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Bears cover 2 means


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where the goal is to cover no one and expect the game to be played using two hand touch rules.




In all honesty this defense is so easily exploited and everyone knows how to beat it yet we still try to use it. Chile has it right. Lovie has lost touch this is te only defense he knows. This defense is like a dirty diaper.... time for a change..

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the unsportsmanlike on Jay captured the essence of just how bad the officiating was. Our recievers being held and interfered with constantly and a blatant one on Olsen and Jay finally has had enough and gets after the ref and he's flagged.



Our D line who did get through were held all day, receivers were held and interfered with, and they even dismissed a false start to help the Cards. That said the zebras didn't lose this game for us the guys in blue and burnt orange are the culprits along with the frauds who call themselves coaches. Bad officiating was just like salt in the wound. It's not bad enough your team is reaching new lows you are getting screwed by the refs.

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Refs tend to give calls to the better team. The Cards are much better...


the unsportsmanlike on Jay captured the essence of just how bad the officiating was. Our recievers being held and interfered with constantly and a blatant one on Olsen and Jay finally has had enough and gets after the ref and he's flagged.



Our D line who did get through were held all day, receivers were held and interfered with, and they even dismissed a false start to help the Cards. That said the zebras didn't lose this game for us the guys in blue and burnt orange are the culprits along with the frauds who call themselves coaches. Bad officiating was just like salt in the wound. It's not bad enough your team is reaching new lows you are getting screwed by the refs.


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You do realize that the played very little cover 2 today??


Peace :dabears


here is a question for you... why is peanut covering the best wide receiver in the entire nfl in man coverage?


is it because he is one of the elite speed cover corners playing today?


is it due to our really creative blitzing up the middle which has been wildly successful for over TWO years?


is it due to the incredible chucks/bump-and-runs off the LOS our corners so often perform with precision and are noted for?


is it because our defensive line is just so good, especially our ex-second round draft pick trade adams, that warner doesn't have time to take 2-3 step drops before throwing strikes? (even reggie white couldn't get there that fast)


makes ya wonder don't it?

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You do realize that the played very little cover 2 today??


Peace :dabears


From what I saw they were in cover 2 on every 3rd and long...and AZ was at one point 8 for 8 on 3rd down...and yet every 3rd and long Lovie rolled it out there...Hell AZ nearly got the 3rd and 25 from their own goal line at the end of the game, missing by inches. Lovie is as pathetically predictable as Turner is, and I for one am glad he took over play calling duties because he is failing miserably. It gives me a small (tiny) glimmer of hope that the Bears will see him for what he is and fire his cover 2 loving a$$ and bring in someone with an imagination who can put players in the best possible situation to succeed and not force the team to play schemes that they don't have the players to run.

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They really didn't play much cover 2. They were in it for a couple of 3rd and longs but that's about it. They were in man coverage with Peanut following Fitzgerald everywhere he went. I'm not sure why they didn't change that up since it obviously wans't working.

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When many say cover two, I think what is really meant is zone coverage in general. And we played zone often. I did see us playing some man coverage, and while Fitz was able to beat the man coverage, I would argue that he was not wide open. When we played zone, their receivers seems to be WIDE open, and I think that is what drives many fans nuts.


Also, in 3rd and long, we seem to most often go into zone and cover 2 scheme, and happen to also be least effective. It felt like anytime we put Az in 3rd and long, we went zone or cover two, and Warner found WIDE open WRs to convert.


There was an article last week in the Sun Times that talked about this too. More than any other situation, we play cover two when we get the opponent in 3rd and long, yet we were (prior to this game) 2nd from last in the league in stopping teams on 3rd and long. Cover two, and zone defenses in general, have holes. That is simply the way it is. If the offense has time, the receivers can find and settle into the holes of a zone defense. The key is to get pressure on the QB before they can get into those holes, but as we can not pressure a QB, it ends up an easy conversion.


You do realize that the played very little cover 2 today??


Peace :dabears


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I will say this. I liked some of what I saw from Tillman. I liked our playing Tillman in man coverage on Fitz. I agree with you that we needed to be sending help his way, as Fitz is a WR who should be double covered, but I like that we played Tillman in man coverage, and there were times Tillman was able to knock Fitz off his route, or alter the route enough to prevent the catch. When Fitz did make the catch, Tillman was close by.


When we played zone, especsially later when Tillman was hurt, Fitz not only made the catch, but did so w/ no defender in the picture.


Playing Tillman on Fitz was the right move, IMHO, but at the same time, we should have been sending a 2nd defender over the top to help.


here is a question for you... why is peanut covering the best wide receiver in the entire nfl in man coverage?


is it because he is one of the elite speed cover corners playing today?


is it due to our really creative blitzing up the middle which has been wildly successful for over TWO years?


is it due to the incredible chucks/bump-and-runs off the LOS our corners so often perform with precision and are noted for?


is it because our defensive line is just so good, especially our ex-second round draft pick trade adams, that warner doesn't have time to take 2-3 step drops before throwing strikes? (even reggie white couldn't get there that fast)


makes ya wonder don't it?


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I posted the same thing prior to reading your comments.


I posted last week an article in the Sun Times that talked about how we always play cover 2 in 3rd and long situations, and how we were the 2nd worst team in stopping opponents in 3rd and long.


Simply put, any zone coverage has holes in it, but theoretically, if you can pressure the QB, you can force a throw prior to the WR settling into those holes. But we don't pressure the QB, thus WRs make easy, wide open catching against our zone coverage.


It is just incredible to me that, even when we do play well on 1st and 2nd downs, we then play cover 2 on 3rd and long, and then all the good prior effort goes to waste.


From what I saw they were in cover 2 on every 3rd and long...and AZ was at one point 8 for 8 on 3rd down...and yet every 3rd and long Lovie rolled it out there...Hell AZ nearly got the 3rd and 25 from their own goal line at the end of the game, missing by inches. Lovie is as pathetically predictable as Turner is, and I for one am glad he took over play calling duties because he is failing miserably. It gives me a small (tiny) glimmer of hope that the Bears will see him for what he is and fire his cover 2 loving a$$ and bring in someone with an imagination who can put players in the best possible situation to succeed and not force the team to play schemes that they don't have the players to run.


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Bingo! Deja vu all over again...


I posted the same thing prior to reading your comments.


I posted last week an article in the Sun Times that talked about how we always play cover 2 in 3rd and long situations, and how we were the 2nd worst team in stopping opponents in 3rd and long.


Simply put, any zone coverage has holes in it, but theoretically, if you can pressure the QB, you can force a throw prior to the WR settling into those holes. But we don't pressure the QB, thus WRs make easy, wide open catching against our zone coverage.


It is just incredible to me that, even when we do play well on 1st and 2nd downs, we then play cover 2 on 3rd and long, and then all the good prior effort goes to waste.


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In all honesty, we can call it anything...whatever D Smith is running does not work.


When many say cover two, I think what is really meant is zone coverage in general. And we played zone often. I did see us playing some man coverage, and while Fitz was able to beat the man coverage, I would argue that he was not wide open. When we played zone, their receivers seems to be WIDE open, and I think that is what drives many fans nuts.


Also, in 3rd and long, we seem to most often go into zone and cover 2 scheme, and happen to also be least effective. It felt like anytime we put Az in 3rd and long, we went zone or cover two, and Warner found WIDE open WRs to convert.


There was an article last week in the Sun Times that talked about this too. More than any other situation, we play cover two when we get the opponent in 3rd and long, yet we were (prior to this game) 2nd from last in the league in stopping teams on 3rd and long. Cover two, and zone defenses in general, have holes. That is simply the way it is. If the offense has time, the receivers can find and settle into the holes of a zone defense. The key is to get pressure on the QB before they can get into those holes, but as we can not pressure a QB, it ends up an easy conversion.


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I will say this. I liked some of what I saw from Tillman. I liked our playing Tillman in man coverage on Fitz. I agree with you that we needed to be sending help his way, as Fitz is a WR who should be double covered, but I like that we played Tillman in man coverage, and there were times Tillman was able to knock Fitz off his route, or alter the route enough to prevent the catch. When Fitz did make the catch, Tillman was close by.


When we played zone, especsially later when Tillman was hurt, Fitz not only made the catch, but did so w/ no defender in the picture.


Playing Tillman on Fitz was the right move, IMHO, but at the same time, we should have been sending a 2nd defender over the top to help.




you do know man-to-man coverage is just that... one defender covering one receiver? you say you like that but we should have sent another defender to help him. that is double coverage and the whole point of my post.

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You can have man coverage, while also playing double coverage.


We had Tillman on Fitz in man coverage, but provided no help. That is putting a CB on an island w/ the WR. But you can also have a CB play man coverage, while ALSO adding support. You say that is double coverage, but the CB is still playing man.


I agreed w/ your point that Tillman should have had help on Fitz. My point was simply that, while agreeing w/ that point, I liked that we played Tillman on Fitz in man coverage, rather than zone. Tillman should have had help over the top from the safety, but even if we slid the safety to that side of the field, and essentially had a double team on Fitz, that would not mean Tillman would no longer be in man coverage.




you do know man-to-man coverage is just that... one defender covering one receiver? you say you like that but we should have sent another defender to help him. that is double coverage and the whole point of my post.


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