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Expect Changes


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Lovie really has a way of coming off looking like an ass. When Cle was playing games before game one about which QB would start, most all seemed to think it was a joke. And that is at QB. Does Lovie really believe it gives the bears an advantage if Cle doesn't know whether Omiyale or Beekman will start at LG? Give me a break.


I agree w/ the Hunter in the middle move. Roach has more athleticism, but simply lacks the knowledge, and I think that lack of knowledge simply negates his extra athleticism.


As much as I agree w/ the player changes, if we heard we would have scheme changes, then I think fans would get excited.



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I fully agree. He constantly plays us for fools. It's irritating.


Don't you think being forthright for the first time would actually garnish him some goodwill?


At least we're seeing some change happen that a good chunk of us were hoping. Seeing the Pace/Williams flip flop willprobably never happen...


At least we're putting the best options in those roles. but, yeah, until we stop giving WR's 8-9 yards of cushion, we're still going to struggle mightily.


Lovie really has a way of coming off looking like an ass. When Cle was playing games before game one about which QB would start, most all seemed to think it was a joke. And that is at QB. Does Lovie really believe it gives the bears an advantage if Cle doesn't know whether Omiyale or Beekman will start at LG? Give me a break.


I agree w/ the Hunter in the middle move. Roach has more athleticism, but simply lacks the knowledge, and I think that lack of knowledge simply negates his extra athleticism.


As much as I agree w/ the player changes, if we heard we would have scheme changes, then I think fans would get excited.


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Lovie really has a way of coming off looking like an ass. When Cle was playing games before game one about which QB would start, most all seemed to think it was a joke. And that is at QB. Does Lovie really believe it gives the bears an advantage if Cle doesn't know whether Omiyale or Beekman will start at LG? Give me a break.


I agree w/ the Hunter in the middle move. Roach has more athleticism, but simply lacks the knowledge, and I think that lack of knowledge simply negates his extra athleticism.


As much as I agree w/ the player changes, if we heard we would have scheme changes, then I think fans would get excited.

It is a huge difference. The Browns didn't even tell the QB's who the starter was and who wasn't. Lovie has told the team whats going on, he's just not reporting it to the press and I don't have a problem with that.


I'm very curious to see how Lovie responds to this adversity.

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Sorry, I just think he comes off looking foolish. If Urlacher was down w/ a minor injury, and there was question whether or not he could/would play, I can see the reason for deception. If Forte, or a weapon on offense is question, fine. But do you honestly believe Cle alters their prep based on whether Omiyale or Beekman play?


Seriously, for Cle's camp, this just doesn't seem like an issue that matters for them. The idea we gain an advantage because of the deception is a joke. To me, it isn't even about the deception of it. You read/listen to the press conference. Lovie doesn't sound to me like someone strategically choosing to keep something secret. He sounds like an upset kid pouting. "I don't want to talk about it" Why? Because I don't."


I can just picture Lovie then telling all he would hold his breath until they stopped asking such questions, with his face puffed way out.


It is a huge difference. The Browns didn't even tell the QB's who the starter was and who wasn't. Lovie has told the team whats going on, he's just not reporting it to the press and I don't have a problem with that.


I'm very curious to see how Lovie responds to this adversity.


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It sounds like he's pissed off and IIRC a bunch of people were complaining as if Lovie doesn't get fired off. He's ticked that his team played like shit but doesn't want to publicly throw anyone under the bus but himself (which he's done in the past).


Look, I've bitched and moaned about Lovie too, but some of you guys (not you Nfo), get on him for every little thing and its completely ridiculous.

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I know you were not called me out, but wanted to respond anyway.


I do believe some are a bit quick to look for any reason to bash him, while also being a tad slow to give him credit when deserved. At the same time, I also think some give him a little to much benefit of doubt and blind trust.


You say he is trying to shild players and take the blame, which he has done in the past. Maybe, but he has also thrown players (as a whole) under the bus in the past. While he is willing to shoulder blame, IMHO, he often would throw players under the bus in order to take heat off Babich. So many times after a game I heard Lovie say the problem was in execution, and specifically say the scheme (his) and playcalling (babich) were fine.


I don't know that Lovie is trying to be noble and protecting the players. I think he is just pissed off. I think he is pissed the team is losing. I think he is pissed everything isn't going as planned. But right now, I think he is pissed because (I believe) Angelo has gone to Lovie and told Lovie to make some changes that Lovie may not want to make. And when the media presses him about such changes, he doesn't want to talk about it because he is still pissed about for having to do it.


It sounds like he's pissed off and IIRC a bunch of people were complaining as if Lovie doesn't get fired off. He's ticked that his team played like shit but doesn't want to publicly throw anyone under the bus but himself (which he's done in the past).


Look, I've bitched and moaned about Lovie too, but some of you guys (not you Nfo), get on him for every little thing and its completely ridiculous.


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I don't know that Lovie is trying to be noble and protecting the players. I think he is just pissed off. I think he is pissed the team is losing. I think he is pissed everything isn't going as planned. But right now, I think he is pissed because (I believe) Angelo has gone to Lovie and told Lovie to make some changes that Lovie may not want to make. And when the media presses him about such changes, he doesn't want to talk about it because he is still pissed about for having to do it.

And really whats wrong with this? I am glad he is pissed off. I really don't care what he says to the media. Unless he outright insults the fan base, I could give a crap. Just win - period,


Peace :dabears



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Understand, I threw out there an opinion/belief of mine, which may well be a reach. But my opinion is Angelo is pissed because he is being formed to make changes (by Angelo) that he would otherwise not want to make. Just my opinion.


Overall, I have no issue w/ Lovie showing some emotion. really, my only issue w/ his press conference was the whole crap of not declaring the starting LG, and saying he doesn't want to give the opponent an advantage. Lovie is really delusional if he thinks the opponent knowing who will start at LG gives them an advantage.


And really whats wrong with this? I am glad he is pissed off. I really don't care what he says to the media. Unless he outright insults the fan base, I could give a crap. Just win - period,


Peace :dabears


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Understand, I threw out there an opinion/belief of mine, which may well be a reach. But my opinion is Angelo is pissed because he is being formed to make changes (by Angelo) that he would otherwise not want to make. Just my opinion.


Overall, I have no issue w/ Lovie showing some emotion. really, my only issue w/ his press conference was the whole crap of not declaring the starting LG, and saying he doesn't want to give the opponent an advantage. Lovie is really delusional if he thinks the opponent knowing who will start at LG gives them an advantage.

I could see an advantage... If they think ominyale is starting they know that there will be a wide open rushing lane to knock cutler on his butt. So once beekman comes out as the starter, they will realize that our line actually has five people on it and not four and a paper bag. LOL!

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Not sure if the LOL was for the whole thing or the paper bag, but if the bag, I think you are giving Beekman a bit too much credit. This isn't like when we were set to face Seattle, and it wasn't known early on whether Walter Jones would start or not. We are talking about a backup OG that, in the eyes of the rest of the league, didn't even win the starting job in camp. The guy that sucks, again, in the eyes of the league, beat out Beekman in camp.


So I just question whether Cle is going to game plan any different for one OG or the other.




I could see an advantage... If they think ominyale is starting they know that there will be a wide open rushing lane to knock cutler on his butt. So once beekman comes out as the starter, they will realize that our line actually has five people on it and not four and a paper bag. LOL!


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