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What ya gonna do Brett?

Uncle Buck

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RETIRE. You could see in the pre-game interview that he was tired. He got smacked often and now I am hoping that he summons the Danny Glover in him and says, "I'm too old for this s*#t." Call me a coward but I chose the path of least resistance for the bears. Next year will be hard enough.


I thought the Vikings were scarier with out him, in a Bears perspective. Adrian Peterson always ate the Bears alive prior to this year. Knowing Favre is there to make an untimely mistake always makes you think the Bears have a chance. I'm not saying their other options are great, bt the ball wouldn't be in their hands as much as favre.

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I was thrilled that the Vikings lost as well, not that I have a lot of love for the Saints but on any given Sunday my fav team is the Bears and my second fav is anyone playing the Vikings. Can't stand the Vikings, there was a time when I respected Favre but I've outgrown that as well and over the past several years have grown to outright despise him.... you put two things that I despise together and I can root for any team against them even the friggin Pukers To me the highight of the game was Brett's last INT. That interception cost them the game and it was a mistake that they teach you at all levels not to ever do... throw back across your body to the middle of the field late in the play. You are asking for trouble. Favre has gotten away with things like that all through his career, but I laughed when it bit him in the arse. One thing I did not want to see this season was Brett Favre getting another ring, and I'm glad that won't happen. At the end of the day that small satisfaction I got from Favre's and the Viking's failure tonight. Doesn't make up for the fact that my Bears are in disarray, but only takes my mind off it for a moment.


That said I see no way the Saints win against the Colts. When you have a 5-1 advantage in the turnover battle and have to win the game in over time....


1. you didn't capitalize on the Vikings mistakes.

2. were it not for the turnovers you would have lost that game

3. you were dominated for most of the game but benefited from really bad ball security by your opponent.

4. you also benefited from some favorable calls and reviews. (the Brees fumbled exchange challenge was dumb you were never going to win that one)


Now if your the Saints... ask yourself this what are the odds that the Colts self destruct 5 times, you get breaks from the officiating, and that the Colts will give you multiple opportunities to capitalize on mistakes. Don't expect the Colts to make a ton of mistakes. The Turnover ratio could have been even worse for the Vikings if they'd lost the ball every time the put it on the ground. You will face a much more disciplined and formidable opponent in Miami than you faced today. While it may not always be pretty the Colts simply get it done.

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How did you come by hating the Saints?


Yeah.. It's good to see the Vikings lose but I hate the Saints too.. This is the exact matchup I didn't want to see. I'd rather watch #4 vs Rex Ryan and the Jets but it's the opposite. Well I guess were getting ready for a blowout because the Colts are probably going to destroy the Saints.


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Kinda funny that an INT basically ends the Vikes season. The Saints didn't win that game, the Vikes lost it big time. Not a single Saint had over 40 yards receiving with Brees only totaling 197 yards.


Vikes had a 300 yard passer, a 100 yard rusher, and a 100 yard receiver, and lose. Wow.


Watching the post game, it is hard to see Brett coming back after that one.

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Watching the post game, it is hard to see Brett coming back after that one.


I thought the same thing after how the Jets totally melted down around him last season and threw all their blame at him. He still came back. He was physically worse last year, more beaten up, more injured, needed surgery, and still came back. I think the Vikes will tell him he's got until game 4 of training camp to show up next year, since he already knows the personnel and the playbook, and he'll be back then. The only question is whether he'll retire again first.

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I generally think that Trent Dilfer is an idiot wrapped in a moron but one thing he said after the game is that some teams have it in their DNA to turn the ball over. Literally that is idiotic. There is however something to it. AP puts the ball on the ground a lot, Favre has in the past thrown lots of picks. My point is that to have as great of a season as he did and to have had such a better statistic game and to still come up short has to eventually get to him.

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Turnovers are the difference.


I really hope he retires...


But that sight made me smile! I love seeing him lose!


Kinda funny that an INT basically ends the Vikes season. The Saints didn't win that game, the Vikes lost it big time. Not a single Saint had over 40 yards receiving with Brees only totaling 197 yards.


Vikes had a 300 yard passer, a 100 yard rusher, and a 100 yard receiver, and lose. Wow.


Watching the post game, it is hard to see Brett coming back after that one.


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The Saints second half stats were absolutely atrocious and that game winning drive didn't exactly exude confidence. dropped passes, bobbled balls, the last pass was likely upheld mostly due to it being ruled a catch on the field. Sure he had his hand under it but the ball was moving and the ground helped him make the catch. The vaunted Saints offense looked mostly inept. Without the turnovers its no contest. A lot of those turnovers came at very inopportune times when the Vikings were threatening. Two of them inside the Saints 10 IIRC. They fumbled 5 times and lost three of them and had two interceptions. The first pick, Brett got plastered the second was just dumb.



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The Colts are going to destroy them. They will not make the same mistakes as the Queens.


Peace :dabears

I still say the Colts aren't that good. They don't have a great defense, have a mediocre rushing attack at best. They just have the best QB potentially ever. They haven't played anyone worth a damn this year and were in 7 games decided by 4 or less points.


Colts would have lost to the Chargers or Vikings. Not sure if they will lose to the Saints cause the Saints D is not very good.

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Turnovers are the difference.


I really hope he retires...


But that sight made me smile! I love seeing him lose!

And by one of his patented dumb throw INTs! I had a feeling that he'd bite the Queens in the butt at some point. Came at the right time! :dabears

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Exactly! Bring it! With a healthy Url, I want the chance to lay him out and stop his starting streak!


I heard Brett said the code words today "I really don't think I'm going to play next year" which means I don't want to participate in OTAs, training camp, or the first few preseason games. See you in the middle of August.


What a douche bag.


Peace :dabears


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Brett won't be back next year and here's why. He was really roughed in the last few games, not just the Saints game. Recall the Bears Vikings game where the ref had to help him up off the turf. He's tough but all those hits were having a cumulative effect and that won't be easier to handle next year. Bu the #1 reason he won't be back is because his wife couldn't stand to see his asx get planted all over the Superdome turf with him unable to get up afterwards time and time again. How many times did they show her and whoever was sitting next to her covering their eyes as he rolled on the ground?


Now if it was me out there and I was making $10mil/season my wife would have me back out there with a walker.

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Brett won't be back next year and here's why. He was really roughed in the last few games, not just the Saints game. Recall the Bears Vikings game where the ref had to help him up off the turf. He's tough but all those hits were having a cumulative effect and that won't be easier to handle next year. Bu the #1 reason he won't be back is because his wife couldn't stand to see his asx get planted all over the Superdome turf with him unable to get up afterwards time and time again. How many times did they show her and whoever was sitting next to her covering their eyes as he rolled on the ground?


Now if it was me out there and I was making $10mil/season my wife would have me back out there with a walker.

They person to the right of Deanna was Brett's daughter. The announcers said that he took some really good shots against dallas the previous week and that his entire side was purple all week leading up to the saints game. I wonder what color his side is now. I felt bad for him for just a split second but I actually enjoyed him getting the beating of a lifetime. That OLine broke down in the 2nd half of the year and Brett paid the price.

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They person to the right of Deanna was Brett's daughter. The announcers said that he took some really good shots against dallas the previous week and that his entire side was purple all week leading up to the saints game. I wonder what color his side is now. I felt bad for him for just a split second but I actually enjoyed him getting the beating of a lifetime. That OLine broke down in the 2nd half of the year and Brett paid the price.



He took some pretty good shots from the Bears D as well. By the end of the season it was becoming obvious those big OTs protecting Favre had trouble stopping quicker DEs from getting around the corner. Once teams gave up defending AP (not the home run threat he used to be) they just decided to come after Favre. I enjoyed that.

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