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Holt (2010 edition)


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Many of you saw free agent receiver Torry Holt on NFL Live this week and wondered if he has retired and moved into television work. The answer is no.


Holt, in fact, is openly lobbying for Chicago to sign him so he can reunite with offensive coordinator Mike Martz on a team that could use a veteran's presence among its receivers. Holt told ESPN Radio in Los Angeles that the Bears would be an "obvious" choice and said he has expressed as much to them.


(Thanks to sportsradiointerviews.com for spotting the appearance and transcribing.)


Here's part of what Holt had to say:


"It sounds like that would be the obvious choice and that would be a quick pick-up. But again, they have to do their evaluations, they've got to see if I can even fit with what they're trying to do. [They've] got a lot of young receivers there. They're trying to groom those young receivers and trying to get those young receivers an opportunity to play.


"If I come in as a vet, I'm going to challenge those guys for a starting spot, and probably more than likely, beat quite a few of them out for a position to play on that football team. So I guess that's something that they would have to evaluate.


"But if you think of it, it would be a natural fit with coach Martz being there. I know the system, I was in the system for many years and had a lot of success within that system. So it sounds quite natural, but coach Martz doesn't make the final decision. Some of the other people in the organization are going to make the final decision.


"It's going to have to come from the head coach and [general manager Jerry] Angelo and that staff on pulling the trigger to bring me in. So I'm just kind of waiting to see, but I did express to them early on -- the week that I got released from Jacksonville -- that I do have some interest in playing there in Chicago. I feel I could go there and help and contribute to that football team to trying to get things turned around and be a playoff contender. So we'll see how it goes."


Holt, 33, played under Martz in St. Louis from 1999-2005. I'm not sure what kind of money Holt is looking for, but I can't imagine him not helping the Bears in some capacity. I like the bravado he expressed and think it would be a good fire-starter for some returning players.


Martz has suggested that Devin Hester will play in a slot role, leaving Earl Bennett as one outside receiver. Johnny Knox and Devin Aromashodu would conceivably compete for the other outside position. Both showed substantive flashes last season, but I don't think either is established enough to ignore the presence of a player like Holt on the open market.

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No doubt, last year he wanted nothing to do with us. Rumor was his knees wouldn't handle the cold too well. Whatever. If he's so good why did he get cut after just one season? Move on.

Yeah. If he wanted a job as an assistant WRs coach, I'd be all for it. But he's just not worth the roster spot at this point. He couldn't make an impact in Jacksonville, and that team was desperate for receiver help. How does he think he's he going to beat out Hester when Hester outperformed him last season?


Holt 2009: 103 targets, 51 receptions, 722 yards, 0 TDs

Hester 2009: 91 targets, 57 receptions, 757 yards, 3 TDs


Hell, on a per-target basis, Earl Bennett outplayed Holt, too:


Bennett 2009: 88 targets, 54 receptions, 717 yards, 2 TDs

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