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Turner calling a great game?!


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It only took Turner 14 games to call a good game. And how did it happen so far?


Stretch plays and runs to the outside were added in, deep crosses, and then the play action pass was thrown in. Oh, and what play resulted in a ridiculously easy TD? That's right, the old play action pass, roll out pass to the WIDE OPEN TE. It is not rocket science folks; every team in the NFL has been using that play successfully for quite some time. Glad Turner finally caught on to the obvious.


Now if Lovie could only create a defensive adjustment that didn't completely suck.

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3 good quarters, 1 bad "play it safe" quarter, and the Bears go for the kill in OT? Who kidnapped Turner? Easily his best gameplan all year. It flowed, kept the vikings off balance all night, and gave us a glimpse of what this ofdense can do with an OC calling a competent game (and an OL playing well).


Bear Down!!

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3 good quarters, 1 bad "play it safe" quarter, and the Bears go for the kill in OT? Who kidnapped Turner? Easily his best gameplan all year. It flowed, kept the vikings off balance all night, and gave us a glimpse of what this ofdense can do with an OC calling a competent game (and an OL playing well).


Bear Down!!


Turner called a run. Cutler saw the line stacked and called the pass. They had this on the post game.




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Let's not absolve Turner too quickly. Yes, the offense looked much better but why did we wait for so long to make some changes?


Williams played well against Jared Allen. Yes, he had some chip blocks here and there but overall he shut him down. We had to wait this far into the season to find this out?


Aromashodu showed again (on national television and against a Pro Bowl CB) why he should have been out on the field earlier in the year once he recovered from his injury. Knox did some things well throughout the year but he is not as good as DA. If it was a tough call to make Davis inactive they should have made Knox inactive earlier in the year. It's not like don't have other KR/PR on the roster.


Just the kind of stuff that kills me with this coaching staff.

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Yeah, Cutler's INT was pretty bad, and all on him.


Jaworski said he looked back at all of Cutler's INTs and that 22 of 25 (before that one), was on him. For me, that is hard to believe. I know of at least 5-7 that were completely on the receivers or clear Pass Interference non-calls.

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3 good quarters, 1 bad "play it safe" quarter, and the Bears go for the kill in OT? Who kidnapped Turner? Easily his best gameplan all year. It flowed, kept the vikings off balance all night, and gave us a glimpse of what this ofdense can do with an OC calling a competent game (and an OL playing well).


Bear Down!!


The problem is with Turner game calling like this happens once or twice a season but the majority of the time you are left scratching your head. This one good game does not absolve him of his past sins.

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I have said this in other threads, but IMHO, last night was the most damning night for Turner as we saw so many things we have called for all year, but didn't see until the end.


DA was huge, and IMHO, that was not just coincidence of one game. He is the sort of player Cutler likes, and Cutler has more confidence in him, yet the only reason he was in there was due to injuries.


Williams did a much better job on Allen, even when left on an island, than Pace. Yet the only reason Williams was at LT was due to Pace's injury. If not for the injury, does anyone believe Turner would have made this switch?


Also, we did help Williams often, using Olsen to chip or a RB to stay and help block. The result was Allen having a very, very quiet game after flat out dominating in the first matchup. Some may credit Turner for the change, but I think most would damn him for the original game plan of leaving Pace on an island against Allen.


As mentioned, we saw a ton of plays for Cutler we have been screaming for. Play-action. Rollouts and bootlegs. These are all plays which move the pocket, buy Cutler time, and give him space to better see the field. These are plays which made him a pro bowl QB in Denver, yet we simply didn't give him similar freedom in Chicago.


I also think this game was a bit damning toward Hester as a starter. I still think Hester have plenty of value as a slot receiver, but there was a huge difference IMHO between Cutler having Aromashadu as a starter and Hester.


All in all, last night was just a sad statement of what might have been.




Let's not absolve Turner too quickly. Yes, the offense looked much better but why did we wait for so long to make some changes?


Williams played well against Jared Allen. Yes, he had some chip blocks here and there but overall he shut him down. We had to wait this far into the season to find this out?


Aromashodu showed again (on national television and against a Pro Bowl CB) why he should have been out on the field earlier in the year once he recovered from his injury. Knox did some things well throughout the year but he is not as good as DA. If it was a tough call to make Davis inactive they should have made Knox inactive earlier in the year. It's not like don't have other KR/PR on the roster.


Just the kind of stuff that kills me with this coaching staff.



It only took Turner 14 games to call a good game. And how did it happen so far?


Stretch plays and runs to the outside were added in, deep crosses, and then the play action pass was thrown in. Oh, and what play resulted in a ridiculously easy TD? That's right, the old play action pass, roll out pass to the WIDE OPEN TE. It is not rocket science folks; every team in the NFL has been using that play successfully for quite some time. Glad Turner finally caught on to the obvious.


Now if Lovie could only create a defensive adjustment that didn't completely suck.


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It only took Turner 14 games to call a good game. And how did it happen so far?


Stretch plays and runs to the outside were added in, deep crosses, and then the play action pass was thrown in. Oh, and what play resulted in a ridiculously easy TD? That's right, the old play action pass, roll out pass to the WIDE OPEN TE. It is not rocket science folks; every team in the NFL has been using that play successfully for quite some time. Glad Turner finally caught on to the obvious.


Now if Lovie could only create a defensive adjustment that didn't completely suck.

He called a great half, fell asleep, and than Jay Cutler made an audible/adjustment at the line in OT and bailed him out.

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I also think this game was a bit damning toward Hester as a starter. I still think Hester have plenty of value as a slot receiver, but there was a huge difference IMHO between Cutler having Aromashadu as a starter and Hester.


All in all, last night was just a sad statement of what might have been.


That's the most frustrating part of this season. I said weeks ago we should at least be an average team given our talent and we don't play like that. I do mean at least average because we do have some talent on the offensive roster, even if it's inexperienced. I proposed trading Hester for one because I think he has more value to us via Oline draft pick than WR/PR/KR now but he is still a talented player who I don't think we use properly. Perhaps it would be better said we over use him in a role he's not suited for.


Regardless, the coaches are not getting the most out of these guys but if you consider last night an audition for a new OC then they got a real good feel that they will not be walking into a complete rebuilding situation. We put up 30 pts on what was considered a good defense, and added another 6 against their Pro Bowl CB in overtime. When the Cardinals did this to Minn everyone said well that's Kurt Warner, Larry Fitzgerald, Anquan Boldin, Beanie Wells, et al. We did it with who?


If this was an audition for a new HC (I think it should have been) well then plenty of qualified people should be interested. Pull the trigger!

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I have actually read that, in the scheme of looking for a new coach (whether HC or OC) Chicago would be considered a pretty good destination. The reasoning is Cutler. While there are many teams out there who need/needed a new staff, many have dreadful QB situations. You look at Oak or Cle. Wash or TB. It isn't nearly as often that a coach enters a team w/ a young, pro bowl caliber talent at QB, and when you have such a situation, you find candidates very happy to come on board.


Yea, I think a game like last night, on National TV too, was great because now a candidate may think there is more than just the QB. DA really stepped up, and Bennett looked good too. Williams looked solid at LT, and handled Allen even when left on an island.


Regarding Hester, I think it is all about value. I honestly don't think there is a fan on this board who would not trade Hester for the right price. I personally just don't believe his value on the market will be all that high. Couple things I think go against Hester.


(a) As great as he was, we have seen some greatness since from several other returners. Not on his level maybe, but great none-the-less. DM has been incredible in the returner role. Knox and Bennett have eached shown some great stuff too. As great as Hester is, I think some may question how much was purly Hester, and how much was Toub and his system.


(B) I could be wrong, but isn't Josh Cribbs a FA after this season. Also, Daniel Manning is a FA. Trade market diminishes when other good to great talents are available.


© If the FA period is a bomb due to the CBA, then the value of draft picks will go up, and I think teams will be less willing to give up high picks for a player (especially a special teams player) when they can't do a lot in FA.


(d) As great of a returner as Hester was, I think part of his value then was also in his "potential" as a WR. Well, that potential has been seen, and it has not been shown to be as great as some thought. Thus his value is not as high.


In the end, I don't think it is so much a willingness to trade Hester that would prevent us, but more a matter of value. I still think Hester has tremendous value as a slot receiver or a #3. I just don't think he is best suited as a #1, or even an everydown starter for that matter. Also, if we did remove him from the starting job, we can ourselves move him back to his return role, and will have Toub to work with him. At the end of the day, I think he has solid value for us. Comparatively, I am not sure we can get more than a 4th, maybe a 3rd at best, for him. At that point, I think his value to us is greater on the team than in a trade.


That's the most frustrating part of this season. I said weeks ago we should at least be an average team given our talent and we don't play like that. I do mean at least average because we do have some talent on the offensive roster, even if it's inexperienced. I proposed trading Hester for one because I think he has more value to us via Oline draft pick than WR/PR/KR now but he is still a talented player who I don't think we use properly. Perhaps it would be better said we over use him in a role he's not suited for.


Regardless, the coaches are not getting the most out of these guys but if you consider last night an audition for a new OC then they got a real good feel that they will not be walking into a complete rebuilding situation. We put up 30 pts on what was considered a good defense, and added another 6 against their Pro Bowl CB in overtime. When the Cardinals did this to Minn everyone said well that's Kurt Warner, Larry Fitzgerald, Anquan Boldin, Beanie Wells, et al. We did it with who?


If this was an audition for a new HC (I think it should have been) well then plenty of qualified people should be interested. Pull the trigger!


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