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Cutler's PC today

Ed Hochuli 3:16

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Three things that really stood out to me:


1. Paraphrasing, Jay basically said- "Brian never apologized to me" and he said it with a sarcastic chuckle. Does anyone think that this could have long term bad effects on this team? I know we're already heading in a downward spiral, but when your 2 faces of the franchise seem to not like one another, that just gets the spiral going even faster. While I agree that the 2 will never be on the field at the same time during the game, I just hate to see this especially when everything else is going wrong.


2. He also mentioned that it takes long for an offense to gel. He said it took 3+ years in Denver. Jay, I hate to be a d**k, but this isn't a team with a 3 year window. We're pretty young offensively but on the defense side of the ball, we're getting up there in age. You were brought here to win now. Luckily, you're only 26.


3. Lastly, Cutler said he thinks that the offense will be better "once they get the right pieces in here". That stands out to me like- "I don't like the guys we have on our offense". Hm...interesting..

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Three things that really stood out to me:


1. Paraphrasing, Jay basically said- "Brian never apologized to me" and he said it with a sarcastic chuckle. Does anyone think that this could have long term bad effects on this team? I know we're already heading in a downward spiral, but when your 2 faces of the franchise seem to not like one another, that just gets the spiral going even faster. While I agree that the 2 will never be on the field at the same time during the game, I just hate to see this especially when everything else is going wrong.


2. He also mentioned that it takes long for an offense to gel. He said it took 3+ years in Denver. Jay, I hate to be a d**k, but this isn't a team with a 3 year window. We're pretty young offensively but on the defense side of the ball, we're getting up there in age. You were brought here to win now. Luckily, you're only 26.


3. Lastly, Cutler said he thinks that the offense will be better "once they get the right pieces in here". That stands out to me like- "I don't like the guys we have on our offense". Hm...interesting..

In regards to the whole Cutler and Urlacher situation, IMHO Brian is JEALOUS. Yes I said it. I believe he is because he has been the face of this franchise since day 1 basically and now he no longer is.

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In regards to the whole Cutler and Urlacher situation, IMHO Brian is JEALOUS. Yes I said it. I believe he is because he has been the face of this franchise since day 1 basically and now he no longer is.


1000% correct!! cutler has the star power to dethrone him and he is pissed. urlacher has not had anyone to compete with, now he does and he is being a bitch about it. problem for him is he is getting close to the end of his playing days. he better stop the stupid shit cuz once cutler starts tearing it up the city of chi is going to be his not urlachers.

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Isn't the conventional wisdom that Urlacher doesn't have a needs to be the leader mentality like Ray Lewis and can't be bothred with all the trappings of media fame compared to your average superstar? In other words, anything is possible but Brian is the exact opposite personality type to care about the team's QB being the face of the franchise.


Url's vested years have him thinking he gets to say more than he does, that's all...it seems like a stretch to say that he's jealous, especially since he wasn't 100% on the Jay trade from day one, and that was before all the hysteria.

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Isn't the conventional wisdom that Urlacher doesn't have a needs to be the leader mentality like Ray Lewis and can't be bothred with all the trappings of media fame compared to your average superstar? In other words, anything is possible but Brian is the exact opposite personality type to care about the team's QB being the face of the franchise.


Url's vested years have him thinking he gets to say more than he does, that's all...it seems like a stretch to say that he's jealous, especially since he wasn't 100% on the Jay trade from day one, and that was before all the hysteria.


What has happened since the day Jay Cutler was traded to the Bears. The Score made it "Jay Cutler Day". The city freaked the F out. Everything has been Cutler this and Cutler that. The spotlight has been on Jay Cutler not Urlacher. I love Urlacher as much as the next guy but his attitude towards Cutler from day one has been of a pissy bitch. He has a lot of years vested, he should have enough respect for the Bears to not take digs when they are down. Orton is not coming back, he should be behind Cutler 100% in any media interaction even if he isnt.

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What has happened since the day Jay Cutler was traded to the Bears. The Score made it "Jay Cutler Day". The city freaked the F out. Everything has been Cutler this and Cutler that. The spotlight has been on Jay Cutler not Urlacher. I love Urlacher as much as the next guy but his attitude towards Cutler from day one has been of a pissy bitch. He has a lot of years vested, he should have enough respect for the Bears to not take digs when they are down. Orton is not coming back, he should be behind Cutler 100% in any media interaction even if he isnt.

Here is an idea. Urlacher loves Orton so much so why don't we try and trade him to Denver. Maybe we can get a 1st or 2nd for him.

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Here is an idea. Urlacher loves Orton so much so why don't we try and trade him to Denver. Maybe we can get a 1st or 2nd for him.



I think Urlacher may be worth more then a 1st and 2nd especially if we fire Lovie and get out of this cover 2 mess. Ray Lewis had some down years but is back to form now. With Urlacher being out this year his body is getting a rest and not taking the beating which could prolong his playing days.



But you are right, if i hear him say Orton again i will puke.

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Here is an idea. Urlacher loves Orton so much so why don't we try and trade him to Denver. Maybe we can get a 1st or 2nd for him.

Seriously, nobody is going to give up a high pick for Urlacher. He's going to be 31, he'll be coming off a whole year out of football, he has a chronic back condition that's never going to go away...meanwhile, if a team needs a middle linebacker, that 1st or 2nd could be Brandon Spikes or Rolando McClain, who are a decade younger, NOT chronically injured, etc etc.

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I love Urlacher as much as the next guy but his attitude towards Cutler from day one has been of a pissy bitch.

That was my point. From the instant he heard the news he wasn't exactly shouting hallelujah, so that rules out his problem being that he's jealous of the attention the city gave Cutler after Uracher found out. There are some possible caveats to my logic I've thought of that you didn't mention, but just stating what you said in and of itself just proves my point.

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For the record, just because Urlacher was not thrilled w/ Jay from day one doesn't mean he isn't jealous. The day the trade was made, Cutler was the talk of the town. The day the trade was made, it was all about Jay. Brian who?


Now, w/ that said, I don't think Brian is jealous really. I am not even sure what to call it.


Brian is a bit of an enigma. In many ways, he acts like he hated the media, especially the local media, but here he is having a media guy spent days w/ him to do a story. While jealous may or may not be the right word, I do think Urlacher loves the spotlight, and that light is dimming. Not only is Urlacher no longer the key individual, but w/ a QB like Cutler, Urlacher fears the teams defensive identity is fading, and that is just as big of a blow.


Urlacher sees himself as the QB of the defense, and as the defense has been the key unit for the team, he has been the teams QB in a sense. Now the team is shifting to an offensive identity, and he doens't like it.


As far as I am concerned, tough shit. While I still defend Urlacher in that I feel (a) he has plenty of tread left on the tires and (B) he could be even better in a different scheme, at the same time, he kind of is a pissy bitch. He has never really be a great leader. I remember Samauri saying Urlacher needed to spend more time watching films, and Brian just basically disagreed. Said he didn't need to. Many times I have felt like Urlacher acted like a bit of a bitch, and this recent thing is no different.


That was my point. From the instant he heard the news he wasn't exactly shouting hallelujah, so that rules out his problem being that he's jealous of the attention the city gave Cutler after Uracher found out. There are some possible caveats to my logic I've thought of that you didn't mention, but just stating what you said in and of itself just proves my point.


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That was my point. From the instant he heard the news he wasn't exactly shouting hallelujah, so that rules out his problem being that he's jealous of the attention the city gave Cutler after Uracher found out. There are some possible caveats to my logic I've thought of that you didn't mention, but just stating what you said in and of itself just proves my point.



No it does not, Urlacher has been in the league long enough, he saw the writing on the wall as soon as it happened. His recent comments also have no validity what so ever. Changed identity???? Has he watched any of the games??? Have we been able to run the ball at all this whole year??? We ran the ball against DET and that is it. Our run game and oline is night and day different from last years team. His comments would make sense if we were running the ball effectively. If he is not jealous then explain why he would make these comments??????? There is no reason for it. If he was a true leader of this team he would never have said this crap. It's like he is crying over spilled milk. Orton is never coming back to Chicago. Cutler will be the QB of the Bears for as long as Urlacher is(barring any inj's). Urlacher liked that fact that we won games because of the Defense, by trading for Cutler he saw that that was going to change.

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Trade Urlacher to Denver and get back some of the picks we sent them.


No it does not, Urlacher has been in the league long enough, he saw the writing on the wall as soon as it happened. His recent comments also have no validity what so ever. Changed identity???? Has he watched any of the games??? Have we been able to run the ball at all this whole year??? We ran the ball against DET and that is it. Our run game and oline is night and day different from last years team. His comments would make sense if we were running the ball effectively. If he is not jealous then explain why he would make these comments??????? There is no reason for it. If he was a true leader of this team he would never have said this crap. It's like he is crying over spilled milk. Orton is never coming back to Chicago. Cutler will be the QB of the Bears for as long as Urlacher is(barring any inj's). Urlacher liked that fact that we won games because of the Defense, by trading for Cutler he saw that that was going to change.


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Disgust w/ Urlacher.


He is injured and out for the season. He is a player who has always showed nothing more than contempt for the media, despite being the "face of the franchise". A player in his situation, you would think they would fade into the background for the rest of the season. Nope. He agrees to have a media guy spend a couple days w/ him, and then drops some bombs leveled against the players who are out there working, while he is sitting on his couch.


Sorry, but that is f'ing pathetic.


disgust with my comments about Urlacher or the way he is acting?


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Disgust w/ Urlacher.


He is injured and out for the season. He is a player who has always showed nothing more than contempt for the media, despite being the "face of the franchise". A player in his situation, you would think they would fade into the background for the rest of the season. Nope. He agrees to have a media guy spend a couple days w/ him, and then drops some bombs leveled against the players who are out there working, while he is sitting on his couch.


Sorry, but that is f'ing pathetic.



Completly agree.....bush league. What is point of causing drama between Cutler and himself. I dont get it. There is no reason for any these comments. I love that Warren Sapp told him to keep his mouth shut.

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For the record, just because Urlacher was not thrilled w/ Jay from day one doesn't mean he isn't jealous. The day the trade was made, Cutler was the talk of the town. The day the trade was made, it was all about Jay. Brian who?


Now, w/ that said, I don't think Brian is jealous really. I am not even sure what to call it.




Urlacher sees himself as the QB of the defense, and as the defense has been the key unit for the team, he has been the teams QB in a sense. Now the team is shifting to an offensive identity, and he doens't like it.

Yeah, your first sentence was the sort of thing I was referring to when I mentioned "caveats", but Chitown didn't go there. BTW nfo, you say you don't know what to call it, but you do, because you nailed it when you said he doesn't like the team's identity changing away from defense. Of course that's exactly what Urlacher said was the reason, so we don't exactly have to assume.

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What I don't understand is how Urlacher, who says w/ every word how much he hates the limelight, yet his actions speak otherwise.


I wanted Urlacher in the draft. I have always liked him. When others talked about how over-rated he was, or how he had lost a step, I felt he was simply not being used properly, and thus was not able to maximize his strengths. He is frankly gifted on a level that would make most historical Bear greats jealous.


At the same time, he (IMHO) has never fully accepted his role. Often, he has been as divisive as not, which is not what you expect from a leader. He has been ripped by Singletary for his lack of time studying film. He has never taken on the mentality that could have put him over the top. He is like a player who can reach high levels w/ pure athleticism, but has never done what was necessary to become the legend he could have been.


And this recent issue just makes me sick. To me, he is coming off as a player sour that he isn't in the spotlight. He is also coming off as a fool when he spends all his time blasting Cutler, Forte, and even Turner, while saying we need to rely on the defense more. And he says this in one of our defenses most inept games in recent memory.


Yeah, your first sentence was the sort of thing I was referring to when I mentioned "caveats", but Chitown didn't go there. BTW nfo, you say you don't know what to call it, but you do, because you nailed it when you said he doesn't like the team's identity changing away from defense. Of course that's exactly what Urlacher said was the reason, so we don't exactly have to assume.


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What I don't understand is how Urlacher, who says w/ every word how much he hates the limelight, yet his actions speak otherwise.


I wanted Urlacher in the draft. I have always liked him. When others talked about how over-rated he was, or how he had lost a step, I felt he was simply not being used properly, and thus was not able to maximize his strengths. He is frankly gifted on a level that would make most historical Bear greats jealous.


At the same time, he (IMHO) has never fully accepted his role. Often, he has been as divisive as not, which is not what you expect from a leader. He has been ripped by Singletary for his lack of time studying film. He has never taken on the mentality that could have put him over the top. He is like a player who can reach high levels w/ pure athleticism, but has never done what was necessary to become the legend he could have been.


And this recent issue just makes me sick. To me, he is coming off as a player sour that he isn't in the spotlight. He is also coming off as a fool when he spends all his time blasting Cutler, Forte, and even Turner, while saying we need to rely on the defense more. And he says this in one of our defenses most inept games in recent memory.

It is also really easy for Urlacher to talk when we are doing bad without him. If we were 7-4 or 8-3, you would not hear a peep out of him.

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Three things that really stood out to me:


1. Paraphrasing, Jay basically said- "Brian never apologized to me" and he said it with a sarcastic chuckle. Does anyone think that this could have long term bad effects on this team? I know we're already heading in a downward spiral, but when your 2 faces of the franchise seem to not like one another, that just gets the spiral going even faster. While I agree that the 2 will never be on the field at the same time during the game, I just hate to see this especially when everything else is going wrong.


2. He also mentioned that it takes long for an offense to gel. He said it took 3+ years in Denver. Jay, I hate to be a d**k, but this isn't a team with a 3 year window. We're pretty young offensively but on the defense side of the ball, we're getting up there in age. You were brought here to win now. Luckily, you're only 26.


3. Lastly, Cutler said he thinks that the offense will be better "once they get the right pieces in here". That stands out to me like- "I don't like the guys we have on our offense". Hm...interesting..

Dude, the defense blows. Most of the guys won't be around in a couple years anyway. The defenses window died three years ago and we still hear about how great it is from tiem to time. Its sickening and our D sucks.


Yea they were decent against the Rams and Browns, but those are two of the most inept offenses in NFL history.

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Dude, the defense blows. Most of the guys won't be around in a couple years anyway. The defenses window died three years ago and we still hear about how great it is from tiem to time. Its sickening and our D sucks.


Yea they were decent against the Rams and Browns, but those are two of the most inept offenses in NFL history.


Decent against the Rams? How so? We loaded up to stop Stephen Jackson and he still had 117 yards rushing...Not even close to decent against a bad team like the Rams. Just like after the Browns game I am wondering how a win can feel so much like a loss... :blink:

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