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Hey, Urlacher


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If you put it like that....


Then, this is great!


Can I ask you guys a question? Do you want the Dr. Phil show or a winning football team?


I LIKE Urlacher's fire.


I LIKE Sayer's fire.


I like that Sayer's hates that we're losing.


And I like that Urlacher has a chip on his shoulder about his team.


Do we want Urlacher to be intimidated by ANYTHING? Including Sayer's considerable legacy? No - we want him to be invincible.


You know, we all hate the way Lovie is a zombie, but then we come out and criticize Urlacher for being an aggressive meathead? I LIKE him that way.


Don't forget how Buddy Ryan tried to get the defense to feel isolated from everyone, including the offense.


I'm glad the team has pride, and I'm glad that they don't let ANYTHING get in the way of that.


Did Urlacher have his feelings hurt? Do you think that he should be stronger and let it roll of his back? That's good advice for us and the way we live our lives. But for the middle linebacker of the Chicago Bears, I want an overcompetitive egotistical jerk who thinks every yard gained is an affront to his manhood. Urlacher can get therapy when he's retired, right now I want a baby - a selfish baby who won't share and can't stand to lose, and if he weighs 255 pounds and runs a 40 in 4.6 then he doesn't need to be the UN ambassador as well.


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Can you honestly say, when you're talking football with a buddy who happens not to be a Bears fan, that you say that Smith is the best coach since Lombardi? It's one thing to be funny and pull the Bill Swerski card or if around no one you know or respect per se...but it's another when you are talking to epople who know the game.


Best coach ever? Um, no. But do I trash Lovie in public the way I do here, among bear fans. no. Cowboy fans asks me about Lovie, and I simply say that at least we don't have an owner's puppet running the team (wade phillips).


Honestly, I try to avoid talking bears w/ non-bear fans though. This may come off as egotistical, but I feel like non-bear fans are just too ignorant to have a meaningful discussion with me about my team.

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Can I ask you guys a question? Do you want the Dr. Phil show or a winning football team?


I LIKE Urlacher's fire.


I LIKE Sayer's fire.


I like that Sayer's hates that we're losing.


And I like that Urlacher has a chip on his shoulder about his team.


Do we want Urlacher to be intimidated by ANYTHING? Including Sayer's considerable legacy? No - we want him to be invincible.


You know, we all hate the way Lovie is a zombie, but then we come out and criticize Urlacher for being an aggressive meathead? I LIKE him that way.


Don't forget how Buddy Ryan tried to get the defense to feel isolated from everyone, including the offense.


I'm glad the team has pride, and I'm glad that they don't let ANYTHING get in the way of that.


Did Urlacher have his feelings hurt? Do you think that he should be stronger and let it roll of his back? That's good advice for us and the way we live our lives. But for the middle linebacker of the Chicago Bears, I want an overcompetitive egotistical jerk who thinks every yard gained is an affront to his manhood. Urlacher can get therapy when he's retired, right now I want a baby - a selfish baby who won't share and can't stand to lose, and if he weighs 255 pounds and runs a 40 in 4.6 then he doesn't need to be the UN ambassador as well.


I don't like Urlacher's "fire," I would call it lack of maturity and embarrassing ignorance. Not all Bears fans are cave men who want their players to eat raw meat and mutter aggressive statements. Pride has nothing to do with ignorance.


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I'm not sure we're in any kind of disagreement. I was being a bit over the top....


I do generally hold an Animal House-ish attitude. "They can't make fun of our pledges. Only we can make fun of our pledges."


Where you live I think dictates that. And vice versa with me here in LA. It's so a land of fans from all over the country. So everyone pretty much follows their own team, and yet oddly gravitates towards people that know what they're talking about. Because finding similar fans is not an easy task. My Niners, Pats,etc friends know a lot about the Bears, not just from me, but also becasue they tend to follow every team, play fantasy, etc... Please note, I have no Packers friends. I do have a Minny one. But I didn't talk to him last year. And I won't until Britney Favre retires for good.


Can you honestly say, when you're talking football with a buddy who happens not to be a Bears fan, that you say that Smith is the best coach since Lombardi? It's one thing to be funny and pull the Bill Swerski card or if around no one you know or respect per se...but it's another when you are talking to epople who know the game.


Best coach ever? Um, no. But do I trash Lovie in public the way I do here, among bear fans. no. Cowboy fans asks me about Lovie, and I simply say that at least we don't have an owner's puppet running the team (wade phillips).


Honestly, I try to avoid talking bears w/ non-bear fans though. This may come off as egotistical, but I feel like non-bear fans are just too ignorant to have a meaningful discussion with me about my team.


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i think Url did the right thing by sticking up for his team after they got called out. Ya, they are great players of the past, but you cant just let folks rip you and not respond IMO.


i think everyone agrees, the Bears have not done a good job...but it does no good to pile on and rip them in the media. Sayers was asked a question and he responded. Url was ask to respond and he did. No big deal

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I don't like Urlacher's "fire," I would call it lack of maturity and embarrassing ignorance. Not all Bears fans are cave men who want their players to eat raw meat and mutter aggressive statements. Pride has nothing to do with ignorance.


Yeah I didn't say the FANS were cavemen. I think we're all good people who have healthy outlooks.


I'm saying being a middle linebacker in the NFL means being overcompetitive, and that's what I like in MY MLB.


And I DO think that being overcompetitive makes a difference in winning.

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Yeah I didn't say the FANS were cavemen. I think we're all good people who have healthy outlooks.


I'm saying being a middle linebacker in the NFL means being overcompetitive, and that's what I like in MY MLB.


And I DO think that being overcompetitive makes a difference in winning.



No insult intended, apologies if I came across in a rude way.


My point is that personally I find Urlacher's behaviour childish and infantile, not just now but in the past as well. Competitiveness should show on the field, not off the field with verbage. JMO

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I think the whole thing is silly. A Bears Legend is honest and critical of the Bears. A future legend defends himself and his team. I don't see nothing wrong on either side.


Hell, everyone would love Urlacher if it was Favre that made the comments and Urlacher came back like that.

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No insult intended, apologies if I came across in a rude way.


No, no. No insult at all, you're cool.


In fact, I'm gonna go further and say you're really cool, and that's kinda my point.


The position you're taking is really good. It's mentally healthy, social, all in all one of a decent person, who doesn't look to pick fights, and is self aware etc. We should all want to live that way.


I'm just saying that in the NFL desire plays a huge role. It's not really mentally healthy to care so much if you win a game, ya know? It's not really cool and self actualized to try to hit someone as hard as you can just because they are holding a football. :)


I think that these guys can be really arrogant egotistical jerks, and that sometimes, that means playing with a chip on your shoulder.


We (I?) tend to think of Dick Butkis as classic. He has some kind of historical aura now, like knowing about him and his accomplishments is kinda sophisticated? And that's true from a fan's point of view. But he was a killer in his time, and a total jerk too! I've met him, and even now he is a totally arrogant Type A ass. AWESOME! That was the raw aggression that made me love him in the first place.


So I'm just saying - Urlacher is trying to restore the pride to this team. His comments weren't for anyone but his teammates.


Please try to remember back before Xanax and Lovie and Jauron - back in those sharp edgy days of Ditka and Buddy Ryan... they weren't too self actualized in their press conferences were they?


So seriously, you can have role models, or you can have warriors. Me? I try to live like you're saying, but when I watch my Bears, I want warriors.

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I think the whole thing is silly. A Bears Legend is honest and critical of the Bears. A future legend defends himself and his team. I don't see nothing wrong on either side.


Hell, everyone would love Urlacher if it was Favre that made the comments and Urlacher came back like that.



It is not silly for me, for me it is the essence of my discontent with the Bears, and athletics, in general. I sometimes ask myself, why am I supporting a team which pays Brian Url millions of dollars of year? He is an ignorant loudmouth embarrassment, his best playing days are well behind him, and he is considered to be the "figurehead" of the team? So, when I wear my Bears jersey many would associate this with the trailer trash image of Brian Url?


I support the Bears DESPITE players such as Brian Url. I support the Bears because my father, and his father, and likely many before did. I support them because I believe the Bears reflects the character of an honest and hard-working population of a great city, Chicago.


I do not watch the Bears, buy the jerseys, and follow the team to have ignorant idiots such as Brian Url spouting off about previous generation players comments in a disrespectful and foolish way.


In the end, the more Brian Urlachers, the more Tank Johnsons, the more Lance Briggs, the more embarrassing and idiotic players/personnel the franchisee holds, the further it will push me from the team. Until such time that the Bears are no longer relevant to me, because I just cannot endorse what they stand for anymore. So, i hope that the organisation will choose to avoid such an environment and give me a team I can be proud of. I know this is a large request in the modern day, but hey, it is my money and time and i will spend it as I like.

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Well Personaly Tank johnson is more the result of ignorance then Stupidity. Tank came from Arizona I watched him in high school play, Here guns is the norm , Anyone can carry concealed now as long as they have a liscnce to own. You see it all the time here. Side arms carried openly or concealed. Tank just didnt get it that Chicago is anal about carrying weapons.


As for Url and Briggs. I can sense your not a very forgiving person. He is taking care of his son very well. and for Briggs one mistake makes not bad character. I just think everyone(including you) deserve a second chance.



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No, no. No insult at all, you're cool.


In fact, I'm gonna go further and say you're really cool, and that's kinda my point.


The position you're taking is really good. It's mentally healthy, social, all in all one of a decent person, who doesn't look to pick fights, and is self aware etc. We should all want to live that way.


I'm just saying that in the NFL desire plays a huge role. It's not really mentally healthy to care so much if you win a game, ya know? It's not really cool and self actualized to try to hit someone as hard as you can just because they are holding a football. :)


I think that these guys can be really arrogant egotistical jerks, and that sometimes, that means playing with a chip on your shoulder.


We (I?) tend to think of Dick Butkis as classic. He has some kind of historical aura now, like knowing about him and his accomplishments is kinda sophisticated? And that's true from a fan's point of view. But he was a killer in his time, and a total jerk too! I've met him, and even now he is a totally arrogant Type A ass. AWESOME! That was the raw aggression that made me love him in the first place.


So I'm just saying - Urlacher is trying to restore the pride to this team. His comments weren't for anyone but his teammates.


Please try to remember back before Xanax and Lovie and Jauron - back in those sharp edgy days of Ditka and Buddy Ryan... they weren't too self actualized in their press conferences were they?


So seriously, you can have role models, or you can have warriors. Me? I try to live like you're saying, but when I watch my Bears, I want warriors.


Those are good points and I can see what you are saying. You may be right actually, I may be unrealistic and/or unappreciative of what makes a good football player, never having played football in an organised way myself.


At the end of the days, the Bears are one of the last remaining sports interests that I have and I tend to get quite irritated when it appears that the players or organisation makes the team look like fools. Perhaps oversensitive...


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Well Daventry, right or wrong on this one subject, at least know that I agree wholeheartedly with you when it comes tot he 99.99999% of the time that we're dealing in real life. If football players are an exception, we can argue that, but it sounds like youre a cool dude living your life the right way anyway :)

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This one is difficult for me because my childhood hero just got "dissed" by a current star of the team.Then to make matters worst my 1a childhood hero defended my childhood hero.So who do I side with?

Sayers comments were basically what we have been discussing on this board and seems to be old news. Urlacher though got personal with his comments and had one big flaw when he questioned how many playoff games had Sayers won and how many championships he had won. Problem is that Urlacher only has 2 playoff wins himself and no championships either. While we're at it how many 4-and12 teams has Urlacher played on? Or 5-11?Since Urlacher wasn't born when Sayers played he had to do some sort of research to find out what record the team had when Sayers played but he didn't realize that once you spew out numbers of others your numbers start to come in question ,so in this matter I have to side with Sayers because he was voicing his opinion as a fan and since that is what I have been all my life I clearly understood his point of view.


This is not to condemn Urlacher but to put this in the proper perspective and that is: There is a reason why Urlacher shuns the media at times and that is because he is not media savy and doesn't know how to always give the politically correct answer every time. I can't dislike him for that. If someone stuck a mic in my face after work about whatever goes on, I might not be PC either.

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