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Redskins trick play


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I am still shocked at that play. What is even more incredible is, the play initially caused NY to call a timeout. But after NY had a chance to tell the players what to do to counter the play, Wash came back from the timeout and ran it again. Wow.


Just when I though no one could get dumber than the Bears coaching staff I stumbled across this nugget. All I have to say is what the hell were they thinking when they drew this up?


The Redskins "Trick Play"


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I am still shocked at that play. What is even more incredible is, the play initially caused NY to call a timeout. But after NY had a chance to tell the players what to do to counter the play, Wash came back from the timeout and ran it again. Wow.


Exactly right, although I thought it was one of the dumbest trick plays I have seen, hell it might have worked if run when originally called. However, after NYG called a time out I was shocked they went ahead and called it again.

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I was watching a replay and one thing that stuck out to me was, despite most of the team shifting far to the left, only one or two players actually went downfield to make a play. I crap you not. Watch the replay. It shows one or two players running upfield, while 6 or so players are just standing about where the lined up. For the life of me, I could not understand what the point was. If they are not going to do anything, why not keep them in front of your kicker/QB. The way the play was run, it was essentially a QB w/ maybe 2 receiving options, and that is it. It was basically 3 guys going against 11.


What might have been interesting would have been if it was a screen pass. NY still had 3 or 4 guys to attack the "QB". They also had a couple players lined up in the middle of the field in a sort of zone. That left only 4 or maybe 5 players lined up against the bulk of the grouped Wash players on the far left. I wonder what would have been the result if you threw a quick screen pass (which would have done a better job of getting the ball out of the "QBs" hands quickly. At the point, a guy has the ball w/ around 8 blockers in front of him, going up against only 4, 5, maybe 6 at the most, defenders.


Either way, it would have been a laughable play, but I think a screen would have looked a hell of a lot better in that situation than what was little more than a hail mary.


Exactly right, although I thought it was one of the dumbest trick plays I have seen, hell it might have worked if run when originally called. However, after NYG called a time out I was shocked they went ahead and called it again.


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I was watching a replay and one thing that stuck out to me was, despite most of the team shifting far to the left, only one or two players actually went downfield to make a play. I crap you not. Watch the replay. It shows one or two players running upfield, while 6 or so players are just standing about where the lined up. For the life of me, I could not understand what the point was. If they are not going to do anything, why not keep them in front of your kicker/QB. The way the play was run, it was essentially a QB w/ maybe 2 receiving options, and that is it. It was basically 3 guys going against 11.


What might have been interesting would have been if it was a screen pass. NY still had 3 or 4 guys to attack the "QB". They also had a couple players lined up in the middle of the field in a sort of zone. That left only 4 or maybe 5 players lined up against the bulk of the grouped Wash players on the far left. I wonder what would have been the result if you threw a quick screen pass (which would have done a better job of getting the ball out of the "QBs" hands quickly. At the point, a guy has the ball w/ around 8 blockers in front of him, going up against only 4, 5, maybe 6 at the most, defenders.


Either way, it would have been a laughable play, but I think a screen would have looked a hell of a lot better in that situation than what was little more than a hail mary.



I thought the player (not sure who was in) that the QB waved over at the last minute to the group to the left should have stayed in the backfield and taken off in the huge gap between the players to the far left and the few remaining to rush the kicker/qb or to the right where no one was to be seen for a quick screen pass.

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I'm shocked it wasn't us who ran it! ( No disrespect to Toub...I figued it'd have been a Smith decision...)


I am still shocked at that play. What is even more incredible is, the play initially caused NY to call a timeout. But after NY had a chance to tell the players what to do to counter the play, Wash came back from the timeout and ran it again. Wow.


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I could be wrong, but I don't think the QB simply "waved" that player over. I think it was part of the plan, and the player was going into motion. But your right. All he did was motion toward the area of the field that was already a cluster-fudge.


A couple days later, that play still blows my mind.


Heard a funny on the radio. Radio guy said he has seen the play before. Keanu Reeves ran it in The Replacements , only they actually ran it better. Ouch!


I thought the player (not sure who was in) that the QB waved over at the last minute to the group to the left should have stayed in the backfield and taken off in the huge gap between the players to the far left and the few remaining to rush the kicker/qb or to the right where no one was to be seen for a quick screen pass.


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