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What the hell did Cutler say?


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Cutler fined $20,000 for "abusive conduct"


Jay Cutler has doled out a lot of abuse of late.


He punished Bears fans and fantasy owners with five interceptions Thursday night, not to mention viewers tuning in to Thursday Night Football looking for a quality game.


Now he's been fined $20,000 for "abusive conduct" toward a game official in Chicago's loss to the Cardinals five days ago, according to ESPN's Adam Schefter.


Cutler was flagged during the game for an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty when he complained to referee Ed Hochuli about a non-call on a fourth-and-4 in the third quarter in which Cutler thought Greg Olsen was held.


See, Mike: Cutler does care!


(Amazingly, Bears defensive tackle Tommie Harris was fined only $7,500 for punching Cardinals guard Deuce Lutui in the same game.)


Players, and QBs in particular, go up and complain the to refs on a near constant basis. Rarely do you see a flag thrown for such conduct, and I have never heard of a $20k find for complaining to an official. I don't recall Cutler touching the official, so what the hell could Cutler have said to the ref to not only draw a flag, but a $20k fine?

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That would absolutely draw the flag, but not the fine.


Maybe he asked if Hock and Goddell were sleeping together. That would draw the flag and fine.

I will say this - fans at the stadium love ripping on Hockuley and his weightlifting prowess. The group around me spent a good quarter ripping into him. It was fun.


Peace :dabears

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I really can't rip on him to be honest. I wish I had the committment to stay in as good of shape as he does. I might commit myself at the gym for a couple months, but all it takes is one long weekend off, and I find myself donating months on end to the club w/o ever so much as an appearance.


I would much rather a roided out looking ref like Hock on the field than the fat arce we saw last night. Can't be good to have a ref more round than the DTs on the field, and who can't run w/ the play, thus you know he misses calls.


I will say this - fans at the stadium love ripping on Hockuley and his weightlifting prowess. The group around me spent a good quarter ripping into him. It was fun.


Peace :dabears


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The officiating in that game against AZ was horrible Jay had every right to be upset his receivers getting held and interfered with regularly our D Line regularly getting held regularly, and he himself getting hit late often. What irritated me was not that Jay stood up for his team and let the Ref's know it is that I don't ever see Lovie get upset with a bad call or get in the officials ear he just sits there with that blank stare (which is why I believe he wears the sunglasses now so you can't see how lost he looks by his eyes) The Flag I'm iffy on I see players jaw jack refs all game long and nothing but Jay does it once and it's a penalty..... you get screwed by the refs you call them on it and you get flagged.



I'm tired of the league officials doing a horrible job in any game you can turn on any game and see crappy officiating they are allowed to get their fat arses in the way of a play that robs teams of a good play or even causes a turnover but that's all good. The min a player gets on them for this crap or makes incidental contact (shoving or hitting I do see as justified) can get fined or flagged. Just seems to be a double standard when they suck a their job and someone calls them on it it's the person who points it out who's in the wrong and should be punished.


These officials who are getting hit durring plays IMHO that's the risk you take plus you should be aware of your surroundings and do what you can to avoid being hit or getting in the way. From what I have observed most seem to make little effort to get out of the way and the are surprised when the get hit. I've seen a few where the were nailed from behind while running I think one inparticular durring the Vikings Packers game where it may have been Allen trailing the play and he blatanty pushes the official down. Oddly no flag or fine.


In a lot of ways they are like the cop who can speed past you without lights or follow on your bumper for miles but if the roles were flipped you'd get pulled over and ticketed. IMO the league doesn't do enough to keep these clowns accountable for the quality of officiating in the league and at the same time makes it clear that they one one even imply that they are doing a bad job. Players and coaches can be fined for even implying that the officiating in a game was bad, get into too heated of an argument (ie if the Ref doesn't like the argument) can throw the flag and by doing so brings attention to it and can later result in a fine.

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