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Tim Ruskell Hired as Director of Player Personnel


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...he'll be in charge of both pro personnel and college scouting. The college scouts will report directly to him, as will the AD of pro personnel. Basically, he's going to do both Bobby DePaul's job and Greg Gabriel's. He'll report directly to Angelo.


I can't say I like this move. Ruskell hasn't whiffed in the draft nearly as often as Angelo, but he's also utterly failed to bring in impact players since he left Tampa Bay. He drafted exactly ONE Pro Bowler in Seattle - Lofa Tatupu. Even Angelo's done better than that. Maybe the whole will be better than the sum of the parts, but I can't see this move helping the Bears' front office learn how to draft.

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I think the move is fine. Mike Holgrem (spelling?) when HC for SEA was top dog in the draft room. I am not sure you can blame Ruskell for any mistakes or give him credit for any success SEA had. MH had say over everything. Ruskell was a lame duck.

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That's kinda what I was thinking...how much was Holmgren and how much was Ruskell. Just like our debates on how much influence Lovie has had since the Superbowl. It's an odd hire from Ruskell's point of view seeing as JA is near the end of his rope but maybe his deal is guaranteed.

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