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Hey, Urlacher


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Url, what the hell are you doing calling out Sayers? Yes, the team went 1-13, but that wasn't Sayers' fault. When you become a Hall of Famer then you can take some pot shots. It would be nice to see you play with a little fire too, while we're at it. Don't get me wrong, you are a good player, but I don't think you are "great." Get back on the filed and let your game do the talking, please.

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Url, what the hell are you doing calling out Sayers? Yes, the team went 1-13, but that wasn't Sayers' fault. When you become a Hall of Famer then you can take some pot shots. It would be nice to see you play with a little fire too, while we're at it. Don't get me wrong, you are a good player, but I don't think you are "great." Get back on the filed and let your game do the talking, please.

Agreed with you Chile. Some people don't know when to keep their mouths shut.


Peace :dabears

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Butkus just responded...




Butkus backs Sayers in rift with Urlacher

May 20, 2010 1:47 PM | 11 Comments | UPDATED STORY

By Fred Mitchell


The firestorm from the Brian Urlacher-Gale Sayers war of words was rekindled Thursday when Hall of Fame linebacker Dick Butkus jumped to the defense of his former teammate.


Urlacher had publicly chastised Sayers for questioning the potential of the 2010 Bears during a May 4 speaking engagement in Nebraska. Urlacher responded by saying: "Let me ask you a question: How many championships did Gale Sayers win? How many playoff games did he win when he played? None. None. None."


On Thursday, Butkus responded from his Southern California home, telling the Tribune: "It's a real reach to say: 'What did Gale do?' (Shoot), Urlacher wasn't even born yet, what does he know?


"I say things to other people, too, about the Bears. It's total frustration. You think (Sayers) is saying it because he hates the Bears? You get so tired of sitting there watching them."


Photo: Dick Butler on Brian Urlacher's criticism of Gale Sayers: "What does he know?" (Nuccio DiNuzzo/Tribune)


Butkus and Sayers were first-round draft picks of the Bears in 1965; the first duo to become Hall of Fame players for the same team from the opening round of the draft. Sayers still holds the NFL rookie record of 22 touchdowns in '65, including six TDs in one game.


Urlacher discredited the opinion of Sayers by pointing out that he played on the 1-13 team in 1969, even though Sayers gained over 1,000 yards in a 14-game season after undergoing major knee surgery the previous year.


"I think he is a little out of line by the way he is handling the whole thing and blaming the whole (1969) season on Gale," said Butkus of Urlacher. "That's uncalled for."


Because of knee injuries, Sayers played in only 68 games before becoming the youngest man to be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame at the age of 34.


On Wednesday, Sayers told the Tribune: "I knew I couldn't play anymore, and I left the team. I saw that I couldn't run the ball anymore. Every time I fell on the AstroTurf, it hurt my knee. I told (former Bears coach) Abe Gibron during an exhibition game in St. Louis. I walked inside (at halftime) and said, 'It didn't work; I'm through.'


"I am quite sure people were talking about me...'He doesn't have it anymore.' And I knew I didn't have it anymore. So I gave it up. You have to prepare to quit, and I did that during my career. Hey, I gave it up and I didn't look back."


Urlacher also was upset that Sayers questioned the fact the star linebacker might have difficulty returning to his Pro Bowl level after a serious (wrist) injury kept him out most of last season.


"The truth of the matter is that I think Gale is absolutely right when you talk about a linebacker who has played nine years and he is coming back off an injury," Butkus said. "I would say that there should be some concern whether he can reach his ability again.


"I've gone through it. To go nine years and come out with knee injuries...you know your ability is going to be hampered a little bit. (Urlacher) is dead wrong right there. Maybe that's why he was trying to deflect that part of it by saying: 'Well, what does he know? He never won.'


"It's a little defensive move on his part. His pride got hurt," Butkus said.



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I think Butkis said it best when he said Urlacher's pride got hurt. It wasn't just that Sayers was criticizing the bears, but he also specifically mentioned Urlacher, mentioned his age, and questioned whether he could return. I think that is was caused Urlacher to lash out. Make no mistake, I am not defending Urlacher in this. When you are ticked off is not usually the best time to give the media quotes.


With that said, let me ask this. If a Bears player from the 30's or 40's came out and ripped the Bears when Butkis and Sayers were playing, and specifically called out those two, how do you think they would react? Wanna bet Butkis would have had some harsh words for the old player?




Url, what the hell are you doing calling out Sayers? Yes, the team went 1-13, but that wasn't Sayers' fault. When you become a Hall of Famer then you can take some pot shots. It would be nice to see you play with a little fire too, while we're at it. Don't get me wrong, you are a good player, but I don't think you are "great." Get back on the filed and let your game do the talking, please.


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I do like Url, but he needs to shut his pie hole and play the game. Deeds not words...




Url, what the hell are you doing calling out Sayers? Yes, the team went 1-13, but that wasn't Sayers' fault. When you become a Hall of Famer then you can take some pot shots. It would be nice to see you play with a little fire too, while we're at it. Don't get me wrong, you are a good player, but I don't think you are "great." Get back on the filed and let your game do the talking, please.


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That's Mr. ButkUs!


Why would any player ever rip Butkus and Sayers? "Dang, those guys try too hard! Sayers runs too well! Butkus scares the opponent too much! Bad Gale! Bad Dick!"


Funny. No one's ever dissed Ray Lewis for anything other than his limo incident... Url doth protest too much. Must be some truth in there...


I think Butkis said it best when he said Urlacher's pride got hurt. It wasn't just that Sayers was criticizing the bears, but he also specifically mentioned Urlacher, mentioned his age, and questioned whether he could return. I think that is was caused Urlacher to lash out. Make no mistake, I am not defending Urlacher in this. When you are ticked off is not usually the best time to give the media quotes.


With that said, let me ask this. If a Bears player from the 30's or 40's came out and ripped the Bears when Butkis and Sayers were playing, and specifically called out those two, how do you think they would react? Wanna bet Butkis would have had some harsh words for the old player?


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I think Butkis said it best when he said Urlacher's pride got hurt. It wasn't just that Sayers was criticizing the bears, but he also specifically mentioned Urlacher, mentioned his age, and questioned whether he could return. I think that is was caused Urlacher to lash out. Make no mistake, I am not defending Urlacher in this. When you are ticked off is not usually the best time to give the media quotes.


With that said, let me ask this. If a Bears player from the 30's or 40's came out and ripped the Bears when Butkis and Sayers were playing, and specifically called out those two, how do you think they would react? Wanna bet Butkis would have had some harsh words for the old player?



Regardless of whether Url's pride was hurt, it is disrespectul and idiotic to respond in the way that he did. As I have said before, I would be much happier supporting the Bears if the team was stocked with guys with some intelligence and character rather than morons, which Url, and others, are. As it stands, I support the Bears despite guys like Url and Briggs, who are, or have been, good players but whose character is, at best, questionable.


I would like to think Butkus would have enough sense to be respectful in a similiar circumstance, Sayers I don't know, but regardless, two wrongs dont make a right. Url was, and is, and always has been, a talented football player who is a complete idiot. He is not who I like to think of as the Bears figurehead. He is trailer trash who has not utilised his talent fully and made an fool of himself in his personal life. I will be happy when he is not playing with the Bears any longer.

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I have to side with Urlacher here. Gale Sayers, you need to move on with your life.

Terra, I believe that Sayers is a successful busiessman and invloved with the community in Chicago ad elsewhere. He has moved on, as the article i the Trib points out. As Butkus says, they love the Bears and want the team to succede, like all of us who post here.

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Well Ya gotta love Gale and Butkus. However to say Briggs and Url are questionable character for? Doinking and Idiot chick? We all done that at some point in our life, and for Driving Drunk? A whole bunch of people did that as well. The result is what they learned from it. Briggs has been stellar and Url has Supported that Child well. So where is Character an issue here. Are you so rigid that thinking some people learn from thier mistakes is not possible? I am just asking.

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Url needs to man-up. Sayers has a right to his opinion and if Urlacher disagrees how about using some on-the-field performance or data to back up your disagreement. As Url said, it hurts getting criticized from a Bear insider. Yeah, well it hurts watching a defense give up TD after TD to the Vikings.

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Remember though that was without Url. It will work itself out this season for sure.

IMHO past players of a team should be nothing but supportive of that team win or loose. I love the Bears no matter what and take offence we they are talked about badly and defend them with every breath. But on the other side of the coins I do point out at times that we do need players that can play and question some of the players we pick up or not pick up. Me I would have never signed Bullocks, Pace, and a few others at all, but that's just me.Its all about loyality to your team. Butkus, and Sayers are right and so is Urlacher to defend the Bears and his team.

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Gotta go my own way on this. You know it would be cool if everyone agreed and got along all the time, but it would be boring as hell too. Butkus, Sayers and Urlacher have the right to say what they want. If they want to spar, let them. I personally like the feistiness. It shows people care. Sayers and Butkus have a loyalty to the franchise and each other, while Url has the loyalty to the franchise and his teammates. What will this do, other than motivate the team?

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Also, he just didn't spurt out his comments while singing a song or making a speech. He was asked the question by a reporter, and he answered honestly.


Terra, I believe that Sayers is a successful busiessman and invloved with the community in Chicago ad elsewhere. He has moved on, as the article i the Trib points out. As Butkus says, they love the Bears and want the team to succede, like all of us who post here.


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Why? There is not loyalty clause that gives old players monetary compensation for saying flowery things about their former teams. Some are officially on the payroll, but most aren't. Some were treated well by the team, others not so much.


They have a right to state anything they want. They may face reprecussions for certain things, but it's thier perogative to do so regardless.


I think you can still be loyal and still criticize.


Pretty much, the vast majority here on this board do just that. We criticize because we want what we love to be better.


IMHO past players of a team should be nothing but supportive of that team win or loose. I love the Bears no matter what and take offence we they are talked about badly and defend them with every breath. But on the other side of the coins I do point out at times that we do need players that can play and question some of the players we pick up or not pick up. Me I would have never signed Bullocks, Pace, and a few others at all, but that's just me.Its all about loyality to your team. Butkus, and Sayers are right and so is Urlacher to defend the Bears and his team.


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Well Ya gotta love Gale and Butkus. However to say Briggs and Url are questionable character for? Doinking and Idiot chick? We all done that at some point in our life, and for Driving Drunk? A whole bunch of people did that as well. The result is what they learned from it. Briggs has been stellar and Url has Supported that Child well. So where is Character an issue here. Are you so rigid that thinking some people learn from thier mistakes is not possible? I am just asking.



Briggs for slagging off the Bears organisation in the press unmercifully when he could not get the contract he wanted and subsequently wrecking his Lambo while drunk and originally reporting the car stolen...to be honest I have more problem with his mouth during the contract negotiation, which illustrated his lack of intelligence and arrogance quite nicely.


Url has had numerous issues with women, had a period when he refused to speak to the media, and when he does open his mouth he is an embarassment. It is too bad that we cannot have players who have an IQ above 70, and a shame that he is the "figurehead" of the Bears.

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I think you can still be loyal and still criticize.


Pretty much, the vast majority here on this board do just that. We criticize because we want what we love to be better.


So when you are in a bar, surrounding by non-bear fans, you talk about how much you hate Lovie and Angie? How bad you think this bear player or that bear player is. You say you think the team will be competing for a high draft pick rather than a playoff spot.


It is one thing to bash the team among other bear fans, but outside this forum, I defend any and all affiliated with the bears.


I think that is why Urlacher was ticked. He saw it as a bit of a betrayal. Not saying it was, but I am sure that is how it felt.

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Can I ask you guys a question? Do you want the Dr. Phil show or a winning football team?


I LIKE Urlacher's fire.


I LIKE Sayer's fire.


I like that Sayer's hates that we're losing.


And I like that Urlacher has a chip on his shoulder about his team.


Do we want Urlacher to be intimidated by ANYTHING? Including Sayer's considerable legacy? No - we want him to be invincible.


You know, we all hate the way Lovie is a zombie, but then we come out and criticize Urlacher for being an aggressive meathead? I LIKE him that way.


Don't forget how Buddy Ryan tried to get the defense to feel isolated from everyone, including the offense.


I'm glad the team has pride, and I'm glad that they don't let ANYTHING get in the way of that.


Did Urlacher have his feelings hurt? Do you think that he should be stronger and let it roll of his back? That's good advice for us and the way we live our lives. But for the middle linebacker of the Chicago Bears, I want an overcompetitive egotistical jerk who thinks every yard gained is an affront to his manhood. Urlacher can get therapy when he's retired, right now I want a baby - a selfish baby who won't share and can't stand to lose, and if he weighs 255 pounds and runs a 40 in 4.6 then he doesn't need to be the UN ambassador as well.

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Smith and JA. Yep. I am an honest person. If someone asks, I tell them. And I personally feel they are the core reason this team is under-acheving. Not the players. I support the players pretty much accross the board, barring the unusual...like when Harris cheap shotted the AZ linemen.


Let me also state that when I discuss football, it's usually done at work or with friends. And the folks I discuss with are smart, knowledgible football fans. They tell me honestly how they feel about their teams, and I do the same. Giving them a knee-jerk Superfans answer can be funny at times, but once the discussion gets serious, I try to be objective. I discuss football as objective as possible.


Can you honestly say, when you're talking football with a buddy who happens not to be a Bears fan, that you say that Smith is the best coach since Lombardi? It's one thing to be funny and pull the Bill Swerski card or if around no one you know or respect per se...but it's another when you are talking to epople who know the game.


However when the game is on, I am screaming my fool head off and insulting everything I can with the opposition. I can turn the switch on/off. I will also vehemently defend players. When a person bad-mouths a player unjustly, I will defend. But that only happens when I'm in a public place where I know no one. And it is rare I am in such a place. I either watch games at home with friends and family, or I go to the Bears game. I never watch in a bar. Probably because I know it could result in a fight because there are too many fools in bars that know not what they speak of. I try to put myself in places where I am happy, not where I can get irritated.


We all know why Url was ticked. It's how you react to those things, that show character. And if Url had been conducting himself better than grunts and silence historically, I think he would have been given a little more of a pass... The truth can hurt. Shows us Brian, don't tell us. Prop your team w/o bashing a former player for something he can no longer do something about.







I think you can still be loyal and still criticize.


Pretty much, the vast majority here on this board do just that. We criticize because we want what we love to be better.


So when you are in a bar, surrounding by non-bear fans, you talk about how much you hate Lovie and Angie? How bad you think this bear player or that bear player is. You say you think the team will be competing for a high draft pick rather than a playoff spot.


It is one thing to bash the team among other bear fans, but outside this forum, I defend any and all affiliated with the bears.


I think that is why Urlacher was ticked. He saw it as a bit of a betrayal. Not saying it was, but I am sure that is how it felt.


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