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So, what is wrong with our Bears?

OL not giving Cutler time to throw or Forte holes to run through. Roach isn't starter-caliber. The whole DL blows.


Is this game a one-off F£££ up, or an indication of deeper problems?

Well, we get Cleveland, Arizona, and San Francisco coming up. You decide.


Will Lovie and company ever be able to deliver another Super Bowl?

Lovie? No.


Is there any reason to keep watching this year....lol.?



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So, what is wrong with our Bears?

See Brian's answer

Is this game a one-off F£££ up, or an indication of deeper problems?

Much deeper problems in coaching, talent, and execution

Will Lovie and company ever be able to deliver another Super Bowl?

HIGHLY unlikely

Is there any reason to keep watching this year....lol.?

Of course...even if it's for one great pass/run/catch/hit.


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Indeed, despite not being able to watch all of the games, the O Line seemed to be a problem. I guess all of those off-season acquisitions that were going to make things better have been a disappointment at the least.


I wonder about the Lovie coaching issue...can he do it? I am not sure he is the answer, he is not terrible, but can he deliver consistently good teams?


So, I guess this year is unlikely to yield playoffs.....


Why are the players lacking fire?

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Indeed, despite not being able to watch all of the games, the O Line seemed to be a problem. I guess all of those off-season acquisitions that were going to make things better have been a disappointment at the least.


I wonder about the Lovie coaching issue...can he do it? I am not sure he is the answer, he is not terrible, but can he deliver consistently good teams?


So, I guess this year is unlikely to yield playoffs.....


Why are the players lacking fire?

Because their coach lacks it too.

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I'll take a crack:


So, what is wrong with our Bears?

Based on today's game, everything. Based on the previous 5 games, we were solid, competitive and 3-2 was a fair record to that point. Reality lies somewhere in-between, but the big picture appears to be that today's game exposed real problems with our o-line and injured linebacker corp... problems that had been hidden just enough until today.


Is this game a one-off F£££ up, or an indication of deeper problems?

Yes, and yes. Today's game was a major turd. Deeper problems yes, but today is not a fair gauge in and of itself.


Will Lovie and company ever be able to deliver another Super Bowl?

No. I sense that the team needs to go in another direction. Overhaul on so many levels required to get back to that level.


Is there any reason to keep watching this year....lol.?

Not really, but I/we still will to the bitter end. Could sneak into the playoffs if today was an anomaly. 3 winnable games (Cleve, St. Louis, @Detroit), 3 tweeners (@SF, GB, @Baltimore), and 4 likely losses (Arizona, Philly, @Minne, Minne). Win the winnables and tweeners, and steal one of the likely losses, and we're 10-6 and wild card. Alternatively, we could be 6-10, or worse if today sends this team reeling.


Feels like 7-9 at this point. Before today I would have thought 10-6. Based on today alone, 4-12. We need the next 3 games to get on track. 1-2 or 0-3 and this will get ugly. 2-1 and faint hope for a wild card. 3-0... not holding by breath.


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We need a philosophy change. Certain schemes only work when you have the right personnel. We don't have the right personnel on defense for the Cover-2. On offense, we have an offensive line that does not allow us to execute our schemes.



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As the saying goes that this start at the top and roll down hill from there. As much as I know that Virginia McCaskey is Papa Bear's daughter however, this team continues to disappoint in far to many ways. Ted Philips is a CPA at best and should not be in charge of this team. Jerry Angelo continues to make more bad moves versus good moves and the coaching staff is not living up to what was expected. There needs to be a complete cleaning of the house and getting people in place that one: know how to evaluate talent, two: are able to motivate this team to perform versus under perform, three: be able to work within the constraints of the the salary cap.


The offensive line has a band-aid that is bleeding profusely and continues to show its age, while Knox is showing something; the team still needs at least one more weapon on the wings, the defense is becoming a shambles starting with the line and especially the defensive backfield. Do not forget that the Special Teams is starting to fall apart as well. There are only a couple of players that I feel that are safe for this team: Cutler, Gould, Maynard, Knox and Briggs. Beyond those five you are able to make great arguments either way for the remaining 48 players that started this season.


Unfortunately there will not be anything done to dramatically to help this team at this point in the season. Inconsistency in a professional sports franchise is not acceptable and should not be the norm. Especially for the founding franchise of the National Football League. Is this team worth watching any more this season, yes as this is and always will be our team and I will always root for them until the very end. Am I disappointed by by the efforts or lack there of this team, most definitely. Maybe one of these days this team will be heading in the right direction once again however, until a change in the GM and the entire coaching/scouting staff is made, we are only able to hope for the best each and every Sunday and at this point, that is not going to be a lot.

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It's so frustrating...


As the saying goes that this start at the top and roll down hill from there. As much as I know that Virginia McCaskey is Papa Bear's daughter however, this team continues to disappoint in far to many ways. Ted Philips is a CPA at best and should not be in charge of this team. Jerry Angelo continues to make more bad moves versus good moves and the coaching staff is not living up to what was expected. There needs to be a complete cleaning of the house and getting people in place that one: know how to evaluate talent, two: are able to motivate this team to perform versus under perform, three: be able to work within the constraints of the the salary cap.


The offensive line has a band-aid that is bleeding profusely and continues to show its age, while Knox is showing something; the team still needs at least one more weapon on the wings, the defense is becoming a shambles starting with the line and especially the defensive backfield. Do not forget that the Special Teams is starting to fall apart as well. There are only a couple of players that I feel that are safe for this team: Cutler, Gould, Maynard, Knox and Briggs. Beyond those five you are able to make great arguments either way for the remaining 48 players that started this season.


Unfortunately there will not be anything done to dramatically to help this team at this point in the season. Inconsistency in a professional sports franchise is not acceptable and should not be the norm. Especially for the founding franchise of the National Football League. Is this team worth watching any more this season, yes as this is and always will be our team and I will always root for them until the very end. Am I disappointed by by the efforts or lack there of this team, most definitely. Maybe one of these days this team will be heading in the right direction once again however, until a change in the GM and the entire coaching/scouting staff is made, we are only able to hope for the best each and every Sunday and at this point, that is not going to be a lot.


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So, what is wrong with our Bears?


Is this game a one-off F£££ up, or an indication of deeper problems?


The Defense is in serious trouble. The Bears got down so far so fast so early...what was the O to do...they knew they had to throw...the Bengals knew....EVERYONE knew....they didn't have a chance when they got down 28-zip


Will Lovie and company ever be able to deliver another Super Bowl?


I don't know...need some LINE HELP!!!! both sides of the ball....if they are sticking with this tampa 2...they need to know about the future of Harris. That position is vital.


Is there any reason to keep watching this year....lol.?


well of course...


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I believe that good and great coaches know when their teams are ready to play. They also know when they are getting overwhelmed. They know when to simply call a time out, get their guys to the sidelines and REITERATE the plan. What's wrong with this team is they have taken on the personality of the HC. Look, I don't care about seeing a ranting raving lunatic running up and down on the sidelines. I just want to see what we haven't for the last 2 1/2 yrs, a well coached, disciplined team playing good, fundamentally sound football. A team that blocks well tackles well. These guys don't seem phased by their shortcomings. They will readily admit their mistakes but will refuse to commit to fixing them. There are no reprecussions for bad play here. Just look at Omiyale, Pace, just to name a few. The defesne is a whole other story. Ptoblems with Bowman, harris, we can't get Gilbert in for a look. It's just sad.

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So true. Admiting you have a problem is half the battle, but if you don't do anything about it...50% solution is crud.


I believe that good and great coaches know when their teams are ready to play. They also know when they are getting overwhelmed. They know when to simply call a time out, get their guys to the sidelines and REITERATE the plan. What's wrong with this team is they have taken on the personality of the HC. Look, I don't care about seeing a ranting raving lunatic running up and down on the sidelines. I just want to see what we haven't for the last 2 1/2 yrs, a well coached, disciplined team playing good, fundamentally sound football. A team that blocks well tackles well. These guys don't seem phased by their shortcomings. They will readily admit their mistakes but will refuse to commit to fixing them. There are no reprecussions for bad play here. Just look at Omiyale, Pace, just to name a few. The defesne is a whole other story. Ptoblems with Bowman, harris, we can't get Gilbert in for a look. It's just sad.


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I believe that good and great coaches know when their teams are ready to play. They also know when they are getting overwhelmed. They know when to simply call a time out, get their guys to the sidelines and REITERATE the plan. What's wrong with this team is they have taken on the personality of the HC. Look, I don't care about seeing a ranting raving lunatic running up and down on the sidelines. I just want to see what we haven't for the last 2 1/2 yrs, a well coached, disciplined team playing good, fundamentally sound football. A team that blocks well tackles well. These guys don't seem phased by their shortcomings. They will readily admit their mistakes but will refuse to commit to fixing them. There are no reprecussions for bad play here. Just look at Omiyale, Pace, just to name a few. The defesne is a whole other story. Ptoblems with Bowman, harris, we can't get Gilbert in for a look. It's just sad.

This is from a post of mine in Feb 08. A season and half later and nothing has changed. Accountability is a bad work around Halas Hall.


....nobody is held accountable on this team. Drop passes. Cut off your routes. Quit on your block. Quit on your tackle. Make boneheaded play after boneheaded play.....go ahead...Nobody is going to punish you for it. This team lacked discipline like none I can remember and it didn't seem to matter to anyone.


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Deja Vu all over again...


This is from a post of mine in Feb 08. A season and half later and nothing has changed. Accountability is a bad work around Halas Hall.


....nobody is held accountable on this team. Drop passes. Cut off your routes. Quit on your block. Quit on your tackle. Make boneheaded play after boneheaded play.....go ahead...Nobody is going to punish you for it. This team lacked discipline like none I can remember and it didn't seem to matter to anyone.


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