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Mr nice needs to go


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Mr. I'll never get mad at you or get in your face needs to go.With so many chances at getting in someone's face,Lovie does it only ZERO times. sickning

You realize Bud Grant and Tom Landry didn't show emotion as well. It really has nothing to do with it. He may need to got because his team is not winning but whether or not he gets in's someone face on the sideline should have nothing to do with it.


Just win.


Peace :dabears

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  Connorbear said:
You realize Bud Grant and Tom Landry didn't show emotion as well. It really has nothing to do with it. He may need to got because his team is not winning but whether or not he gets in's someone face on the sideline should have nothing to do with it.


Just win.


Peace :dabears

Let me ask you a question. If your boss got mad at you because you were under perfoming big time(45-10), how would you respond? And how would you respond to under performing and you boss tells you NOTHING. Plus,traditional Bear football is different to vikings and cowboys football.

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Let me ask you a question. If your boss got mad at you because you were under perfoming big time(45-10), how would you respond? And how would you respond to under performing and you boss tells you NOTHING. Plus,traditional Bear football is different to vikings and cowboys football.

How do you know Lovie didn't get mad at someone in the locker room? How do you know he didn't get in someone's face when the camera wasn't on him? You think Lovie never says anything to his players when they don't perform?


You mean tradional Bears football like the last few yrs of Ditka when he was out of his mind and an embarassment to the city??? So, traditional Bears football is having a coach who yells at his players and calls them out? I would rather traditional Bears football is where we win regardless of the emotion shown by the head coach.


Look, I am not defending Lovie. If they do not improve and do not find a way to get in the playoffs, then he should be fired. I am simply saying I don't give a crap what the coach does on the sideline. Just like I didn't give a crap what Rex was doing on the sideline. I want the team to win - period.


BTW - I never have had my boss yell at me. I guess I must have managers that found other ways to motivate me.


Peace :dabears

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Let me ask you a question. If your boss got mad at you because you were under perfoming big time(45-10), how would you respond? And how would you respond to under performing and you boss tells you NOTHING. Plus,traditional Bear football is different to vikings and cowboys football.



If my boss screamed in my face I would laugh at him. That has nothing to do with it.



But, back at the ranch, heads need to roll. People need to lose jobs. Screaming at people publicly does nothing.


But he needs to hold people accountable with their jobs, and that is not happening and thats what needs to change or get someone who can.

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  azbearsfan said:
If my boss screamed in my face I would laugh at him. That has nothing to do with it.



But, back at the ranch, heads need to roll. People need to lose jobs. Screaming at people publicly does nothing.


But he needs to hold people accountable with their jobs, and that is not happening and thats what needs to change or get someone who can.

Exactly - thank you!!!


Peace :dabears

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  Connorbear said:
How do you know Lovie didn't get mad at someone in the locker room? How do you know he didn't get in someone's face when the camera wasn't on him? You think Lovie never says anything to his players when they don't perform?


You mean tradional Bears football like the last few yrs of Ditka when he was out of his mind and an embarassment to the city??? So, traditional Bears football is having a coach who yells at his players and calls them out? I would rather traditional Bears football is where we win regardless of the emotion shown by the head coach.


Look, I am not defending Lovie. If they do not improve and do not find a way to get in the playoffs, then he should be fired. I am simply saying I don't give a crap what the coach does on the sideline. Just like I didn't give a crap what Rex was doing on the sideline. I want the team to win - period.


BTW - I never have had my boss yell at me. I guess I must have managers that found other ways to motivate me.


Peace :dabears

I guess we are different. I DO give a crap what the coach does on the sideline. Some people like emotion,some don't,I do.He does not need to yell,but get a little pissed at certain players I would like.

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I guess we are different. I DO give a crap what the coach does on the sideline. Some people like emotion,some don't,I do.He does not need to yell,but get a little pissed at certain players I would like.

That's fine.


But I noticed you didn't mention winning or losing.


For me, the bottom line is winning.


Peace :dabears

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  azbearsfan said:
If my boss screamed in my face I would laugh at him. That has nothing to do with it.



But, back at the ranch, heads need to roll. People need to lose jobs. Screaming at people publicly does nothing.


But he needs to hold people accountable with their jobs, and that is not happening and thats what needs to change or get someone who can.

You guys are the only ones talking about screaming,not me. I want to see him walk up to more players,in their face,eye to eye and get busy by coaching them. Again,who said anything about screaming????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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Let me ask you a question. If your boss got mad at you because you were under perfoming big time(45-10), how would you respond? And how would you respond to under performing and you boss tells you NOTHING. Plus,traditional Bear football is different to vikings and cowboys football.



If my boss quits talking to me it means I'm fired. If he's mad at me it means he's pushing me to improve. I don't know what goes on in the locker room so I won't say if this is an issue with Lovie or not. Yelling, IMO often indicates a loss of control especially if it's constant. People quickly tune it out. I don't care either way because it's about results and I believe you can get good results either way as long as you hold people accountable for poor performance. Actually let me rephrase that, as long as you hold the right people accountable.


It's important to know exactly where the weak link is. Is it position coaches, players, coordinators? From Angelo's perspective is it head coach? If you simply go after everyone those who are doing things right, or at least mostly right will quickly lose interest in following you. In my experience even the worst organizations have many good people working for them they just need the right leadership. I also know that a few weak links can make the whole thing look bad.


This is by far the worst game for our defense but IMO the Oline has been consistently poor. Therefore I start there by pulling Omiyale and inserting Beekman. I'd also fire Harry Heistand but I don't see Lovie or Turner doing that. Pace should be put on notice and I think consideration should be given to letting Vasher take over for Bowman. I think DManning is playing well at FS but moving him to NB leaves a hole behind the defense with Payne and Afalava. Is this our best combination or can't we keep DManning at FS and bring in Graham at NB?


In any case I don't feel Lovie should stay put and not make changes. Unfortunately we play the "get well team" in Cleveland and a win against them at home can mask problems and make him feel like it's back under control. OTOH if we lose and he hasn't made changes he risks losing the team because those who are playing well will wonder why he waited so long and cost the team a win.

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  RME JICO said:
When have the Bears truly looked prepared this year? If we have a losing season, we need to go in a different direction (coaching and scheme-wise).


The Cover-2 is outdated, and the offensive scheme is horrible.


I was thinking the excact same thing while trying to displace my disgust from wathing a complete manhanding by the Bengals. I can not stand the Cover-2 scheme and was actually thinking there maybe something to the 3-4 which the Steelers and now the Broncos use very effectively.


As far as the offfense goes I am tired of the same old act. Time to bring in someone with a fresh plan.

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I own my own business and there are two types of employees. Those that are driven to succeed and are invested no matter the job (10%). Those that are clock punchers. When you are not looking they aren't working. They do just enough. They look at their job as a right and not a privelege (90%). As for me in my business, when the attitude switches you are fired. I am not comparing my business to the bears. But it is easy to see why the players love lovie. He is easy on them. Sometimes it is good to have some fear and public humiliation to get someone going. If our team was filled with 10%ers this wouldn't be a problem or even a coach could get them to act like 10%ers once in a while.

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  fudgerippple2000 said:
I own my own business and there are two types of employees. Those that are driven to succeed and are invested no matter the job (10%). Those that are clock punchers. When you are not looking they aren't working. They do just enough. They look at their job as a right and not a privelege (90%). As for me in my business, when the attitude switches you are fired. I am not comparing my business to the bears. But it is easy to see why the players love lovie. He is easy on them. Sometimes it is good to have some fear and public humiliation to get someone going. If our team was filled with 10%ers this wouldn't be a problem or even a coach could get them to act like 10%ers once in a while.

Then our Offensive Line is the 2%ers at best. You are correct though. There is no accountability. Everyone is fat, dumb, and happy pulling a paycheck. I wonder if Cutler is regretting this trade now?

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Another problem is that if we do let him go then we have two innevitable problems. If we let him go would his replacement be good with the cover two because that is what our defense is staffed around. If he isn't then we are looking at years of rebuilding both on offense and defense. Most coaches come with their guys. If we went cowher the house would be cleaned out. Shannahan would be the closest.

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Mr. I'll never get mad at you or get in your face needs to go.With so many chances at getting in someone's face,Lovie does it only ZERO times. sickning


heard on the score that lovie took the defense to task on the sideline when they were down 14 zip. also heard, though not confirmed he ripped em a new one in the locker room at halftime. i don't really see this as a great problem as LONG as he is involved DURING the game in changing things around.


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We're not properly staffed with players right now that can run the cover-2 w/ success, so I don' think that would matter.


What you don't want, is the old out of the frying pan into the fire...


We must all come to terms that we need to re-build. No band-aid can fix our woes now. The chickens have come home to roost...


I certainly hope a new staff cleans house. What's in the house now is long past the stale date.


  fudgerippple2000 said:
Another problem is that if we do let him go then we have two innevitable problems. If we let him go would his replacement be good with the cover two because that is what our defense is staffed around. If he isn't then we are looking at years of rebuilding both on offense and defense. Most coaches come with their guys. If we went cowher the house would be cleaned out. Shannahan would be the closest.


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It's sn improvement. But isn't it too little too late? This team was yet again unprepared. Smith is just not the right man for the job.


  Lucky Luciano said:
heard on the score that lovie took the defense to task on the sideline when they were down 14 zip. also heard, though not confirmed he ripped em a new one in the locker room at halftime. i don't really see this as a great problem as LONG as he is involved DURING the game in changing things around.


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  MadLithuanian said:
We're not properly staffed with players right now that can run the cover-2 w/ success, so I don' think that would matter.


What you don't want, is the old out of the frying pan into the fire...


We must all come to terms that we need to re-build. No band-aid can fix our woes now. The chickens have come home to roost...


I certainly hope a new staff cleans house. What's in the house now is long past the stale date.


here is the biggest problem we face.... the quality of the players we have under contract. what we have is a collection of drafted special teams players or backups that are forced into the starting lineup. we have drafted UNTOLD defensive linemen over the last 8 years. we have drafted 3 first day RB's. we have drafted numerous safeties and linebackers. we have neglected offensive linemen in the draft for nearly 8 years.


in all this we have traded down for quantity over quality and this is what we ended up with. a team that will take 3+ years of GOOD drafting just to get back to average. there is basically no position we couldn't use an upgrade at and in the future it is going to get worse. you CAN'T build a team that will be healthy by free agents alone. your first day picks have got to produce.


not to give our coaching staff any reprieve, but just who has put us into this mess? everyone calls for lovies or turners head and neglects who really driven us into this position.... JERRY ANGELO!!!


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