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Tice doesn't want to leave the impression that the only competition will be at left guard. He knows where Kreutz and left tackle Chris Williams will be. The rest is to be determined. He likes Garza at right guard and he likes Frank Omiyale at right tackle. That doesn't mean a starting lineup is 80 percent set.


"Not to give up too much information, I see Beekman and Johan battling and I also see other battles going," Tice said. "You can read between the lines. You never know, some other guys could move. I'm willing to have the best five guys on the field, I don't care what their names are. I am not partial to anyone except Olin or Chris. I think those two guys are elite."



When was the last time anyone used the word elite when talking about any of our offensive linemen? I found that statement very surprising, also considering that he hasn't even seen Kreutz practice. Perhaps more noteworthy is that the other 3 positions are officially open to competition. It looks like Garza and Omiyale are not locks and have to earn their starting jobs. Omiyale isn't a huge surprise there but Garza?



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Tice doesn't want to leave the impression that the only competition will be at left guard. He knows where Kreutz and left tackle Chris Williams will be. The rest is to be determined. He likes Garza at right guard and he likes Frank Omiyale at right tackle. That doesn't mean a starting lineup is 80 percent set.


"Not to give up too much information, I see Beekman and Johan battling and I also see other battles going," Tice said. "You can read between the lines. You never know, some other guys could move. I'm willing to have the best five guys on the field, I don't care what their names are. I am not partial to anyone except Olin or Chris. I think those two guys are elite."



When was the last time anyone used the word elite when talking about any of our offensive linemen? I found that statement very surprising, also considering that he hasn't even seen Kreutz practice. Perhaps more noteworthy is that the other 3 positions are officially open to competition. It looks like Garza and Omiyale are not locks and have to earn their starting jobs. Omiyale isn't a huge surprise there but Garza?


What the hell is Tice smoking? Olin has not been elite for 3 or 4 years, at least. And we're a good ways off from Williams getting credit like that.


The true indication is the battle at the other three spots. It's scary to think that there are THREE spots in which nobody is good enough to keep their job from last year.

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What the hell is Tice smoking? Olin has not been elite for 3 or 4 years, at least. And we're a good ways off from Williams getting credit like that.


The true indication is the battle at the other three spots. It's scary to think that there are THREE spots in which nobody is good enough to keep their job from last year.


Maybe he doesn't mean they are elite in the league, but elite on HIS SQUAD, in other words, they are the only two who are assured positions?


I mean, Tice is trying to coach them up, he wants to give Kreutz the buy-in on his leadership, and Williams confidence, and he wants to motivate the others with competition. It's been awhile, but this is what good coaching looks like. These guys don't give straight answers to the media, they use them as a tool to get what they want.

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Maybe he doesn't mean they are elite in the league, but elite on HIS SQUAD, in other words, they are the only two who are assured positions?


I mean, Tice is trying to coach them up, he wants to give Kreutz the buy-in on his leadership, and Williams confidence, and he wants to motivate the others with competition. It's been awhile, but this is what good coaching looks like. These guys don't give straight answers to the media, they use them as a tool to get what they want.


I guess that's one way of looking at it. Like being the tallest midget.


Agreed, however, that the coaches aren't going to give the truth to the media. They're more likely to blow smoke.

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He could also be thinking in terms of expectation. Williams has so much to prove, but he is a 1st round pick that did well when finally put at the position he was drafted to play, and Tice may simply believe he will move into the elite category. As for Kreutz, most bear fans have been on his case for a few years now, but (a) the league still continues to give him credit and (B) Tice may believe his decline was more injury related, and a clean bill of health could move him back into that elite category, or at least Tice may believe so.


The aspect of this I liked was that Tice believes RT and RG are open. Garza has never impressed me. On an OL devoid of talent, Garza didn't seem bad, but I just never felt he was that good. I like that Tice is at least saying he will allow a competition there. As for RT, I think most everyone here would have expected there to be a competition, but the way Omiyale was handled at LG last year, well, its just nice to hear the coach say he will have to win a camp battle to have the job.


Is the OL what I would like? Hell no. At the same time, I do see potential this year for an improved OL, due to both personnel and coaching we have lacked in the past.


I guess that's one way of looking at it. Like being the tallest midget.


Agreed, however, that the coaches aren't going to give the truth to the media. They're more likely to blow smoke.


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Yep...pass the dutchie on the left hand side Tice, becasue I ain't feeling that high about our O-Line...


What the hell is Tice smoking? Olin has not been elite for 3 or 4 years, at least. And we're a good ways off from Williams getting credit like that.


The true indication is the battle at the other three spots. It's scary to think that there are THREE spots in which nobody is good enough to keep their job from last year.


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Yep...pass the dutchie on the left hand side Tice, becasue I ain't feeling that high about our O-Line...



LOL, agreed, but what can he say? I am sure that he would like to speak his mind but needs his paycheck, as we all do. Labelling Kreutz elite is a bit laughable, but understandable given his tenure on the team, and Williams has the pedigree but not the proof yet.


We have to be better this year than last, how could we be worse? We have some new faces and guys who needed experience got some last year....please let it be better.

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Here's my take on our OL situation.


Williams - played at his natural position and looked good toward the end of what really was his 1st season as a player. Add the fact that he was injury free was a a huge plus. Entering year three, I look for him to be a big upgrade over last year.


Beekman - Still young and developing. He has remained injury free. Entering year 4 he should continue to get better.


Kreutz - Injured for the most part of the last 2 years. He's reportedly feeling pretty good, but how good can someone with that much wear and tear feel? He feels good, but his career is aging in dog years now. I call him a push on the high side and most likely will continue to decline.


Garza - Push on all categories.


Omiyale - Playing at his natural position, young and improving. I look for him to upgrade as well. His growth should likely be between Williams and Beekman.


Tice - Compared to Hiestand, Tice is actually a credible coach. I like the scheme and the experience he brings. The unknown is how he will mesh with what Martz requires. Thank goodness it's him, not Harry though. Huge upgrade.


Maleuma - Huge upgrade as blocking TE's are concerned.


Martz - Could jeopardize everything by forcing an undertalented line to hold blocks longer. Martz is a known QB maker and killer all in the same package. He scares the crap out of me, but we all know Turner had to be the scapegoat for last year. So here we are are.


Individually, we are stronger and improving over last year, but collectively Martz is the swing vote to which will be a mystery untill it's not.

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It is true... The kool aid is flowing freely at Hallas Hall and every other training facility in the NFL. I really take everything these guys all say with a grain of salt. Kreutz WAS elite. At least you base the comment on that. But to say Williams is elite is just pure rah-rah-ness.


We could be worse.... 7 step drops will abound, and that could mean numrous O-linemen could turn into matadors as Cutler gets pummelled into oblivion.


It should be better. But, I don't trust this coaching staff in the least. Any of them. So, I will refrain from thinking all is well and better until I actually see it in the regular season.


LOL, agreed, but what can he say? I am sure that he would like to speak his mind but needs his paycheck, as we all do. Labelling Kreutz elite is a bit laughable, but understandable given his tenure on the team, and Williams has the pedigree but not the proof yet.


We have to be better this year than last, how could we be worse? We have some new faces and guys who needed experience got some last year....please let it be better.


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Thayer is pretty high on Williams too:



"LM: Speaking of the offensive line, what are your expectations for that unit?


TT: I think Chris Williams has a chance to be the best left tackle in the division, which is really important whenever you’re trying to put together an offense that needs protection."



but he also adds this as helping us out (again an indictment on Turner):

LM: How confident are you that the offensive line will perform better than it did last season?


TT: I have a lot of faith that they’re going to be a good offensive line. I think they’re going to be much less predictable in what they’re going to come out and do offensively.

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Thayer is pretty high on Williams too:



"LM: Speaking of the offensive line, what are your expectations for that unit?


TT: I think Chris Williams has a chance to be the best left tackle in the division, which is really important whenever you’re trying to put together an offense that needs protection."



but he also adds this as helping us out (again an indictment on Turner):

LM: How confident are you that the offensive line will perform better than it did last season?


TT: I have a lot of faith that they’re going to be a good offensive line. I think they’re going to be much less predictable in what they’re going to come out and do offensively.

Read that too. I love the way Thayer breaks down film, but don't know how sold I am on some of his commentary. Being paid by the Bears will keep him from having an impartial opinion. Always enjoy his pieces though.

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I have seen statements made by Thayer that we critical and brutally honest. At last year's fan convention when questioned he was not all flattering when answering questions about the Bears.


I do not think he is a puppet on a string.


Larry Meyer, that is a different story. Joniak, that is a different story.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Tice is a troll. His brain is the size of a pea. His using the word "elite" means nothing since he could've meant to use one of 10,000 other words and they just didn't come to him while the synapses of his brain fizzled.


With that said, this grunting giant dope is going to be one hell of an O Line coach. Face it, they're all oafs. They speaka his language.

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