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My wife hates Favre more than me


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At the end of the game Monday night, I was on the computer when Favre threw the TD to Rice. I walked into the living room and told my wife that I expected the Bears to lose and was at least happy they put up a great game. Further, I said that was a hell of a pass by Favre. My wife said, and I will paraphrase "I don't want to hear it. I want them to lose because of him". Got to love it!!!


FYI - I hate Favre as well but respect him as a player.


Peace :dabears

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I'm with you there, I respect the way he plays the game. The NFL could use more old school guys like that who play the game the way it should be played.


But that said I have a strong dislike for him that borders on hatred. For many years he was a thorn in the side for the Bears, his off the field magic 8ball indecision rubs me the wrong way and it's why I didn't want him here. The arse kissing that he gets by everyone including game officials is beyond sickening which is partly what made his un-retirements so irritating. I thought the worst of it was over when Madden retired but the flame has only spread and now everyone is doing it.


I for one hope the Vikings ship goes down in flames. I never ever want to see Favre win another super bowl. Especially not with the vikings. You take one thing that you hate and you add something else that you hate and you have a real desire to see things crumble. It looks like the Vikings are in self destruct mode. Bickering between Coach and QB (no matter how much either denies it). Their play as late is starting to resemble past collapses and chokes. I will laugh so hard if they get beat soundly in their first playoff game this season. Not that it would make me forget our own collapse but at least it would help dull the pain temporarily.

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Not me.


Pure 100% unadulterated hatred.


We'll talk respect the day he actually retires. Until then, I hate him more than any player on earth.




At the end of the game Monday night, I was on the computer when Favre threw the TD to Rice. I walked into the living room and told my wife that I expected the Bears to lose and was at least happy they put up a great game. Further, I said that was a hell of a pass by Favre. My wife said, and I will paraphrase "I don't want to hear it. I want them to lose because of him". Got to love it!!!


FYI - I hate Favre as well but respect him as a player.


Peace :dabears


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