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Weis is out at ND


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It's been rumored, but now it's pretty much a sure bet:

Weis is gone


This should be an easy one.


1. Fire Turner

1a. Punch him in the gut on the way out of Halas Hall

2. Contact Weis publicly

3. Hire Weis as "OC" (wink wink nudge nudge)

4. At the end of the season, fire Lovie

4a. If it costs too much, keep Lovie around but give the real power to Weis

5. At the end of the next season, fire Lovie

5a. Punch Lovie in the gut on the way out of Halas Hall

6. If the offense is doing well, and living up to expectation, promote Weis



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Because of the "wink wink nudge nudge" aspect of the hire. It's essentially a promise to Weis that A] Barring a miracle, Lovie is getting fired soon, B] He gets full control of the offense, maybe even co-HC of some kind, and C] He gets a chance to prove himself in a situation with a lot of tools on offense.


I don't see it as an unreasonable choice for Weis.

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It's been rumored, but now it's pretty much a sure bet:

Weis is gone


This should be an easy one.


1. Fire Turner

1a. Punch him in the gut on the way out of Halas Hall

2. Contact Weis publicly

3. Hire Weis as "OC" (wink wink nudge nudge)

4. At the end of the season, fire Lovie

4a. If it costs too much, keep Lovie around but give the real power to Weis

5. At the end of the next season, fire Lovie

5a. Punch Lovie in the gut on the way out of Halas Hall

6. If the offense is doing well, and living up to expectation, promote Weis




Eh, I don't think Weis is a good HC choice. He seems like one of these good-coordinator/bad-head-coach types. I'd rather get a guy like Cowher who's proven that he can be successful as a head coach and that he has an eye for talent, then let him pick his coordinators, run the draft, etc.

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Eh, I don't think Weis is a good HC choice. He seems like one of these good-coordinator/bad-head-coach types. I'd rather get a guy like Cowher who's proven that he can be successful as a head coach and that he has an eye for talent, then let him pick his coordinators, run the draft, etc.

Ponder this one for a second. If Lovie is gone we pursue Shanahan to be the HC and then try to bring in USC's offensive coordinator who was Cutler's QB coach at Denver. This would be catering to Cutlers needs at least in the coaching aspect of things.

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Ponder this one for a second. If Lovie is gone we pursue Shanahan to be the HC and then try to bring in USC's offensive coordinator who was Cutler's QB coach at Denver. This would be catering to Cutlers needs at least in the coaching aspect of things.


I mean, I'd be OK with that. We spent a lot to bring Cutler in: I'd be fine with bringing in some guys who know how to work with him and make him successful. If Shanahan could get the Bears' running game going like the Broncos back in the day, that would be cool too.


Who would we get to be the DC, though? If Jack Del Rio gets fired by Jacksonville, I wouldn't mind bringing him in as a coordinator. He was the linebackers coach for the Ravens in 1999-2001, when that defense was one of the all-time greats. When he was the Panthers' DC in 2002, he turned their defense into the #2 unit in the NFL. He's had some struggles as a head coach, but I think he's got the chops as a coordinator.

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I mean, I'd be OK with that. We spent a lot to bring Cutler in: I'd be fine with bringing in some guys who know how to work with him and make him successful. If Shanahan could get the Bears' running game going like the Broncos back in the day, that would be cool too.


Who would we get to be the DC, though? If Jack Del Rio gets fired by Jacksonville, I wouldn't mind bringing him in as a coordinator. He was the linebackers coach for the Ravens in 1999-2001, when that defense was one of the all-time greats. When he was the Panthers' DC in 2002, he turned their defense into the #2 unit in the NFL. He's had some struggles as a head coach, but I think he's got the chops as a coordinator.

I don't have any ideas about D cord, but I have always like Del Rio and would love to see him brung him. What type of system does he prefer to run do you remember. My old age is failing me once again lol.

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I don't have any ideas about D cord, but I have always like Del Rio and would love to see him brung him. What type of system does he prefer to run do you remember. My old age is failing me once again lol.


I only really know that he's a non-Tampa-2, more traditional 4-3 kind of guy. His defensive fronts have had really big immovable DTs in the middle (Sam Adams, Siragusa, John Henderson, Marcus Stroud, Kris Jenkins) and emphasized getting their pass rush from the DEs (Julius Peppers, Mike Rucker, Michael McCrary, Adalius Thomas,) rather than from the under tackle like we do. Basically, he runs more of a normal 4-3, which I wish we would go back to.

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First off , Hire Shanahan

Let Shan hire his OC

Keep Marinelli and Babitch as postion coaches

Get Chico back as Defensive coord/Asst HC

Replace JA with Lombardi or someother true GM


A move like that would convince me they truely serious about forming a winner in Chicago. I truely believe that Shanahan would be awsome as a HC with play calling in sync with his OC and Cutler.


As for Chico comming back I know its a wish list, but the D had attitude when he was DC, It was a big mistake of Lovie to let him go.

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Regarding Chico, I am pretty sure the only way we can get him away from SD would be to make him the HC. I think he may already be an assistant HC there, and regardless, I am pretty sure you can not steal away another teams coordinator simply by adding the worthless title "assistant headcoach". If you want Chico, you would have to make him the HC.


Regarding Marinelli, Babich, and every other assistant coach on staff, if you hire Shanny (or frankly any other HC) you do not force him to keep anyone. He chooses his own staff. If he feels Marinelli or Babich are the best for the job, fine. If not, he gets who he wants.


Frankly, I would hope we would not want either of those two. Each of those two have experience in one, and only one, scheme (cover two). I would hope we would be looking to change our scheme, and thus we would need different assistants too.


Finally, if you want Shanny, you likely have to give him the GM role as well. I believe he had that in Denver, and is likely going to want that again. Shanny and Cowher are of a high enough level, and will likely be in a high enough demand, that they will most likely be giving a GM/HC job by someone.


First off , Hire Shanahan

Let Shan hire his OC

Keep Marinelli and Babitch as postion coaches

Get Chico back as Defensive coord/Asst HC

Replace JA with Lombardi or someother true GM


A move like that would convince me they truely serious about forming a winner in Chicago. I truely believe that Shanahan would be awsome as a HC with play calling in sync with his OC and Cutler.


As for Chico comming back I know its a wish list, but the D had attitude when he was DC, It was a big mistake of Lovie to let him go.


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As for Chico comming back I know its a wish list, but the D had attitude when he was DC, It was a big mistake of Lovie to let him go.

It would be awesome if we could get him back, and I seem to remember reading somewhere that making him Assistant Head Coach would get around the no-lateral-hiring rule. Having watched the last three years, the guys on defense just plain played harder when he here than with Lovie running the show on D. Also, if we're retooling away from the Tampa-2, we're probably going to have to do it gradually, and Rivera has experience using (mostly) the same personnel in both the Tampa and blitzing looks. He'd be a good guy to man that transition.


I'd be very, very down to hire Shanahan, too. The Cutler connection aside, a zone-blocking system like Denver's could give our running game a MAJOR shot in the arm. Forte's much better suited for a ZBS than a power-running system: he doesn't have a ton of lower-body power and he runs too high, but he has great vision for his blocks and makes some really nasty cuts. That's perfect for a ZBS, where your back's job is mainly to see the hole developing and make the right cut. A blocking scheme like Shanahan ran in Denver could cover up Forte's weaknesses while getting the most out of what he does well.


The same goes for our offensive line. Linemen in a scheme like Shanahan's need to be quick laterally, very athletic, and good at setting up blocks downfield, but they can get away with not being that powerful, as they're not usually going to be asked to man up with a defender and drive him off the ball. Between Williams, Beekman, Lance Louis, and even Omiyale, all our young linemen are athletic to a fault, but pretty underpowered. Same as with Forte, a scheme that calls for lots of zone-blocking up front could cover up their lack of power and capitalize on their athleticism.



In response to nfo, I'd be more than happy to let Shanahan have GM powers. I think the majority of the problem we've got now is Angelo's making: between his poor drafting, the failure to retain a large number of quality veterans, the total lack of long-term planning for the offensive line, and his recent blockbuster trades (not that I don't think Cutler was a great get, but we weren't in a position to give up two firsts and a third) he's dug a really deep hole for this team, regardless of the coaching problems. Honestly, I'd rather they fire Angelo than Lovie, Turner, or any of the coaches. He took a Super Bowl roster and ran it into the ground, to the point where three years later we're probably two years away from being back in the playoffs.

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Here we go.


Charlie Weis would be interested in Bears' offensive coordinator position


A source close to Charlie Weis confirmed that the former Notre Dame coach would be interested in the Bears’ offensive coordinator position if it were to become available after this season.


Ron Turner currently holds that position with the Bears, although the offense’s poor performance and quarterback Jay Cutler’s struggles has led to speculation that the Bears will dump Turner.


As many as six teams are reportedly interested in talking to Weis about returning to the role of offensive coordinator that he once held with the Super Bowl champion Patriots, but the Bears’ job is intriguing to Weis for reasons that are both personal and professional.


By working in Chicago, Weis’s son Charlie Jr. could graduate from St. Joseph’s High School in South Bend and wife Maura could continue to run Hannah and Friends, the nonprofit foundation named for their daughter and dedicated to helping children and young adults with autism and other special needs. The couple remains committed to the charity and hopes to continue to base it out of a farm north of South Bend.

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