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It's playing out as assumed....


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I feel pretty confident stating that today is plretty much playing out what the vast majority of us expected to happen. And it's pretty muc Turner as scapegoat, and lame duck Lovie for at least 1 more year...2 if the planets align.


In the meantime, we give Jay 4 OC's in probably 5 years. 3 line coaches for Williams...etc.


This just delays the inevitable. It's the hallmark of a family run business. I'm not sure Smith is kept on so much for the loot, but I think becasue old Virgiania just likes Smith as a person. Too bad she is not a football person and can't see he is not a good HC.


Well, given what we're expecting to hear at the conference today, my boycott continues. I'll save about $500 in tickets/consessions/gear by not going to a game this year for the first time in years.


I will contonue to follow with as much passion as I can muster. It'll be tough. There will be no real draft picks and what looks like slim pickens in FA.


Bear down. We are now in year 4 of the Wayne Fontes era for the Bears. Having a lame duck coach who can't get it done, but does just well enough to not get the axe.


I need an Old Style...

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Mad I am with you 100%.


I am done spending financial capital on this team and I will not invest anymore emotional capital on them. I see my Sunday's freeing up this fall. I will always be a Bear's fan, but I will not put up with another season of being insulted by this organization.


These rumored changes are just window dressing, Turner, Boras, Heistand, really ?? Who cares. Since Turner returned in 2004, Lovie has been allowed to hire six different defensive coaches. Marinelli or Fewell as the defensive coordinator will serve nothing, they will simply be yes men to Lovie, that's all he surrounds himself with. The team keeps propping Lovie up with changes all of the time. How many times do they get to get away with this? This guy is a defensive genius and that s the weakest part of this team. The answer: fire offensive coaches and hire around Lovie AGAIN!!! Now Lovie is spewing that his double duty this last season was too taxing, maybe that's becuase he sucks as a coordinator and head coach. Mike Martz as an offensive coordinator is just that, offensive. He will get Cutler killed with this offensive line.


I am tired of being told the McCaskey family has $11 million good reasons to not dismiss Lovie. Well, I think they can lose that much through diminished revenues from merchandise and concessions.


Jerry Angelo is a fraud I no longer trust and Ted Phillips has been an ass clown since day one. He gets credit for getting the Soldier Field deal done. Mayor Daley would have welcomed Krusty the Clown and made a deal with him for the stadium, as long as it was not a smug, snarky McCaskey brat sitting across from him.


It is a shame Mugs Halas died so young, it would have kept the team out of his sister's hands. I am so tired of this crappy organization.


Sorry for the diatribe, it's just that this is projecting to be a sad, sad day for me and I am mad as hell.

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Rail away! It's eactly what this site is for. To voice your opinions, thoughts, and concerns. I know I've used it many times as a sounding board to relaese my anger!


I think if enough of us stress the lack of financial support we will give the team, it may speak louder than even a billboard,etc. Hit 'em in the pockets. The tickets are sold really. But concessions and gear are not.





Mad I am with you 100%.


I am done spending financial capital on this team and I will not invest anymore emotional capital on them. I see my Sunday's freeing up this fall. I will always be a Bear's fan, but I will not put up with another season of being insulted by this organization.


These rumored changes are just window dressing, Turner, Boras, Heistand, really ?? Who cares. Since Turner returned in 2004, Lovie has been allowed to hire six different defensive coaches. Marinelli or Fewell as the defensive coordinator will serve nothing, they will simply be yes men to Lovie, that's all he surrounds himself with. The team keeps propping Lovie up with changes all of the time. How many times do they get to get away with this? This guy is a defensive genius and that s the weakest part of this team. The answer: fire offensive coaches and hire around Lovie AGAIN!!! Now Lovie is spewing that his double duty this last season was too taxing, maybe that's becuase he sucks as a coordinator and head coach. Mike Martz as an offensive coordinator is just that, offensive. He will get Cutler killed with this offensive line.


I am tired of being told the McCaskey family has $11 million good reasons to not dismiss Lovie. Well, I think they can lose that much through diminished revenues from merchandise and concessions.


Jerry Angelo is a fraud I no longer trust and Ted Phillips has been an ass clown since day one. He gets credit for getting the Soldier Field deal done. Mayor Daley would have welcomed Krusty the Clown and made a deal with him for the stadium, as long as it was not a smug, snarky McCaskey brat sitting across from him.


It is a shame Mugs Halas died so young, it would have kept the team out of his sister's hands. I am so tired of this crappy organization.


Sorry for the diatribe, it's just that this is projecting to be a sad, sad day for me and I am mad as hell.


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I just stated similar stuff on one of the other threads and suffice it to say that we are stuck with crap and everything that goes with crap. I miss Mugs more and more every day that we are stuck with the inept efforts of his sister and her family who continue to destroy this proud franchise. Who knows if things will ever get any better and from the way things played out today, it is doubtful that it will ever change.

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At least all these morons now seem completely attached to the hip. We can only hope fo a true housecleaning next year.


Enjoy the extra loot you'll have by not buying products to line the McCaskeys' coffers!


Totally agree with you and Uncle Buck. I just posted the same thought on one of NFO's posts. BTW - just heard on ESPN that Marinelli will be running the D. (about 5PM)


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It's just so disheartening...




I just stated similar stuff on one of the other threads and suffice it to say that we are stuck with crap and everything that goes with crap. I miss Mugs more and more every day that we are stuck with the inept efforts of his sister and her family who continue to destroy this proud franchise. Who knows if things will ever get any better and from the way things played out today, it is doubtful that it will ever change.


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I can't blame you...


And I also know when we get news (or lack thereof) like this...emotions run high.


I'm sure you'll be following along religiously once the coordinators are picked and camp starts. I just think your expectations will probably very tempered!


I know mine are!




I'm thinking of takin the year off the NFL for the most part. I'm going to wait and see what they do with the coordinators, but today the Bears organization let me down.


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I am with you guys. I will not go to a game this year, and will not buy any gear either. I will follow the team and this retarded staff, hoping they do the smart thing for a change before the Bears become a laughingstock like the Lions.

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Just to throw this out there. While I could be wrong, but believe team gear is part of revenue sharing, so not buying a team shirt, jersey, or whatever, really doesn't hurt the team.




I am with you guys. I will not go to a game this year, and will not buy any gear either. I will follow the team and this retarded staff, hoping they do the smart thing for a change before the Bears become a laughingstock like the Lions.


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Good deal.


Speaking of the Lions, I wonder how much they will improve with Stafford this upcoming season. Could we fall to the cellar? Seems like everyone in our division is improving but us.


I am with you guys. I will not go to a game this year, and will not buy any gear either. I will follow the team and this retarded staff, hoping they do the smart thing for a change before the Bears become a laughingstock like the Lions.


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I'm not 100% sure, but I believe a portion goes to the team and a portion to the sharing agreement... Not 100% to the NFL to be distributed. I might be wrong, I'm going off recolection and my mind is currently clouded with vehement anger.


Just to throw this out there. While I could be wrong, but believe team gear is part of revenue sharing, so not buying a team shirt, jersey, or whatever, really doesn't hurt the team.


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