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Bears @ Vikings 3 CT 11-29-09

Ed Hochuli 3:16

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Not that it matters but Jay Cutler has experienced some of the worst luck I have ever seen with his interceptions. I bet you could take away atleast 6 interceptions from his stats. There is no way any other quarterback in the league can say that. He's had alot of bad luck all year long. 20 interceptions looks terrible but he could realistically have about 14 or fewer if the football gods didn't hate us.

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Also, keep in mind it's yet another INT that will ultimately go to Cutler's stats, but isn't his fault. That's blatant DPI. And if there is no PI, Bennet more than likely catches it since he's had sticky hands since he first stepped on the field at Vandy. That's probably close to ten INTs that he either has no or little blame. But, yeah, it is ALL in Cutler.

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What is the record for most interceptions in a season! I think our guy may have a shot at it this year :)

Especially when the refs are missing obvious pass interferences. Henderson had already hit Bennett 3 seconds before the ball got there.


Just put Hanie in. They have to throw all 2nd half now and Cutler is going to get killed behind this OL.

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Not that it matters but Jay Cutler has experienced some of the worst luck I have ever seen with his interceptions. I bet you could take away atleast 6 interceptions from his stats. There is no way any other quarterback in the league can say that. He's had alot of bad luck all year long. 20 interceptions looks terrible but he could realistically have about 14 or fewer if the football gods didn't hate us.


Beat me to.it. Cutler has had horrible luck. I can think of three OBVIOUS pass interferences that weren't called, two or three receivers falling down, one or two bad tips by the receivers, and the infamous "running into the Umpire"-interception.

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Especially when the refs are missing obvious pass interferences. Henderson had already hit Bennett 3 seconds before the ball got there.


Just put Hanie in. They have to throw all 2nd half now and Cutler is going to get killed behind this OL.

Hanie only sees the filed this season if Cutler gets hurt. This staff has consistently refused to try out different personnel or looks. Change is definitely needed from the top down.

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Beat me to.it. Cutler has had horrible luck. I can think of three OBVIOUS pass interferences that weren't called, two or three receivers falling down, one or two bad tips by the receivers, and the infamous "running into the Umpire"-interception.

Don't forget the one where Kellen Davis got knocked over in San Francisco, similar to the one just now by Henderson to Bennett.

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All I'm going to say is, I have been right for close to two and a half years., and the Bears front office has been wrong. The Bears have desperately needed an OL, and the bandaid has finally fallen off this season (perfectly punctuated by that last Bears possession). It is just too bad that under the bandaid there was a gushing head wound.


EVERYTHING this offseason should be about firing the coaches and getting OL help in both FA and the draft.

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How many games in a row are the Bears going to have three offsides penalties on the DL who, for some reason, think they can magically guess the opposing team's snap count? That is a lack of discipline, period. And at a certain point, dumb penalties like that have to reflect in the staff.

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All I'm going to say is, I have been right for close to two and a half years., and the Bears front office has been wrong. The Bears have desperately needed an OL, and the bandaid has finally fallen off this season (perfectly punctuated by that last Bears possession). It is just too bad that under the bandaid there was a gushing head wound.


EVERYTHING this offseason should be about firing the coaches and getting OL help in both FA and the draft.

Would you like a gold star???? ;)


Peace :dabears

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Doesn't EVERYONE love the 3rd and long strategy of "we're blitzing! No we're not"-cover2 drop back that continually gets the Bears success play after play? It's unreal how good it works on third down! Lovie and his system are awesome!! I'm so glad he took over the defensive playcalling duties this year!

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Doesn't EVERYONE love the 3rd and long strategy of "we're blitzing! No we're not"-cover2 garbage that continually gets the Bears success play after play? It's unreal how good ut works on thurd down! Lovie and his system are awesome!! I'm so glad he took over the defensive playcalling duties this year!

Agreed. See previous post.


Peace :dabears

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After the game they're praising Favre for spreading the ball around having a great game throwing..... well no shit sherlock, when everyone's wide open and no defender within a 10 yard radius or more and a line that is giving you all day (albeit with legalized holding) he'd be a sucky QB if he couldn't have spread the ball around and gotten all those passing yards. Even Cade McNothing could have had a career day against our D. Why is anyone bragging on the Vikings for dominating us... we suck they should dominate us. If they didn't that would be an indictment on them.


first thought after the game was woo hoo another blowout loss. This team is just pathetic, and that's being kind. So when the season ends and we are 4-12 (after being 3-1 after 4 games) They need to sack the entire staff except for Toub. Lovie and his staff need to go, Jerry needs to go, hell let's even replace Ted Phillips. The whole culture needs to change in Chicago. This franchise needs to be a football first franchise that is dedicated to winning. Chicago already has a lovable looser and that's the Cubs. I want to see the Bears franchise to step up and do what is needed to correct this sinking ship. Virginia that means you, your father would be appalled at the crap that is masquerading as an pro football team. It is just sickening. I haven't seen a Bears team this inept since the 90's (my memory doesn't go back much further than the mid 80's) IMHO this is an Epic Fail of a team.


That said we do have some players we can build around but we need better builders. It feels like we've entrusted the contract to build a skyscraper to someone who can't even master Lincoln Logs.


1. We have a Franchise QB and you can throw out the stats the guys doing the game today nailed it there's no running game, there's no protection, Jay is being expected to do it all. I don't care who you are or how good you are but when you have to make up for the lack of quality play of the 10 other players around you and expected to make it happen no matter what that is unrealistic. He has made some bad decisions but it is not as bleak as it's being made out to be.


2. We have some talent at WR, Bennet has proven to be a reliable target, Knox has been a pleasant surprise this year, Hester will never be a true #1 but he can be a serviceable WR and has done better at it than I thought he would. DA has looked good when we've let him play. Olsen has been up and down which is disappointing, he either cannot block, or doesn't want to (could be a little of both) he is basicallya receiving TE and Davis could be a weapon in the red zone if we decided to throw to him.


3. RB Despite the lack of production I'm ready to label Forte as a bust. There is rarely any holes to run through. I have to think that his lack of burst has something to do with the hamstring issue he had in camp along with the fact that they had him put on more weight this offseason. The whole weight thing irritates me, IMHO a player should stay at the weight that allows them to be effective no more no less, I think that all players have an ideal weight for their individual talents and skill set. Why do we feel we have to tinker with that? I'm not ready to anoint Bell but I do like how he hit the hole with power. With our O-Line i'ts like Russian Roulette you never know which play will actually produce a hole to run through. More often than not you get a dud of a play and there's only defenders where the hole should be (part of that is lack of creativity, the Defense knows where we're going to try to create the hole, and easily fill it). The only way we surprise the D is by surprising them that we are that stupid. No need to bring up FB because I don't think we have one.


4. OLine...... where to begin who here doesn't suck........ no one's coming to my mind. This has start over written all over it. Kruetz is done, Pace should have retired last year, Omyi'mbad is a waste, Beekman's ok, Williams is still learning, Garza is probably one of our best lineman and that's not saying much. It's really hard to say how much of this is total lack of talent and how much of it is predictable and unimaginative play-calling. When your O-Line is marginal at best and you couple that with play calling that is both predictable and unimaginative. Our line sucks bad, don't get me wrong but our offensive scheme and play calling doesn't help either. If we can call the plays as fans with out the benefit of studying film you know the defense knows what we're going to run and therefore knows our blocking scheme (what an oxymoron) it makes it even easier to negate it. Like taking candy from a baby.... only easier.


5. D Line, there is a severe lack of discipline we jump offsides, and line up in the neutral zone far to regularly. Offsides you can say is over anxious but how is it that we so often have guys lined up in the neutral Zone. That is football 101 that they teach in little league. I don't mind once in a great while jumping offsides, it happens that's just the nature but to have it happen regularly. Complain about the refs all we want but our own stupidity and lack of self control kills us repeatedly. Aggressiveness is an asset but aggressiveness without self-control is asinine. This group is disappointing I admit I was drinking the Marinelli kool-aid this offseason but what has his group done? I didn't expect miracles but I did expect improvement and I don't really see it.


6. LB incomplete we are working with backups outside of Briggs and Urlachers absence from the D is very tangible he knew everyones assignments and was calling the plays and getting guys in position. Sucks that he was as healthy as he'd been in years and gets a fluke wrist injury. But that's the nature of the NFL injuries like that do happen. and you need guys to step up. Hillenmeyer has done a decent job filling in at MLB Roach was totally lost in his stint at MLB but neither are as good as Brian. Briggs is the best LB on the active roster and from there on it goes downhill quickly. When we get Urlacher back next year I have to wonder if Roach is good enough as the 3rd LB or do we need to concider options to upgrade, I think the day is coming when we'll need to replace Urlacher I'd rather start grooming the guy who will step in when Url does hang them up.


7. Secondary..... wow, just bad. but again how much of this is scheme and how much of this is bad players? I'm tired of watching the easy pitch and catch, it's like watching the QB and his receivers doing passing drills in practice with no defenders. The Cover 2 has holes but if executed properly the holes aren't nearly as gaping as ours are. I know we're not always in cover 2 but play a lot of zone. No matter what defense you use if it's not coached properly and not executed properly it will fail. We have safeties not coming over to pick up the WR, we have WR's passing off the WR to where the safety should be rather than staying with his man when the safety doesn't do his job. We don't press at the line (which is scheme) so we allow WR's a free release and not just the stars but anyone. How many times have we seen a 3rd and 8 only to have our DB's give the WR a 10 yard cushion. We can stop teams on first and second down but no matter how long 3rd down is we give them the yardage they need and then some. Our 3rd down D particularly 3rd and mid to long (passing situations) our secondary always seems to give up the first down with little resistance. I think it's bad coaching that the players are continually out of position and look lost, but it's also players who don't understand fundamentals like tackling, pass coverage, etc.... shouldn't these things have been learned in HS and College?. Somehow our players get dumber the longer they play here.


8. Coaching...what can be said that hasn't already been said. this staff needs to go yesterday. They have lost this team completely Lovie, and Ron are useless. Ron's system may have worked at one time but the NFL has changed since then and it's clear that he neither has nor possesses the capacity to change with the times.. Lovie has has run his course, when he took over and we saw the Bears improve and even make it to the SB it seemed that we were finally heading the right direction... since then it has been a steady and rapid decline. I can remember the last time we were this bad but even then it seemed like the players played with more heart but just couldn't get it done they would always fight hard. This Bears team not only sucks but does it with apparent apathy. Outside of a few players I see little emotion, little evidence that they care. I could be wrong and I hope I am but it sure doesn't show. They look like they mailed it in after the Cincy game. At the start of the season I was irritated that we wouldn't play a full game that we'd sleep through the first half but step it up in the second half and 3 out of the first four games we made it competitive at the end winning 2 of them and losing the opener, 1 of those games was against the hapless Lions. Little did I realize that this stretch would be the only bright spot from our season. Lovie taking over the defense has not helped. We blitz more but because we don't show much variation in our blitzes they are easily negated. No one's fooled by the crowd the line and drop into coverage. When we do blitz we rarely get anywhere and further expose a bad secondary. I have to think film study for opposing offenses is considered comedy night. Our D looks stupid enough watching the game once imagine analyzing that as an opposing team's players and coordinators. They probably leave film study thinking if only we could play the Bears 16 times. But what better to balance a sucky defense than with a bland and inept Offense. Even when the defense does it's job the offense does little to hold up their end. Our Red zone offense has gotten worse each week. Only we can take a 70 plus yard return to open a half to start a drive first and goal at the 8 and go backwards 12 yards to settle for a FG. it's like whenever it seems we'ere in position to score I'm not thinking that we'll score but wondering how we'll inevitably screw it up. Will it be an INT, will it be a Fumble, will it be penalties, will it be sacks, will it be dropped passes or over/under thrown passes or a combination of these.... the possibilities are endless.

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