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Bored at Work Poll....

Guest TerraTor

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Guest TerraTor

With me being a negative guy when it comes to sports, let me ask this.


Who is your most hated Bears player of all time?


I was always under the assumption that no person could make me more pissed off at life than RW McQuartes, but since he wasnt totally horrible in coverage, I have to say Danneal Manning.


Who is your most loved Bears player of all time?


Without even thinking twice, Neal Anderson.

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Who is your most hated Bears player of all time?

RW McQuarters - I'll never forget the game he cost us by begging for the lateral instead of throwing the block that would have scored the TD.


Who is your most loved Bears player of all time?

100% Sweetness. He's my all-time hero.



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Who is your most hated Bears player of all time?

Cedric Benson--What a whinny crybaby!


Who is your most loved Bears player of all time?

100% Sweetness. Yeah, he's the personification of a football player and a gentleman.

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This is interesting. I don't often hate any Bears. There are folks I think we should cut. But, I usually don't hate them.


However, there is a guy that I used to hate. BIG TIME! I forget his name. One of you guys that have watched for a while have to help me. Please. I can't think of his name and it's killing me!! :banghead


He was a running back/fullback about ten years ago (I believe). However, we had him on kickoff returns!! He was our main returner for a while. He was terribly slow and had to be the worst kickoff returner in history. His most infamous moment was when he let the ball hit his facemask on a return (Buffalo, I believe). The other team got the ball and scored a TD. We had the lead at the time, but this moment changed the momentum of the game. I think we were 2-0 at the time. This win would have put us at 3-0. But, we started a downhill slide for the rest of the year.


I didn't like him before this. But, I started to despise him even worse after that. I always blamed him for changing the momentum and entire direction of the team at that time.


I'm sure one of you guys remember. Please help!!


BTW, on the favorite, Walter for sure!! He was the guy that made me a Bears fan!!

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Leon Johnson?


This is interesting. I don't often hate any Bears. There are folks I think we should cut. But, I usually don't hate them.


However, there is a guy that I used to hate. BIG TIME! I forget his name. One of you guys that have watched for a while have to help me. Please. I can't think of his name and it's killing me!! :banghead


He was a running back/fullback about ten years ago (I believe). However, we had him on kickoff returns!! He was our main returner for a while. He was terribly slow and had to be the worst kickoff returner in history. His most infamous moment was when he let the ball hit his facemask on a return (Buffalo, I believe). The other team got the ball and scored a TD. We had the lead at the time, but this moment changed the momentum of the game. I think we were 2-0 at the time. This win would have put us at 3-0. But, we started a downhill slide for the rest of the year.


I didn't like him before this. But, I started to despise him even worse after that. I always blamed him for changing the momentum and entire direction of the team at that time.


I'm sure one of you guys remember. Please help!!


BTW, on the favorite, Walter for sure!! He was the guy that made me a Bears fan!!


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Most hated: So many options to choose from but I'll give two Rick Meier, Cade McClown, The first time I saw them play I was like WTF? (to borrow a phrase from my daughter)


Most loved is hands down Walter. Never saw a player give more on every single play than him and he kept coming back for more.

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When I go to choose the one player that pissed me off the most it would have to go to the player who I thought had the most talent and totally wasted his chances in the NFL because of the lack of grey matter between the ears, David Terrell.


When I chose my favorite since I am a huge fan of nasty defense I have to go with Butkus. There was no Bear as nasty as Butkus on the field.


I loved Payton but he wasn't nasty, he was "Sweetness".


I love Urlacher but he isn't nasty enough to be my number 1.



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Hate's a strong word, but I think I got angrier at Rex Grossman than any other Bear I can remember. I can deal with players like Mark Bradley who get tons of hype and turn out to be not so good...that just happens sometimes. I could even deal with Cedric Benson being a big disappointment and then resurrecting his career somewhere else. Again, that just happens sometimes - look at what Thomas Jones did in Arizona, and then he came to Chicago and lit it up. But Grossman would play like a stud one game and then lose the next game for us singlehandedly. I've never seen a talented player just crap the bed as bad as Grossman did, when you knew what he was capable of sometimes. That drove me nuts.


And as far as players that I loved: I'm going to go with Devin Hester. When the Bears' offense was a bad joke and the defense was starting to fall off the cliff, we still had something to hang our hat on thanks to Hester. I remember announcers back in 2007 making fun of the latest three-and-out or bemoaning how the defense wasn't the same after the Super Bowl, but when the return team came on the field, Hester would shut them up. He seriously gave me something to feel proud about as a Bears fan at a time when the rest of the team was struggling badly. It made sense to move him to offense once teams wouldn't kick to him any more, and I like what he's done as a receiver, but it was pretty special having the best return man in history.

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Leon Johnson?


That was him!!!! Thanks!! :notworthy Found an article too. Almost as I remember. The game was against the Saints. Buffalo was the next week.




In many ways, September 22, 2002 was a perfect midwestern fall day, featuring a chilly morning that hinted at a relief from summer, yet bright sun and 80 degree warmth by early afternoon. On tap for this day were the surprisingly revitalized 2-0 New Orleans Saints. Many thought this would be the end of the line for the 2-0 Bears, yet Chicago built an impressive 20-0 lead. Just as it looked like the 2002 team had finally arrived, the season's fortunes changed on a single play. KR Leon Johnson stood in the aforementioned warm sun awaiting a kickoff with the Bears looking to protect a 20-7 lead. The previously sure-handed Johnson allowed the kick to bounce directly off his helmet and New Orleans recovered at the Chicago eight yard line. Two plays later, QB Aaron Brooks scored to cut the lead to 20-14, and Chicago would lose 29-23 despite a last-ditch drive by Jim Miller that resulted in an end-zone interception. At once, 2001's magic left the team and was not to be seen again in central Illinois.

The following seven weeks tied the team's record for futility. The Bears first lost at Buffalo 33-27 on an Bills' overtime touchdown. That TD followed a poor first possession during which the Bears went three-and-out. On October 7th, the nation feasted its eyes on Champaign and the Bears in all-navy uniforms for the first time on Monday Night Football. This spectacle couldn't motivate the team, however, as they trailed 24-14 at halftime and would eventually lose to hated Green Bay 34-21. Brand-new Ford Field and the Lions were next. Chicago allowed 172 yards rushing to journeyman RB James Stewart and lost the game 23-20 in overtime. K Paul Edinger gave Detroit the ball in the extra period at their 40 due to a poor punt, and the Lions made short work of Chicago.

Although the season's turning point undoubtedly was Johnson's muff against the Saints, its lowest point came at Minnesota October 27th. Chris Chandler started his second game for Jim Miller, was sacked six times, and proved completely ineffective. The Bears lost 25-7. Miller, who missed six games in 2002 with shoulder, elbow and knee problems, returned the following week against Philadelphia. Miller's return was unexpected, but the depleted Bears had no choice when Chandler was knocked silly on an attempted QB sneak. The Bears played Philadelphia hard-surprising everyone with a 13-7 halftime lead. Chicago couldn't score in the second half despite a valiant defensive performance, and lost its sixth straight.

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MOST HATED: RW McQuarters. He didn't care about winning. He didn't cover anyone. He always played off the ball ten yards. The damn bandaid pissed me off like no other adornment in NFL history. And the infamous "gimme the ball" moment will always be remembered.


MOST LOVED: This is tough, because I have loved so many Bears. Walter Payton, Jim McMahon, Brian Urlacher, Neal Anderson, so many great choices. But I'd have to split it between two less-heralded players:


1) Mike Brown - He didn't seem to be the strongest, fastest, or great in anything measurable, but the guy knows how to play football. When he returned the back-to-back, game-winning INTs in OT, he forever became a Bear legend in my eyes. I don't think I've ever been happier as a Bear fan than after those two games.


2) Tom Waddle - Despite a short career, he will always remembered as what a pro football player should be. He is the epitome of effort, dedication, and a desire to win. Seeing him play after sustaining multiple concussions - and getting straight knocked out one game - showed me that he actually wanted to win, rather than collect a paycheck like so many other professional athletes (like that douchebag RW McQuarters).

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I've tried to forget him!


That was him!!!! Thanks!! :notworthy Found an article too. Almost as I remember. The game was against the Saints. Buffalo was the next week.




In many ways, September 22, 2002 was a perfect midwestern fall day, featuring a chilly morning that hinted at a relief from summer, yet bright sun and 80 degree warmth by early afternoon. On tap for this day were the surprisingly revitalized 2-0 New Orleans Saints. Many thought this would be the end of the line for the 2-0 Bears, yet Chicago built an impressive 20-0 lead. Just as it looked like the 2002 team had finally arrived, the season's fortunes changed on a single play. KR Leon Johnson stood in the aforementioned warm sun awaiting a kickoff with the Bears looking to protect a 20-7 lead. The previously sure-handed Johnson allowed the kick to bounce directly off his helmet and New Orleans recovered at the Chicago eight yard line. Two plays later, QB Aaron Brooks scored to cut the lead to 20-14, and Chicago would lose 29-23 despite a last-ditch drive by Jim Miller that resulted in an end-zone interception. At once, 2001's magic left the team and was not to be seen again in central Illinois.

The following seven weeks tied the team's record for futility. The Bears first lost at Buffalo 33-27 on an Bills' overtime touchdown. That TD followed a poor first possession during which the Bears went three-and-out. On October 7th, the nation feasted its eyes on Champaign and the Bears in all-navy uniforms for the first time on Monday Night Football. This spectacle couldn't motivate the team, however, as they trailed 24-14 at halftime and would eventually lose to hated Green Bay 34-21. Brand-new Ford Field and the Lions were next. Chicago allowed 172 yards rushing to journeyman RB James Stewart and lost the game 23-20 in overtime. K Paul Edinger gave Detroit the ball in the extra period at their 40 due to a poor punt, and the Lions made short work of Chicago.

Although the season's turning point undoubtedly was Johnson's muff against the Saints, its lowest point came at Minnesota October 27th. Chris Chandler started his second game for Jim Miller, was sacked six times, and proved completely ineffective. The Bears lost 25-7. Miller, who missed six games in 2002 with shoulder, elbow and knee problems, returned the following week against Philadelphia. Miller's return was unexpected, but the depleted Bears had no choice when Chandler was knocked silly on an attempted QB sneak. The Bears played Philadelphia hard-surprising everyone with a 13-7 halftime lead. Chicago couldn't score in the second half despite a valiant defensive performance, and lost its sixth straight.


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No way I can go with Smith. I dislike him immensely, but he's still behind at least Jauron and Wanny.


Jauron was completely inept, ignorantly loyal, and just always seemed overmatched.

Wanny completely destroyed the Bears from top to bottom.


Zombie Lovie is not my favorite, but at least the Bears made it to the Super Bowl under his "watch."

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When it comes to bad coaches Jim Dooley who actually coached the Bears to a 1-13 season,Abe Gibron who was a fan favorite but stunk as a coach and Jack Pardee who helped bring the Bears back to the playoffs but, left to go coach the Redskins is my most hated coach.

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No argument! However, I respected Wanny and Jauron far more as defensive coordinators. There, I felt they really knew their jobs and did well. I cannot say that about Smith. But, yes as HC's for us, they were crummy. Smith was handed a pretty awesome D though. And he's made it worse.


The Bears made it under Mike Brown's watch...



No way I can go with Smith. I dislike him immensely, but he's still behind at least Jauron and Wanny.


Jauron was completely inept, ignorantly loyal, and just always seemed overmatched.

Wanny completely destroyed the Bears from top to bottom.


Zombie Lovie is not my favorite, but at least the Bears made it to the Super Bowl under his "watch."


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You got me on those lemonej...


They were pretty much before my time. But my dad speaks of them very unhighly...


When it comes to bad coaches Jim Dooley who actually coached the Bears to a 1-13 season,Abe Gibron who was a fan favorite but stunk as a coach and Jack Pardee who helped bring the Bears back to the playoffs but, left to go coach the Redskins is my most hated coach.


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Hated Player - So many to choose from, and so many solid candidates already discussed. I think I have to go with Mike Green. At the bar I have watched games at for years, my dislike for Green is an old joke. I hated the dude so much then, that now anytime I dislike a player, Green is brought up and everyone laughs. I always hated the way Green always seemed to take bad angles and try to drag a players down from behind, and at times would just fall off their backs as the ball carrier would seem to laugh at his attempt.


Loved Player - Payton is simply too obvious of a choice, so I am going to go with one I have not seen mentioned, but has always been a top 2/3 favorite of mine. Mike Singletary. To me, this simply played the game like it should be played. He devoted himself off the field to always better himself and his game, and was maybe the most natural field general I have ever seen. Never the most gifted, but that never mattered. I always shuddered to think what the man would have been like if given Urlacher's natural, raw talent, or what Urlacher would have been like with Mike's non-skill characteristics.


Disliked coach - Wanny and Lovie are again just too obvious, so I will go another route. While Ditka is so loved, he frankly ticks me off. The '85 Bears are considered one of the best teams of all time, that that team should have won multiple championships, and I blame Ditka so much for the destruction of that team. That team should have been a dynasty, but Ditka was a big part of killing that team.


With me being a negative guy when it comes to sports, let me ask this.


Who is your most hated Bears player of all time?


I was always under the assumption that no person could make me more pissed off at life than RW McQuartes, but since he wasnt totally horrible in coverage, I have to say Danneal Manning.


Who is your most loved Bears player of all time?


Without even thinking twice, Neal Anderson.


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This whole discussion is kind of funny. I honestly had a much tough time coming up with players I hated. Only a couple... I guess my thinking is that I give the player the benefit of the doubt because it's the coach that puts the player in a position to fail. Some players are just unprepared, don't care...etc...those are the ones I don't like.


There are far too many I do like! Hell, virtually the entire 85 roster!


Ah man, you can't hate coach! He should have won more, but his teams were always very good to great! Let's not discount the fact that he also happened into the era of prmier coaches like Walsh, Parcells, Gibbs...all HoF'ers. He isn't. Not as coach at least. And, he brought us our only Super Bowl ever. Maybe Buddy really did. Maybe Jimmy Mac and Walter did. But, I will always have a soft spot in my heart for coach! And, who else has an SNL skit? c'mon!



Hated Player - So many to choose from, and so many solid candidates already discussed. I think I have to go with Mike Green. At the bar I have watched games at for years, my dislike for Green is an old joke. I hated the dude so much then, that now anytime I dislike a player, Green is brought up and everyone laughs. I always hated the way Green always seemed to take bad angles and try to drag a players down from behind, and at times would just fall off their backs as the ball carrier would seem to laugh at his attempt.


Loved Player - Payton is simply too obvious of a choice, so I am going to go with one I have not seen mentioned, but has always been a top 2/3 favorite of mine. Mike Singletary. To me, this simply played the game like it should be played. He devoted himself off the field to always better himself and his game, and was maybe the most natural field general I have ever seen. Never the most gifted, but that never mattered. I always shuddered to think what the man would have been like if given Urlacher's natural, raw talent, or what Urlacher would have been like with Mike's non-skill characteristics.


Disliked coach - Wanny and Lovie are again just too obvious, so I will go another route. While Ditka is so loved, he frankly ticks me off. The '85 Bears are considered one of the best teams of all time, that that team should have won multiple championships, and I blame Ditka so much for the destruction of that team. That team should have been a dynasty, but Ditka was a big part of killing that team.


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Sarah Palin has a SLN skit, as do many others, so......


I know how most Bear fans feel, and in so many ways I do love Da Coach. At the same time, when looking at a coach, I have to ask if they did the most with what they had. Wanny had no talent to work with. You can blame him, but (a) that is knocking Wanny as a personnel guy and (B) our organizational structure then was a joke, which he had to work within. Jauron didn't have jack for talent.


Ditka had loads of talent to work with, and most bear fans would agree, that team should have been a dynasty, and not a one SB team. Yea, that one year was incredible, but it should not have been only one year. Do we win that SB if Buddy isn't the DC? Look at all the HOF talent on that team. It should have won far more, and more than most other reasons, I blame Ditka for the dismantling of that team.


I know how controversial it is to say, but as great as that one season is, when talking about Ditka, I can't help but to think he is over-rated and if he were truly a good, much less great coach, we would have won so much more.


This whole discussion is kind of funny. I honestly had a much tough time coming up with players I hated. Only a couple... I guess my thinking is that I give the player the benefit of the doubt because it's the coach that puts the player in a position to fail. Some players are just unprepared, don't care...etc...those are the ones I don't like.


There are far too many I do like! Hell, virtually the entire 85 roster!


Ah man, you can't hate coach! He should have won more, but his teams were always very good to great! Let's not discount the fact that he also happened into the era of prmier coaches like Walsh, Parcells, Gibbs...all HoF'ers. He isn't. Not as coach at least. And, he brought us our only Super Bowl ever. Maybe Buddy really did. Maybe Jimmy Mac and Walter did. But, I will always have a soft spot in my heart for coach! And, who else has an SNL skit? c'mon!


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