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I was reading the entire post thinking it was destined to be a one I'd remember for awhile. But the above paragraph made it lose some credibility. I would argue 1 FS, 1 DE, and 1 OL as needs. The rest is depth. Now, if you were saying you'd like to have upgrades at those positions, I'd agree. But 11 to 14 positions? That's a lot. Are saying it's a miracle we went 7-9?


Like I said earlier, the rest of the post was solid.


i can only make a determination on what the players on the field actually do gameday.


1. are we set at strong safety? it is an unknown to me if any currently on this roster would even be average let alone good. is it possible one might develop? sure. but is there talk right now of danniel manning being moved to SS? we have rotated payne, afalava, manning, and steltz not counting the others in the past we have gotten rid of. at this position we really have not a single solid player we could call more than depth at this position.


if we were to put any safety on this team on the market for a trade how much would we expect to be compensated for it? if it was less than even a third or fourth round pick i would not call that success in fielding a quality ball player.


2. one defensive end possibly but that brings to question of alex brown. i like the guy but in reality a 6 sack average a year RDE is not a quality starter. good depth but not a quality starter. there was no real thought that i have heard that we were going to resign an aging ogy so that left anderson who has done nearly nothing since his rookie year.


if we moved a. brown to the left side and he continued to play as well over there as on the right then yes, that is average or a bit above for a LDE and our need would be as you say 1 DE. if not then in my opinion we need/ed 2 defensive ends. again we only have potential on a player on the second half of his career.


3. OL: in my opinion the only real spot we have filled is our LT position by c. williams and even that is not set in stone without more playing time. both guards need to be replaced. our center is on the downward spiral and needs replacement in the near future. i don't see beekman as a top can't miss candidate if he can't even break into the lineup at guard where we were desperate for warm bodies over the last couple years after he has been on our roster for 3+ years. if his play can't beat out frank o at left guard it really makes it doubtful for me he can become that potential all-pro candidate to replace kreutz. at RT we again are only speculating that shaeffer or frank 0 will actually turn out even average. our entire OL is running strictly on potential. the potential to be good/average or the potential to get our franchise qb killed.


this is where failure in the draft to prepare a good+ quality replacement falls on our gm's shaky shoulders.

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