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For Those Attending Tomorrow's Game


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Here is a request from Uncle Meatball of BearFansUnited.org in regards the game against the ViQueens via this link to the website:




Basically what he is asking that all fans attending the game to wait until after the initial kick-off to the game before taking your seats. If I was in town and attending the game, I would be very interested in hanging out with my fellow fans to help make a statement to the McCaskey family and the upper management of this team. It does not cost anyone anything and does not truly make you miss the game, just the opening kick-off.


I hope all that go will wait until after the kick before heading to their seats.

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not to be antagonistic but what would that actually prove? They already have your money for the game what do they care if we even show up? Heck it doesn't seem to bother them that the team doesn't even show up. Same thing for the add and the billboard. Neither will do any good. Groups popping up asking for fan donation to put up signs, adds, and whatnot smell fishy to me. Scammers make a lot of money by latching on to issues that people are emotionally charged about. They want you to think with your emotions rather than brains. I'd be leery of anyone like that. Now sure this particular gesture would cost the ticket holders nothing to wait till after the opening kickoff. Will it happen? no I highly doubt it. But the end result will be the same. Since when has team management cared about what fans think. The stadium will be full no matter what. The Bears are the Cubs of the NFL Win, lose, or draw fans will still come. Management is only concerned about doing what will financially benefit them the most. Meaning the team has to only be successful enough to dangle hope. I know this sounds pessimistic and negative and maybe I'm just in a bad mood.


main point being be careful of people who will take advantage of the emotional frustration we as fans feel.

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not to be antagonistic but what would that actually prove? They already have your money for the game what do they care if we even show up? Heck it doesn't seem to bother them that the team doesn't even show up. Same thing for the add and the billboard. Neither will do any good. Groups popping up asking for fan donation to put up signs, adds, and whatnot smell fishy to me. Scammers make a lot of money by latching on to issues that people are emotionally charged about. They want you to think with your emotions rather than brains. I'd be leery of anyone like that. Now sure this particular gesture would cost the ticket holders nothing to wait till after the opening kickoff. Will it happen? no I highly doubt it. But the end result will be the same. Since when has team management cared about what fans think. The stadium will be full no matter what. The Bears are the Cubs of the NFL Win, lose, or draw fans will still come. Management is only concerned about doing what will financially benefit them the most. Meaning the team has to only be successful enough to dangle hope. I know this sounds pessimistic and negative and maybe I'm just in a bad mood.


main point being be careful of people who will take advantage of the emotional frustration we as fans feel.

Actually, back in the last year of Wanny they started seeing 15K to 20K no-shows at each game (I think the last 3 to 4 games). I know the tickets were already paid for, but their was a loss in revenue from missed concessions. I know you cannot draw a direct correlation between the no-shows and the Wanny firing, however, the point is a change was made once this event started happening. Maybe it was simply the organization coming to the realization that the coaching staff sucked the same time the fans did - who knows.


Peace :dabears

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The ironic part is, back in the Wanny days, I don't think the team even received the profits from the concessions. I believe that went to the Park District, or whoever. That was one of the top pulicized victories of the new deal Phillips got. We received profits from concessions, as well as some other stadium related areas which (a) we did not get before and (B) are not part of the public sharing option.


At the end of the day, I think everyone believe fans have to make a financial "stand" against ownership, but I personally don't think that is necessary. When you saw tons of empty seats in the stadium, it became embarassing. When the losses racked up, it was embarassing. When every news source blasted the team and ownership, it was embarassing. IMHO, it is that embarassment that leads to ownership action more than just the financial aspect fans so often talk about.


Actually, back in the last year of Wanny they started seeing 15K to 20K no-shows at each game (I think the last 3 to 4 games). I know the tickets were already paid for, but their was a loss in revenue from missed concessions. I know you cannot draw a direct correlation between the no-shows and the Wanny firing, however, the point is a change was made once this event started happening. Maybe it was simply the organization coming to the realization that the coaching staff sucked the same time the fans did - who knows.


Peace :dabears


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The ironic part is, back in the Wanny days, I don't think the team even received the profits from the concessions. I believe that went to the Park District, or whoever. That was one of the top pulicized victories of the new deal Phillips got. We received profits from concessions, as well as some other stadium related areas which (a) we did not get before and (B) are not part of the public sharing option.


Maybe concessions went directly to Daley's pocket and kicked the McKaskey's arse behind the scene? ;)


At the end of the day, I think everyone believe fans have to make a financial "stand" against ownership, but I personally don't think that is necessary. When you saw tons of empty seats in the stadium, it became embarassing. When the losses racked up, it was embarassing. When every news source blasted the team and ownership, it was embarassing. IMHO, it is that embarassment that leads to ownership action more than just the financial aspect fans so often talk about.

Agreed with this 100% and I thinkg we are getting close to this situation now.


Peace :dabears

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The ironic part is, back in the Wanny days, I don't think the team even received the profits from the concessions. I believe that went to the Park District, or whoever. That was one of the top pulicized victories of the new deal Phillips got. We received profits from concessions, as well as some other stadium related areas which (a) we did not get before and (B) are not part of the public sharing option.


At the end of the day, I think everyone believe fans have to make a financial "stand" against ownership, but I personally don't think that is necessary. When you saw tons of empty seats in the stadium, it became embarassing. When the losses racked up, it was embarassing. When every news source blasted the team and ownership, it was embarassing. IMHO, it is that embarassment that leads to ownership action more than just the financial aspect fans so often talk about.


Every bit of pressure that can be brought to "Bear" makes a difference, do not doubt that. I doubt that any of the McCaskey or other execs of the Bears enjoy reading about the billboard or even of the threat of a "financial stand," but I am sure that they are smart enough to know that these examples are more proof of what is to come if changes are not made. Embarassment is nothing, money is everything, and in the end, empty stands and dissatisfied fans means less money. Business people could care less about anything but money....which is why all of the fuss will help them realise that shitty teams do not sell tickets, shirts, or anything else.

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