from Anderson who lined up inside some yesterday.


DE: Grade A.


Agreed. As said above, I think our DEs are playing very well. IMHO, if we got any penetration, or even a better push from the DTs, the DEs numbers would be even better. As it stands though, 2.5 sacks and 5 TFL from Brown. 4.5 sacks and 1 TFL from Wale. Only 1 sack (2 TFL) from Anderson, but I have seen him in the backfield a lot more disrupting plays. If we could get better play from our DTs, our DL would be scary good.


Defensive coaching: Grade B-.


Grade C. While I give Lovie credit for adjustments and Marinelli credit for our DEs in particular playing on a higher level, I just can't go this high for coaching. A backup QB and rookie QB just lit us up through the air. We are allowing offenses to move the ball early in games far too easily. Credit the adjustments, but our defense simply does not look ready to play when the whistle blows. It seems like opponents are game planning better than we, but we are doing a better job adjusting. It has not shot us dead yet, but when we have to face a really good offense, will adjustments be enough? We just can not continue to start games so flat.



WR: Grade B.


Grade here sort of depends on whether you factor expectations. If you factor expectations, I would have to give an A grade. Three leading receivers on the team are WRs, and I don't think anyone would have expected that entering the season. Each also has a solid ypc average. We are getting solid play from a WR that have zero catches entering this season and very good play from a 5th round rookie WR. If I don't factor expectations, I would likely then go w/ a B grade. WR play has been solid, and at times special, but not so much that defenses are playing a massive amount of nickel against us as you would see w/ many other uppier tier passing offenses.


RB: C.


I would go w/ a C-. While the run game stepped up big in the last game, that is one our of 3. We currently rank 22nd in run offense, w/ a below 4 ypc average. Further, I think our blitz pickup by the RBs has been very questionable as well. This last game may have given reason for hope, but if we are grading this unit based on the first 4 games, I don't think I could say they have been average.


Oline: Grade D.


I'll go w/ a F here. Sorry, but this OL has simply been awful. IMHO, the pass protection has not improved so much as the QB has simply played better and made the OL look better. Cutler is not holding the ball long, and getting rid of it w/ 3 and 5 step drops, which makes the OL look better, even if it is not. Simply put, our OL is limiting our passing game. Further, our OL has been flat out awful in run blocking, which is best seen in short yardage downs. That is when we really need to get a forward push, but they are simply driven backward.


TE: Overall grade B+.


I'd give them a B. It has been solid, and Davis has stepped up w/ some solid plays, but Olsen was supposed to be a star, and has not stepped up w/ too many dropped passes. Blocking has been questionable from this group as well.


QB: Grade B+.


I'd go w/ an A here. Awful 1st game, but followed up w/ consecutative game winning drives and, while not big yardage in the last game, he was very effective regardless. Cutler has a near 90 rating through 4 games. He has just over a 64 completion percentage. He has 8 TDs passing. And I just have to factor what he is working w/. Most would agree our OL sucks, and yet he still is ranked among the QB leaders, and I think most would agree he has been tremendous for our very green WR corps.


Offensive coaching: I'll give Turner a B.


This will make Jason nuts, but I'll give him a B+. Our offense is not only moving the ball, but putting points on the board. We are a top 10 scoring offense w/ 26.3 ppg. We are doing that despite no help from the OL and a run game that only decided to show up in game 4. Yes, there has been plenty of head scratching plays, but at the end of the day, our offense is looking very good, and doing so w/o a ton of elite talent or solid OL play.


Special Teams: Gotta give Toub an A.


I'll go B+. Until this last game, coverage units have been weaker than usual. Hester had been fairly weak in punt returns. Maynard and Gould have been awesome, and Knox was great, but this unit simply has not been as great or consistent as in years past.


Head coach. Overall grade B.


I'll go w/ a B too. I do not think we are doing a good job of preparing players or getting them ready for games, but overall, as a HC, he is doing well.

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Really surprised to see the consistent positive grades in several areas that have been considered weaknesses in the past. Notably DEs and the coaching. There were only a few replies but I didn't think I'd ever see a day when there was common respect for the work Lovie, I even have to say that about myself as I blasted Lovie pretty heavily after last season. Yes it would be nice to get Jason on here to get some balance on the thread.


If we get our DTs and Oline to step up we will be a very competitive team. At times I see signs the Oline is getting better but we don't have one standout player there so at their best I think they'll be average for us the rest of the year. Pace is nothing more than a stopgap and not a 2-3 year solution for us as I hoped he'd be. That will have to get addressed this offseason, or more correctly the RT spot will need to be addressed. I'm not giving up on Omiyale yet but he needs to come back from this break and start using his size and quickness to open some holes.


I said Harris has improved, others disagreed. I don't think he's anywhere near where he needs to be given his cap hit but I do think he's getting more movement along the line in the last couple of games. Anyway it's like arguing who has the shinier penny, neither is worth much and so I don't think he'll be an impact player for us at all this year. I don't see anyone else coming on either and Gilbert is a solid year away but we better start investing for the future and give him some game time. The fact Gilbert came off the inactive list recently shows the coaches lack confidence in the DTs play so far. I would love to eat some crow here and hopefully Marinelli proves me wrong and gets better production out of these guys as the season moves along.

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