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Noots' Notes Game 5: 21-14 Loss at Atlanta


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Noots, I usually like your stuff but this week I disagreed with you a lot. You were overly harsh on Cutler, who still played a very good game, especially when you factor in the play of the o-line, the blitzes he saw, and the lack of support from Forte.


The picks and the loss prevent him from getting an A, but he deserved a B (B- at the worse) for his performance. Heck, given how he played in the 2nd half, I'd get close to giving him a B+ but at the end can't because that redzone pick was costly.


Running Backs - You are being way too nice. Forte might not have had good blocking in-front of him, but he's been one of the worse starting RB's in the NFL this year and last night he was awful. There were a few times where I thought I saw holes and he would not hit them with any authority. He's playing passful and its pretty dissapointing.


Garret Wolfe has been more explosive and a better runner so far this season. The Backs deserve an F since our starter has sucked so badly.


Receivers were strong. Really can't fault anything from there game. Would have been great if Clark could have hauled in that 4th down reception but regardless those guys had an A- type of game and made some big plays. Plus, along with all the receiving yards there were the PI yardage as well.



On the defensive side, completely agree. As always though Noots, I enjoyed your pieces. Just thought you were too harsh in some areas and not harsh enough in other areas.

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Probably the actual letter grade isn't as imortant as the explanations though...still, it is a forum so nothing wrong with posting what you thought the grades should be.


I was happy with Cutler's play overall so I'd have gone a little higher than C. I was content with holding the Falcs to 21 points...not sure that suggests any higher than Noots' C+ average though, just saying. The idea of not being able to run the ball, even when the other team knows we are mostly passing and are having trouble stopping our passing game is SCARY.

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