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Madden PS3 Dynasty Thread


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  Kevisatoolbox said:
You moron. I was going to take the high road, but I can't resist. LOOK AT THE BOX SCORE. My Rollouts go to TE's, right? LOOK AT THE BOX SCORE. How many TE catches are there? 0. If my TE is covered, I go to the WR's, right? How many WR catches are there? 2. 1 for -5 yards and 1 for 7. The only reason I did not roll out vs Steve is because he knows how to stop it. YOU DO NOT. If you can't stop it , why should I stop running it? If you play the right D it will be stopped. Try a damn CB or OLB blitz you moron. You and the CPU are the easiest opponents during the season. It's no wonder you had to reset several of your games to make the playoffs.


You complain about my roll-outs, so what if I did it every play? What about your non-stop Wille Parker Screens? That shit was cute the first few times, but then it stopped working because I MADE ADJUSTMENTS.


Let me re-collect how the only guys in this league with actual talent did against my Rollouts:


B-Rich Stopped it.


Ainquisition STOPPED it.


Steve Stopped it.


Badger Stopped it.


As I told Steve, I would beat your Bengals team with the 2009 Bears. Of course you would come out with the " I was drunk" excuse.






AND Drunkbomber, KISS MY ASS. You started with the shit talking. You didn't have to jump in Steve's pre-game smack talk. I knew from the first time we played you were a cover 2 guy 90% of the time, I didn't say anything until now. But I recall you calling out my screens several months ago.



Don't you ever question my schemes. I think everyone in here knows the shit you pulled on Marv. From his statement it seemed like you ran to the bottom of the screen every play to do the FL screen. You hypocrite!



And Quit with the Vick Excuse! I used him on 3 plays, crybaby! I used Seneca Wallace earlier in the season a lot more than Vick.






Badger, I'll play when ever you are ready.

Ya, ask everyone else I played about how cheap I am. Im ashamed of how low I sink to win games at all costs. You had 3 people call out your bullshit style of play in a 8 man league and one of the guys you have never played and one is you. What does cover 2 have to do with anything anyway? Is cover 2 cheap? Is it bad? Look at my defensive numbers, ask people Ive played, I dont do anything cheap ever. If its 4th down, I punt, I dont expose glitches and so on.


Your boyfriend Marv lost by 60 points. SIXTY POINTS. His complaint was I dropped back on screen passes. The point of a screen pass is misdirection and to catch defense out of position. If you are dropping back and he is chasing you and pulling defenders further away from the play because he is a dipshit and thinks all of his defenders miraculously got into the backfield untouched you would be an idiot to not drop back further. Thats the difference between me and you. I use the screen pass with the intent to catch you off guard. When people play you, they are anticipating it every play because you exploit the cpu defenses AI. Youre like 75% of the people who play online and it isnt fun and doesnt impress anyone. I rarely play Madden except in franchise because of cheesers like you who enjoy exposing glitches instead of playing football. The fact that you tried to use Marvs reasoning on screen coupled with your cheap style of play proves you know dick about the sport so keep bashing what other people do. You act like you are some type of unstoppable god in this game or something. You know we split in our head to head games right? Was I doing something cheap then? Is the cover 2 cheap?

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I didnt think I had to sim this week because both games were with humans and had all ready been played. I am simming now.


Were you done saying me being cheap was exposed by what I did to Marv the hooker? You ignored that part of my post but I was still waiting for you to explain how what I did was cheap or else why bring it up? You being such a football strategist I would like to hear your take on the purpose of a screen pass and why what I did was cheap.

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  Kevisatoolbox said:
Who are you talking about drunkbomber? Steve who apologized? Kev who loses to the computer and resets the game? Nice try.

ummmmm.....I was talking to you. Steve apologized for the way he handled it. I dont think he ever said the way you play isnt cheap. Who cares if someone loses to the cpu? I lost to the cpu this year and beat all three human opponents during the season I played. Its a Madden Dynasty, who gives a shit if someone resets a game vs the cpu? Maybe if you change your screen name to kev is a toolbox you will again prove your greatness in video games, life and maturity.

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  DrunkBomber said:
ummmmm.....I was talking to you. Steve apologized for the way he handled it. I dont think he ever said the way you play isnt cheap. Who cares if someone loses to the cpu? I lost to the cpu this year and beat all three human opponents during the season I played. Its a Madden Dynasty, who gives a shit if someone resets a game vs the cpu? Maybe if you change your screen name to kev is a toolbox you will again prove your greatness in video games, life and maturity.

I don't give a shit to debate with you anymore. It's unlikely we ever cross paths again. Later.





Badger I'm free until the wildcard games.

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  Kevisatoolbox said:
You moron. I was going to take the high road, but I can't resist. LOOK AT THE BOX SCORE. My Rollouts go to TE's, right? LOOK AT THE BOX SCORE. How many TE catches are there? 0. If my TE is covered, I go to the WR's, right? How many WR catches are there? 2. 1 for -5 yards and 1 for 7. The only reason I did not roll out vs Steve is because he knows how to stop it. YOU DO NOT. If you can't stop it , why should I stop running it? If you play the right D it will be stopped. Try a damn CB or OLB blitz you moron. You and the CPU are the easiest opponents during the season. It's no wonder you had to reset several of your games to make the playoffs.


You complain about my roll-outs, so what if I did it every play? What about your non-stop Wille Parker Screens? That shit was cute the first few times, but then it stopped working because I MADE ADJUSTMENTS.


Let me re-collect how the only guys in this league with actual talent did against my Rollouts:


B-Rich Stopped it.


Ainquisition STOPPED it.


Steve Stopped it.


Badger Stopped it.


As I told Steve, I would beat your Bengals team with the 2009 Bears. Of course you would come out with the " I was drunk" excuse.






AND Drunkbomber, KISS MY ASS. You started with the shit talking. You didn't have to jump in Steve's pre-game smack talk. I knew from the first time we played you were a cover 2 guy 90% of the time, I didn't say anything until now. But I recall you calling out my screens several months ago.



Don't you ever question my schemes. I think everyone in here knows the shit you pulled on Marv. From his statement it seemed like you ran to the bottom of the screen every play to do the FL screen. You hypocrite!



And Quit with the Vick Excuse! I used him on 3 plays, crybaby! I used Seneca Wallace earlier in the season a lot more than Vick.






Badger, I'll play when ever you are ready.

Non stop Willie Parker screens? Well first of all in our second game I ran the screen maybe 2-3 times, and in the 1st meeting between us I ran it maybe 5 times and they all got like 70ish yards and it was in the second half so why wouldn't I run it? It not like I was running a pussy screen either I ran a screen how it was supposed to be ran instead of you who runs to the opposite side of the field and throws it back across to you wide open back. Anyone can do that AJ its not fun.


How the f*** am I supposed to stop your rollouts when you still manage to bomb the ball to Hester in triple coverage in the pattern deep across the middle. If I cover everything perfectly you still manage to find some pussy exploit to get yards. If I blitz my corners or OLB then your RB is wideopen in the flat so what the hell would that accomplish. Even if you stay in the pocket you still exploit the shit out of the game.


When exactly did I use the I'm drunk excuse anywhere? What you might be talking about was in a freakin exhibition game we played that was not in the dynasty and it was because I was drunk but I was not getting killed in that game, and it didn't matter I just said I'd like another shot at you sober. I'm not seeing how that was an "excuse" just asking for a rematch.


About the restarts its actually one restart I restarted one game because it disconnected in the 3rd when I was up 21-7ish with the ball, then while replaying that game I got down said freak this I was winning the last game and restarted, and then got tired the 3rd game maybe 2 minutes in and played the next day. I made the playoffs by 2 games so it's not like I made the playoffs off of my supposed restarts. Its not like you've ever restarted a game before though....Oh wait...


AJ all I have for is FU. Sorry I'm not good at a video game though, I guess I should go give up at life though since Madden is all that matters in life apparently. I'd care about being unable to stop you if you ran an actual offense but you don't. I posted civilly and just pointed out what you did isn't fun I didn't deserve to be drilled into and have lies made up about me. Thank you for leaving though so we can get back to the whole point of this dynasty fun.

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  Soxbadger said:
I would say this, if we were allowed to "keep" anyone on our team and have them cost us draft picks in the redraft, I would be fine.

This would be really neat too.



Is there a way to create a league where there are fewer teams? Where we could make it a 1:1 human:CPU league with like 12 games per season?

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