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What's wrong with Jay Cutler


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Sorry, but just throwing out these numbers ignores the offensive challenges each faces.
Actually it doesn't. It supports exactly my argument. Not your point or another point, but my point.


Also, a point I haven't made yet but another columnist did, if you want to compare situations, you have to also compare why Cutler only managed 6 points better QB rating last year than an injured Orton...and why Chris Simms tanked this year (forcing Orton back early) playing on that Denver O that is supposedly so easy to run as to keep Orton's successes from showing proof that the most critical missed the boat on Orton bigtime. It works both ways and that sort of thinking is one I'm plenty confident debating.


One more thing about Orton's numbers. You excuse his latter part of the season last year due to coming back from injury too soon, but what is the reason for his big drop in numbers in the 2nd half of the season this year.
Orton's QB rating in his last 3 games is 89, 95, and 92. Throwing out his emergency and injured 2nd half appearance, his low QB ratings are 55 and 71, then he's had 135, 115, 97, 118, 92, 84, & 101 on top of the last three games. You were better off arguing that his success makes no difference.


For the record, I was thinking of Pennington w/o any injuries.
Another should have worded it better then?


Now consider my last posts and consider how you replied. The closest you got to "yeah, you're right" was admitting that you probably should have said Orton wasn't great instead of "good". What does that say about you? I'm not sure myself, that's why I threw out deluding yourself or lying.

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