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Recently I have seen an increase in the number of posters who are copying large amounts of text from articles found on the net. It is important to remember there are copyright laws that if violated could cause the owners of the forum major legal problems or possibly having the forum shut down.


When you want to copy a significant amount of text from an article please do two things:


1 - Put the text in quotes. In the tools given above the area you will see an option to add a quote, looks like a word balloon from a comic book, 2nd from the right. Click on it and paste the text between the two bracketed codes seen inserted into your post. (If you do not want to use that tool at least put the copied text you are pasting in a different color or font so the reader knows what section is from a copyrighted article).


2 - It is also very important to copy the link to the article and include it in the post. You can simply copy the URL and paste it or use the link tool (looks like a green arrow with a + sign) to add the link.


If you are going to just quote one line from an article, no big deal. If you are going to quote one small paragraph, just make sure you say where it came from. BUT, IF YOU COPY A LARGER SECTION, OR THE ENTIRE ARTICLE, PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES I MENTIONED ABOVE.


I can not stress how important this is. We do not want to lose another forum and have to search for another home.

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