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OT Rule changed for playoffs


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Because, you play football as normal. You get ball, you score, you win. You don't get ball. You stop team with ball. You get ball, you score, you win.


Taking the ball with the coin flip win is an easy decision. It's always best to try to score on O vs D unless you're hte 2006 Bears.




No "Well you can score a FG, but it kind of doesn't count, so even though you have more points, you don't win with a FG until Jimmy down the street gets a chance to play to. And then on every 3rd Sunday, you can have a safety, but not unless you get an onsides and get 9 points...yadda yadda yadda" It just skews the overall strategy. Who gives a F who wins the coin flip. Know your role. Play it well, and you will probably win regardless of who won the flip or not.


Why are you so for this now vs 10 yeqars ago? Where were the rallying cries then?


Bottom line. This is pansy-ass... Sorry, just my personal opinion. it's the continued neutering of the NFL, and I do not like it. I, apparently, am in the minority. It's not the first time, and won't be the last.


Note to first timers: I am old. And I am old school. I like the game how it was played. How it was MEANT to be played. Not this neutered crap. Ask the players...something tells me they feel more like me than Goodell. I could be wrong. But that would truly surprise me unless they were paid more for this garbage.


It destroys the strategy pof the game completely. This is chess, not checkers. (Although to Smith it is, so it'd probably do us good.)


All elements to the game need to be set in play for it to not be a lame soccer shoot out.


How is the current/past overtime rules anything like chess. You win the coin flip, you take the ball. Period. Not much strategy there.


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he players union will argue regarless what Florio or anyone else thinks. How successful they will be is debatable. But I am certain they will fight this in some manner in order to gain something in eaither dollars or some other concession from owners.


The rules are very different.


There will be more time on the field.


Before, you could stop at the 30 and kick a FG. Now you will be inclinded to go for firsts to get the TD to end it. Thus resulting on more time on the field and more time to get a potential injury.


All it will take is for poseterboy Favre to actually get hurt for once in such a scenario and watch the sheep come flocking in to say we need to go back to the old way!


Players Union will always try to make an argument, but I don't see it. I did see (PFT or someone talked about this) where they might have had an argument if the college rules were applied. It seems the Players Union has rights when it comes to increases in player time. If you had the college rules carry over, then you would, due to the extra possession by rule, be creating extra playing time for players. Thus the union might have had an argument.


But the rules, as they were written, don't seem that way.


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