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Pass Interference


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Has anyone else noticed that there have been quite a few OBVIOUS pass interference situations on the Bears WRs/TEs, and they have not been called? It seems that there has been many more than normal recently, with replays in more than one game making announcers say, "Yeah, that should have been pass interference."


Is this a matter of respect for the passing game, or lack thereof?

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Lack thereof.


Good players get the calls (see Tom Brady). Bad or rookie players tend not to.


I think it's nothing more than that along with just bad luck.


Has anyone else noticed that there have been quite a few OBVIOUS pass interference situations on the Bears WRs/TEs, and they have not been called? It seems that there has been many more than normal recently, with replays in more than one game making announcers say, "Yeah, that should have been pass interference."


Is this a matter of respect for the passing game, or lack thereof?


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Yeah, I know that a no-name group of receivers won't draw PI calls like Randy Moss or Andre Johnson, but it really has seemed like opposing defenses get a free pass against the Bears. In the Packers game, AJ Hawk straight hip-checked Earl Bennett before the ball arrived, didn't even have his head turned around. There's no way he was making a play on the ball, he wasn't doing anything but hitting the receiver while the pass was in the air. Same thing happened to Kellen Davis in the 49ers game, he just got checked out of bounds before the ball ever got there. No call. I swear I've seen one or two of those go totally uncalled in EVERY Bears game this season. And there'll always be an announcer going "oh, he got away with something there." All the Chicago media keep harping on Cutler for jawing at the refs, but I'd be doing it too. The dude's sticking up for his receivers when they're getting jobbed.

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I'm glad that there appears to be a general consensus on this. I thought that maybe I was just looking through rose-colored glasses, but I know what a DPI is. And I know I've seen three or four blatant instances in which the Bears WR/TE has gotten removed from their route prior to the ball getting there...and there has been no call.

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that and holding there has been a lot of non calls and it often seems to be on key plays like a third down where not only do we not get the call we don't get the completion and have to punt. Our defensive line gets held a lot too. What makes it irritating is they will not call what should obviously be pass interference and later we'll get called for an iffy penalty like a phantom hold.


But, just like any other sport the officiating favors those who have a better record and have more notoriety. This kind of bias shows up in all sports. A virtual no name can be mugged going to the basket and no foul or even worse they are called with a foul. While it seems you so much as breathe on the star player and it's a foul. It's not right but that's just how it is. Officials should call things as they see it not based on who they see do what.



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The problem seems to be that from the start of the game Cutler has been complaining to the officials about getting hit late and the lack of PI calls. In some instances it almost looks like the Bears receivers are more concerned with getting the penalty called than making the catch. Once it starts to spread around the league that a player complains a lot officials tend to swallow the whistle. In this past week's game Mike Kerry(sp?) considered one of the best in the league didn't over turn one call on the field when it went to review and I have never heard a referee say someone's shin hit out of bounds first before he maintained control of the ball.

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