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The D. Manning Shuffle Continues...


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I'm awaiting hearing how Marinelli will have him bulked up and ready to wreak havok as our new DE!




Really, we're moving him to ANOTHER spot in the secondary that he hasn't played before? And it's the one position where we have 3 or 4 guys in the mix already? When it's clear that he's only good as a nickel? I hate this coaching staff.


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The funny, to me, is how we have always brought in SS' hoping they could play FS. The one and only player who fits the mold of a FS we plan to move to SS.


DM has been in the league for long enough, and I think we have seen what he has to offer. DM is a very good nickel DB, and a GREAT return man. Here's an idea. Why not play him as a nickel DB and in the return game. I know this is a novel idea, playing players where they have shown the most promise, but hey, why not give it a try.


Well, the good part of the article is that it seems we will be looking at a FS in free agency instead our current mix.


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The funny, to me, is how we have always brought in SS' hoping they could play FS. The one and only player who fits the mold of a FS we plan to move to SS.


DM has been in the league for long enough, and I think we have seen what he has to offer. DM is a very good nickel DB, and a GREAT return man. Here's an idea. Why not play him as a nickel DB and in the return game. I know this is a novel idea, playing players where they have shown the most promise, but hey, why not give it a try.

Yes Manning was drafted as a true FS, but he has shown he has no instincts for the position. What I do agree and disagree with is your assessment of his play at nickle. He's good at blitzing from the nickle position. Other than that, it's back to his poor instincts on coverage skills. Now, if he play SS he gets more blitzing opportunities which is good. On the other hand, he's still a safety and prone to be toasted due his slow read abilities. IMO - he needs to remain a special teamer and defensive backup only. I think they are trying to find something he competant at besides returning kicks.

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I disagree in that I think he does a good job in coverage as a nickel DB. IMHO, a key reason is the nickel DB has a more simplified role. He has a WR who he is responsible for, and you just don't have the same level of read/react recognition which doomed him as a FS. He is played against lesser WRs as a nickel than he did as a starting CB, and has simply shown better ability overall as a nickel DB, and not just as a blitzer.


I think the key is limiting how much he has to read. Read/recognition was his greatest weakness, IMHO, as a FS. He was simply too slow to read what was developing, and while he has athleticism, it wasn't enough to make up for the late breaks. A nickel DB has a more limited requirement for reading the play though. He has a more simple assignment, and IMHO, did a better job executing that assignment.


A SS has a lesser reading requirement than a FS, but there is still a greater level of read/react, and that is why I think he would struggle as a SS, much the way he did as a FS. Put him at nickel, the more simplified role, and let him cover opponents #3 WRs, and otherwise keep him on special teams.


Yes Manning was drafted as a true FS, but he has shown he has no instincts for the position. What I do agree and disagree with is your assessment of his play at nickle. He's good at blitzing from the nickle position. Other than that, it's back to his poor instincts on coverage skills. Now, if he play SS he gets more blitzing opportunities which is good. On the other hand, he's still a safety and prone to be toasted due his slow read abilities. IMO - he needs to remain a special teamer and defensive backup only. I think they are trying to find something he competant at besides returning kicks.


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Guest TerraTor

Hes the best athlete on the team(the circus says so). Too bad he has no football talent. He cant read a QB or god forbid tackle. His shuffle should be to the resdskins or lions for their 3rd round pick.


A good KR, ya we already have the best one.

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Hes the best athlete on the team(the circus says so). Too bad he has no football talent. He cant read a QB or god forbid tackle. His shuffle should be to the resdskins or lions for their 3rd round pick.


A good KR, ya we already have the best one.

He must be one of the team's better athletes or they wouldn't shuffle him around so much. But he can't really perfect his game and show true professionalism if the staff keeps trying to solve problems due to their lack of foresight. Hey, if I were his agent I'd be crying for a hefty raise in his new contract.

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Guest TerraTor
He must be one of the team's better athletes or they wouldn't shuffle him around so much. But he can't really perfect his game and show true professionalism if the staff keeps trying to solve problems due to their lack of foresight. Hey, if I were his agent I'd be crying for a hefty raise in his new contract.


Maybe we're hoping someone offers him a deal and we get the 3rd round pick?

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Did we? It is honestly so hard to keep up with the suffle its hard to know. I do remember in the offseason last year talk of his playing SS. I remember because I recall thinking, "huh". No really. DM at FS, CB or nickel I can understand. SS though? That sounds about as right as Afalava Payne or Steltz as a FS.


Honestly, I feel bad for the kid. I really do. I am not saying he would have ever developing into anything more than he has, but it just has to suck being told you are going to learn a new position every freaking year.


What I really don't understand is, Steltz shows a little hope toward the end of the year, and while he faded, Afalava started strong. Hell, we still have Payne too. Not saying any are pro bowl, but all would seem to be better SS' than DM. When talking about him at CB or FS, at least I understood the need angle, but I am not sure I understand the angle at SS.


I'm pretty sure we played or even started D Manning at SS towards the end of last year. Considering nobody remembers this, he must not have made much of an impact.


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Agreed on Steltz. He seems to disappoint Smith in practice, but in gametime, he seems to be a playmaker. I'd like to give him a legit shot at a job unless we bring in a stud.


What I really don't understand is, Steltz shows a little hope toward the end of the year, and while he faded, Afalava started strong. Hell, we still have Payne too. Not saying any are pro bowl, but all would seem to be better SS' than DM. When talking about him at CB or FS, at least I understood the need angle, but I am not sure I understand the angle at SS.


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