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Quick thoughs after the CLE game...


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It showed nothing. We did what we were supposed to. We didn't really show we could move the ball agasint a horrid defense. The D had some turnovers, but most were gifts other than a couple really nice plays by D. Manning. It was nice to see Forte score and do OK, but I wasn't impressed. Here's a few observations from my couch...


1. Anytime Walter gets a tribute of any sort, I get a tear in my eye. Darn dust. That man is why we are Bears fans. 'nuff said.


2. Cutler is one tough SOB. The team is giving him no help, he's getting pounded, and still mans up and plays hard. Kudos. We need to HELP this man play...


3. D. Manning has one hell of a game. Yes, it helps to go against the Browns, but he had a damn good game. Maybe, just maybe he's turning the corner to being a very good d-back. One can hope...


4. The OL is just garbage. Top to bottom. They should all go. Seriously. Blowing the ewhole thing up couldn't be much worse than it is now, could it? Not one guy on that line should feel safe about his/her job.


5. The game left me feeling like Smith. I'm emotionless. It was what it should have been. We've learned nothing, and we've seen nothing we hadn't seen nor expected. Maybe the only negative is that Beekman didn't appear all that great of an upgrade over the turnstile Omiyale. But, then again, the tackles and center seemed to get blown up more than extas on "Mythbusters"...


I think this next game will be telling. AZ, while beaten up by CAR, is a good team. A dangerous team. Their D also isn't horrible. This will be a good test.

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Just look at the number of posts on this board since the end of the game. Normally, if I don't get to the board until the following Monday morning, there are 20 threads which are either new, or show new posts. After the Cle game, I can count the number of new on one hand. Even the fans lack emotion after this game.


Agreed on Cutler. He was getting flat out killed, but get getting up and pushing forward.


Defense made some good plays, but I can't help but to think most about the lack of pass rush. Anderson is just awful. He was missing passes add day when he was not even pressured. While I credit our players for the turnovers, they just lose some meaning when they were not even forced. If we can't get a pass rush going in a game like that, when the hell can we? Harris was supposed to show up, but did he? I saw little pass rush from any of our OL.


On offense, more of the same. This OL just sucks. I can somewhat understand Rodgers getting some pressure. He is a good, big DT, that gives many trouble, but worse for me was how many others pressured and hit Cutler. It wasn't just Rodgers getting in there. Our OTs were getting abused all day, and our ability to pickup the blitz was just dreadful.










It showed nothing. We did what we were supposed to. We didn't really show we could move the ball agasint a horrid defense. The D had some turnovers, but most were gifts other than a couple really nice plays by D. Manning. It was nice to see Forte score and do OK, but I wasn't impressed. Here's a few observations from my couch...


1. Anytime Walter gets a tribute of any sort, I get a tear in my eye. Darn dust. That man is why we are Bears fans. 'nuff said.


2. Cutler is one tough SOB. The team is giving him no help, he's getting pounded, and still mans up and plays hard. Kudos. We need to HELP this man play...


3. D. Manning has one hell of a game. Yes, it helps to go against the Browns, but he had a damn good game. Maybe, just maybe he's turning the corner to being a very good d-back. One can hope...


4. The OL is just garbage. Top to bottom. They should all go. Seriously. Blowing the ewhole thing up couldn't be much worse than it is now, could it? Not one guy on that line should feel safe about his/her job.


5. The game left me feeling like Smith. I'm emotionless. It was what it should have been. We've learned nothing, and we've seen nothing we hadn't seen nor expected. Maybe the only negative is that Beekman didn't appear all that great of an upgrade over the turnstile Omiyale. But, then again, the tackles and center seemed to get blown up more than extas on "Mythbusters"...


I think this next game will be telling. AZ, while beaten up by CAR, is a good team. A dangerous team. Their D also isn't horrible. This will be a good test.


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So true! There are more posts on a bye week!


Granted, they didn't try passing that much. But still, I expected more form our DL against them.


This game really showed me that Kreutz is finished... He can't do it anymore. Many have seen is coming for the past few years. But he looked like a shell of himself yesterday.


Just look at the number of posts on this board since the end of the game. Normally, if I don't get to the board until the following Monday morning, there are 20 threads which are either new, or show new posts. After the Cle game, I can count the number of new on one hand. Even the fans lack emotion after this game.


Agreed on Cutler. He was getting flat out killed, but get getting up and pushing forward.


Defense made some good plays, but I can't help but to think most about the lack of pass rush. Anderson is just awful. He was missing passes add day when he was not even pressured. While I credit our players for the turnovers, they just lose some meaning when they were not even forced. If we can't get a pass rush going in a game like that, when the hell can we? Harris was supposed to show up, but did he? I saw little pass rush from any of our OL.


On offense, more of the same. This OL just sucks. I can somewhat understand Rodgers getting some pressure. He is a good, big DT, that gives many trouble, but worse for me was how many others pressured and hit Cutler. It wasn't just Rodgers getting in there. Our OTs were getting abused all day, and our ability to pickup the blitz was just dreadful.


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This game mainly made me feel sorry for the Cleveland fans and don't blame for planning a mass no show for their next home game. This game also made me even more insecure about the talent on this team which ultimatley shed light that the Bears have some real glaring issuess to address before becoming a contender. Order of my biggest concerns:


1) OL

2) FB

3) Offensive Play Calling

4) Turnovers

5) DL

6) Corner opposite Tillman






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This game mainly made me feel sorry for the Cleveland fans and don't blame for planning a mass no show for their next home game. This game also made me even more insecure about the talent on this team which ultimatley shed light that the Bears have some real glaring issuess to address before becoming a contender. Order of my biggest concerns:


1a) OL

1b) OL

2) FB

3) Offensive Play Calling

4) Turnovers

5) DL

6) Corner opposite Tillman



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