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DrunkBomber Perspective


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These come out about once every three seasons but after this game I think I want to vent/evaluate where I see the team.


First: Brian Urlacher. There is a lot of hate for him and a lot of people thinking he isnt needed or we can do with out him. IMO, he is the best linebacker in the cover 2/Tampa 2 in the game and possibly ever (for the current scheme we run). He isnt replaceable and I think people overlook what he does in pass defense in the middle of the field. When he is done, our Tampa 2 is done, Lovie is done and we are starting over.


Defense: In a lot of trouble. Lance Briggs is a top 10 defensive player in the league, but after that we are hurting. We have a few guys who are serviceable; Tillman, Ogun. Brown, Bowman (as nickle or dime) but other than that were hosed. Im hoping Gaines can come in and fill a void for us and if he can he was worth the draft pick. Other than that, we need a FS, 2 DTs and a corner or two desperately. A healthy Urlacher allows us to gamble on Pisas health( he looked great when healthy) or even try to develop a guy or use HH. I think we should CUT Harris. Let me preface by saying, I un understand how the salary cap works and I normally dont jump to extremes but Tommie is untradeable and will never be the same. If we cut him we take a hit for one year (possibly uncapped) and can wash our hands of him and his contract. Let Ogun and any other free agent walk and use every penny we can on some new personnel. We need some speed on our defense and we also need smart players. Adrian Peterson, Aaron Rodgers, Calvin Johnson, Greg Jennings and Percy Harvin are all guys we are going to have to deal with for years so we better bring in players that can stop them. I also think Lovie needs to do a better job calling plays based on who is on the field. Today we had no pass rush, no rush defense and no pass coverage. Its not working.


I will do offense later

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Perfect analysis.


I also want to point out that as one of Urlacher's biggest haters on the site, the first thing I've noticed with regards to our D is how soft the Cover 2 has hole over the middle of the field has gotten. Urlacher did a great job keeping it relatively minimal, but Roach playing the middle has created a massive soft spot in the cover 2 and Cinncy exploited it time and time again this past week.


We had a lot wrong, but Roach at MLB was one of the biggest things wrong on the defensive side, but I also think Its time to realize that without a super special MLB (Urlacher isn't that anymore), we can't get away running this cover 2 non-sense and ultimately its time to bring in a new coach who can run a better scheme.

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Perfect analysis.


I also want to point out that as one of Urlacher's biggest haters on the site, the first thing I've noticed with regards to our D is how soft the Cover 2 has hole over the middle of the field has gotten. Urlacher did a great job keeping it relatively minimal, but Roach playing the middle has created a massive soft spot in the cover 2 and Cinncy exploited it time and time again this past week.


We had a lot wrong, but Roach at MLB was one of the biggest things wrong on the defensive side, but I also think Its time to realize that without a super special MLB (Urlacher isn't that anymore), we can't get away running this cover 2 non-sense and ultimately its time to bring in a new coach who can run a better scheme.

Agreed 100%.


Peace :dabears

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First: Brian Urlacher. There is a lot of hate for him and a lot of people thinking he isnt needed or we can do with out him. IMO, he is the best linebacker in the cover 2/Tampa 2 in the game and possibly ever (for the current scheme we run). He isnt replaceable and I think people overlook what he does in pass defense in the middle of the field. When he is done, our Tampa 2 is done, Lovie is done and we are starting over.


I'm not going to disagree on whether Url has value or not, because he does. His level of value is what I disagree on. It's not the MLB that makes the cover-2 work. Url just masked some of the weaknesses.


The weakness in personnel is up front. They are the ones failing. The reason Url's skillset is missed is because the safeties have to play so far back due to the DL not getting it done. That's why the huge hole is in the middle of the field. Add to that, Afalava is not known for coverage skills and Manning lacks instincts. Heck the only MLB I can name that played the cover-2 is Urlacher.


The weakness in the system is that it requires pressure from the front 4 to be successful. For a few years now, we have not had that pass rush and have payed dearly. Looks like we are exposed again, as Marinelli has not helped much. Top notch QB's also seem to tear up the cover two if they have a balanced attack. Problem is, there are more good QB's out there than at anytime I can remember.


The 46 was great, but it is no longer a staple because it was exposed and also required the perfect personnel cocktail. The cover-two is in the same boat and "jumped the shark" a few years ago in Chicago.

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Perfect analysis.


I also want to point out that as one of Urlacher's biggest haters on the site, the first thing I've noticed with regards to our D is how soft the Cover 2 has hole over the middle of the field has gotten. Urlacher did a great job keeping it relatively minimal, but Roach playing the middle has created a massive soft spot in the cover 2 and Cinncy exploited it time and time again this past week.


We had a lot wrong, but Roach at MLB was one of the biggest things wrong on the defensive side, but I also think Its time to realize that without a super special MLB (Urlacher isn't that anymore), we can't get away running this cover 2 non-sense and ultimately its time to bring in a new coach who can run a better scheme.

I didn't post all weekend as I needed to get away. First of all I have never turned a Bears game off in my lifetime. Weather that game is preseason or not, its never happened that was until Sunday. I turned it off after 3 cuz I just couldn't stand to watch anymore and didn't want to become suicidal. I have MAJOR problems with the Defense right now. The fact that I am not sure if I ever saw 8 men in the box except when blitzing. We should have started the game off with 8 in the box and look to shut down Benson and put the game in Palmers hands. Another problem is that we were constantly in the Cover 2. Did we ever switch up? I would be shocked if we did. I would have scrapped the Cover 2 after the 1st because of how badly it was getting shredded. Another problem was ALL of the blown assignments and MISSED tackles. Briggs is the best on the field right now and he even missed plenty of tackles this past game. Screw saying anything about the offense. I don't blame this game at all on the offense because the fact that the Bengals scored 4 td's and 1 FG on the first 5 possessions of the game isn't fair to even Indianapolis's or New Orleans's offense. However it sure would be nice if the line could at least look like they know what they are doing. Cutler spent damn near the entire game on his butt. This past game is inexcusable. The way I see it as much as I like Lovie Smith and everything but if he calls another game like this, then let him go and get someone in here that can light a fire under someones rear end. Cowher is still available. He sure would light a fire. Now in retrospect I am sure this weekend against Cleveland we will see a very Hungry team that wants to quite the media and I totally expect this game to be over by half time.

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I hear you...


The expected win against Cleveland will be the smoke & mirrors Smith needs to tell everyone it's all back on track...


I didn't post all weekend as I needed to get away. First of all I have never turned a Bears game off in my lifetime. Weather that game is preseason or not, its never happened that was until Sunday. I turned it off after 3 cuz I just couldn't stand to watch anymore and didn't want to become suicidal. I have MAJOR problems with the Defense right now. The fact that I am not sure if I ever saw 8 men in the box except when blitzing. We should have started the game off with 8 in the box and look to shut down Benson and put the game in Palmers hands. Another problem is that we were constantly in the Cover 2. Did we ever switch up? I would be shocked if we did. I would have scrapped the Cover 2 after the 1st because of how badly it was getting shredded. Another problem was ALL of the blown assignments and MISSED tackles. Briggs is the best on the field right now and he even missed plenty of tackles this past game. Screw saying anything about the offense. I don't blame this game at all on the offense because the fact that the Bengals scored 4 td's and 1 FG on the first 5 possessions of the game isn't fair to even Indianapolis's or New Orleans's offense. However it sure would be nice if the line could at least look like they know what they are doing. Cutler spent damn near the entire game on his butt. This past game is inexcusable. The way I see it as much as I like Lovie Smith and everything but if he calls another game like this, then let him go and get someone in here that can light a fire under someones rear end. Cowher is still available. He sure would light a fire. Now in retrospect I am sure this weekend against Cleveland we will see a very Hungry team that wants to quite the media and I totally expect this game to be over by half time.


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All schemes eventually get figured out. Good defenses simply can play them all, and more correctly, play the right ones at the right time.


I'm not going to disagree on whether Url has value or not, because he does. His level of value is what I disagree on. It's not the MLB that makes the cover-2 work. Url just masked some of the weaknesses.


The weakness in personnel is up front. They are the ones failing. The reason Url's skillset is missed is because the safeties have to play so far back due to the DL not getting it done. That's why the huge hole is in the middle of the field. Add to that, Afalava is not known for coverage skills and Manning lacks instincts. Heck the only MLB I can name that played the cover-2 is Urlacher.


The weakness in the system is that it requires pressure from the front 4 to be successful. For a few years now, we have not had that pass rush and have payed dearly. Looks like we are exposed again, as Marinelli has not helped much. Top notch QB's also seem to tear up the cover two if they have a balanced attack. Problem is, there are more good QB's out there than at anytime I can remember.


The 46 was great, but it is no longer a staple because it was exposed and also required the perfect personnel cocktail. The cover-two is in the same boat and "jumped the shark" a few years ago in Chicago.


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Yeah I'm really starting to miss Urlacher now. I knew there would be a drop off without him but I didn't know it would be this bad.


I think the big drop off came when Roach was moved to the middle. It just doesn't look like he can get us in the right position like Urlacher did, and Hilly did after that. Hilly may not be "special", but we didn't seem to be out of position when he was making the calls and adjustments. Many times on Sunday I saw Roach trying to make an adjustment as the ball was being snapped, and as such we had guys out of position, and not ready for the play to start, getting a late jump on the ball. No way should Roach still be making the calls this Sunday. Hilly is just smarter and needs to be in the middle making those calls the rest of the way if he is not injured.

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I think the big drop off came when Roach was moved to the middle. It just doesn't look like he can get us in the right position like Urlacher did, and Hilly did after that. Hilly may not be "special", but we didn't seem to be out of position when he was making the calls and adjustments. Many times on Sunday I saw Roach trying to make an adjustment as the ball was being snapped, and as such we had guys out of position, and not ready for the play to start, getting a late jump on the ball. No way should Roach still be making the calls this Sunday. Hilly is just smarter and needs to be in the middle making those calls the rest of the way if he is not injured.

I completely agree. Roach has alot more potential and he has more talent than Hilly does but Hilly is extremely intelligent which obviously helps us out quite a bit more. I would like to see him back in the middle and move Roach back to the outside.

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Yeah, I wondered last week whether Hilly should go back to MLB becasue if we're trying to see something about Roach, wouldn't he be long term on the outside? That assumes Url is back and healthy...


But I think the Roach experiment is over. So is the Frank O and Pace ones too.


I'm just not sure if our mad scientists can see that the experiment is a failure.




I think the big drop off came when Roach was moved to the middle. It just doesn't look like he can get us in the right position like Urlacher did, and Hilly did after that. Hilly may not be "special", but we didn't seem to be out of position when he was making the calls and adjustments. Many times on Sunday I saw Roach trying to make an adjustment as the ball was being snapped, and as such we had guys out of position, and not ready for the play to start, getting a late jump on the ball. No way should Roach still be making the calls this Sunday. Hilly is just smarter and needs to be in the middle making those calls the rest of the way if he is not injured.


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