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Chicago has tired of Lovie Smith's happy talk


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Chicago has tired of Lovie Smith's happy talk

Posted by Gregg Rosenthal on July 30, 2010 10:20 AM ET

Bears coach Lovie Smith is unfailingly, unflappably, nice. Much like his mentor Tony Dungy, he rarely has a negative public word about his team.


Bears scribes that have watched the team deteriorate into mediocrity the last few years have had about enough of the happy talk after another sunny speech from Smith to open training camp.


Melissa Isaacson of ESPNChicago wrote Friday that "Tony Robbins doesn't have a thing on Lovie Smith."


Smith was asked what lessons he learned from the last three years. He's trying to forget.


"Those years you talked about, I have a hard time at 52 years old remembering what happens in the past,'' Smith said. "I feel like I know what's going to happen in the future. We have a good football team right now. I'm not going to look to the past an awful lot.''


The Bears changed their offensive scheme and added big-time free agents, but they've let their defense decay. And they haven't changed the culture surrounding the team.


David Haugh of the Chicago Tribune wrote about eye-rolling statements and Smith's sometimes "corny" words.


"Given the Bears' recent failures, eventually it becomes fair to wonder if the same voice we routinely have started tuning out publicly resonates as much privately with players as it once did," he writes.


We are trying to like the Bears as a sleeper team, if only because they have a decent amount of talent and no one is picking them. (And because Jay Cutler should play much better than he did last year.)


But a battle is brewing in Chicago between Smith and the media, and only a playoff season will keep the wolves at bay.

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I do not ever recall a head coach of any pro team, including the NFL, be interviewed before the season started and say that they had a crappy team and may have problems competing.


I have no problems with Smith's Optimism.


Just another story to fill a column of news writers who are as bored as we all are and trying to find something to talk about.



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Agreed. I don't care for Smith, and his comments always seem to be about the same, but his comments here are really no different from what you should expect from any owner at the start of camp.


I do not ever recall a head coach of any pro team, including the NFL, be interviewed before the season started and say that they had a crappy team and may have problems competing.


I have no problems with Smith's Optimism.


Just another story to fill a column of news writers who are as bored as we all are and trying to find something to talk about.


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I'm not sure that's the crux of the story. Extremes aren't good, reality is.


He could have just as easily said, "You know what, we have looked at the past few seasons, and we aren't happy with those results. We look to be able to fix some of the problems we've had with some coaching adjustments and personnel changes. Given what we think we can correct, I think we can be a team that can compete with the very best in the league and from there...the sky;s the limit." By stating that, he's acknowledging issues in the past, answering the question with some honesty, and all the while...being positive. It need not be sugar coated to the extreme that would make Willy Wonka's teeth hurt.


But yes, no real news means they're grasping at straws to write about anything.


I do not ever recall a head coach of any pro team, including the NFL, be interviewed before the season started and say that they had a crappy team and may have problems competing.


I have no problems with Smith's Optimism.


Just another story to fill a column of news writers who are as bored as we all are and trying to find something to talk about.


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What we can expect, and what we want are usually very different...


I fully expected the same garbage from Smith, but hoped it wouldn't be that ridiculous. To say he doesn't remember the past is just pure unadulterated fodder for comedians, writers and angry fans (like myself). I can't remember who made the quote, but it oges something like: "Those who chose not to remember the past are doomed to repeat it..."


Agreed. I don't care for Smith, and his comments always seem to be about the same, but his comments here are really no different from what you should expect from any owner at the start of camp.


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He has admitted we played poorly in the past many times. However, when asked on the eve of training camp I do not think he needs to talk about the past, but needs to move forward and kick ass.


If he did anything else I would be disappointed.



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Not only that, but it is a bit different to be sitting down at a desk, no one looking over your shoulder, the ability to type, delete, type, delete, etc until you have it right, compared to having a mic shoved in your face. Sure, this guy can come up with the perfect thing Lovie should have said, but how perfect are his words when in Lovie's situation.


Hate to defend Lovie, but this article was a piece of crap. The reality is, nothing Lovie can say right now would be good enough. Forget the words, and lets see the deeds.


I'm not sure that's the crux of the story. Extremes aren't good, reality is.


He could have just as easily said, "You know what, we have looked at the past few seasons, and we aren't happy with those results. We look to be able to fix some of the problems we've had with some coaching adjustments and personnel changes. Given what we think we can correct, I think we can be a team that can compete with the very best in the league and from there...the sky;s the limit." By stating that, he's acknowledging issues in the past, answering the question with some honesty, and all the while...being positive. It need not be sugar coated to the extreme that would make Willy Wonka's teeth hurt.


But yes, no real news means they're grasping at straws to write about anything.


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Do you think he was really serious? Sounded like sarcasm to me. The overall point though is, on the first day of camp you focus on the present and future more than the past. Lovie has not really forgotten what has happened in the past, but he doesn't want to talk about, or focus on the past.


Madman, there is more than enough to rip on Lovie w/o trying to use this piece of crap article.


What we can expect, and what we want are usually very different...


I fully expected the same garbage from Smith, but hoped it wouldn't be that ridiculous. To say he doesn't remember the past is just pure unadulterated fodder for comedians, writers and angry fans (like myself). I can't remember who made the quote, but it oges something like: "Those who chose not to remember the past are doomed to repeat it..."


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Agreed, but only to an extent. Smith can't be so dumb to not know some semblance of the question was coming. He gets paid a boatload of loot, and part of that is having the savvy to deal with media. It's not like this was his very first press conference. I gurantee 100% that I would have said pretty much exactly what I wrote had that been me.


No doubt, the article was fluff junk. And agreed, expect with one exception. The one thing he could say that would be good enough is "I resign". ;) No arguement there...deeds not words. But until we see deeds, we can only judge the words, and right now, it's the same old same old. Insantity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results... And I'm tired of 17 week stints in the looney bin!




Not only that, but it is a bit different to be sitting down at a desk, no one looking over your shoulder, the ability to type, delete, type, delete, etc until you have it right, compared to having a mic shoved in your face. Sure, this guy can come up with the perfect thing Lovie should have said, but how perfect are his words when in Lovie's situation.


Hate to defend Lovie, but this article was a piece of crap. The reality is, nothing Lovie can say right now would be good enough. Forget the words, and lets see the deeds.


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Honestly...I don't know. He's seemed to live in a different reality for years. Until I hear the actual statement later on Comcast where I can hear the inflection and tone, I'm basing it solely on the letters.


Fair enough! But I'm not so upset at the article as the actual reported quotes from our HC. Isaacson is a cheap Mariotti ripoff. Id rather hear form the horses ass himself...at least he's the original.


I can't help it...anytime I see a quote like that from him, I feel my blood pressure rise. It literally sets me off like a Pavlovian experiement. I need to somehow get over it, but I seem not to. Winning would probably solve it...


Do you think he was really serious? Sounded like sarcasm to me. The overall point though is, on the first day of camp you focus on the present and future more than the past. Lovie has not really forgotten what has happened in the past, but he doesn't want to talk about, or focus on the past.


Madman, there is more than enough to rip on Lovie w/o trying to use this piece of crap article.


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Just to point out, if Lovie said today, "I resign," we would not be going out and hiring Cower or the like, but would most likely promote one of the former HCs on our team, none of which had success in that role. You know how I feel about Lovie, yet at the same time I am not sure if we would be better off with Martz, Tice or Marinelli taking over the team.


Agreed, but only to an extent. Smith can't be so dumb to not know some semblance of the question was coming. He gets paid a boatload of loot, and part of that is having the savvy to deal with media. It's not like this was his very first press conference. I gurantee 100% that I would have said pretty much exactly what I wrote had that been me.


No doubt, the article was fluff junk. And agreed, expect with one exception. The one thing he could say that would be good enough is "I resign". ;) No arguement there...deeds not words. But until we see deeds, we can only judge the words, and right now, it's the same old same old. Insantity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results... And I'm tired of 17 week stints in the looney bin!


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The only Problem I see is Lovie is a glass half full guy and most writters are glass half empty. No matter what the status of team is they will find something to tear down someone that do not give sound bites. So with all that negative talk and people that read into it, your gonna have opinions that are from one end of the spectrum to the other.

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I just wonder what would happen if, by some miracle, this team actually wins the Superbowl this year. I wonder how we will all feel about Lovie then. ;)


Peace :dabears



What are the odds of that happening, maybe a million to one? Obviously everyone here would be happy if it did happen, but what is the point of speculation like that? The fact is that the team has gone downhill the last several seasons and Lovie bears alot of the responsibility.

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I just wonder what would happen if, by some miracle, this team actually wins the Superbowl this year. I wonder how we will all feel about Lovie then. ;)


Peace :dabears


I Honestly, an regretfully, believe there are members on this forum who dislike Lovie Smith so much that they want to see us tank it this year so that they can get their wish, A clean sweep of Smith/Angelo/Phillips.


The what if that happened and we hired the best of the best HC/GM/TP?


Then we go out and sign the top free agents available, say 250 million dollars worth of tallent.


We finish it off with the best draft in team history.


Guess what, it does not guarantee you will see a SB trophy carried into Halas Hall.

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It seems like this is the go-to story for the Chicago media when there's nothing to write about. It's always either "Lovie Smith is delusional/thinks team is awesome" or "Lovie Smith thinks we're idiots/is lying to us." My guess is that, like a lot of other coaches in the NFL, Lovie thinks that airing team business out in the media puts him at a competitive disadvantage. I understand it's got to be frustrating being a media member and having to interview a coach like that, but there are plenty of (successful) coaches in the NFL who only speak in generalities until after the game's over. That's why the term "coachspeak" was coined. To hear the Chicago media tell it, you'd think Lovie was the only one doing it.

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It seems like this is the go-to story for the Chicago media when there's nothing to write about. It's always either "Lovie Smith is delusional/thinks team is awesome" or "Lovie Smith thinks we're idiots/is lying to us." My guess is that, like a lot of other coaches in the NFL, Lovie thinks that airing team business out in the media puts him at a competitive disadvantage. I understand it's got to be frustrating being a media member and having to interview a coach like that, but there are plenty of (successful) coaches in the NFL who only speak in generalities until after the game's over. That's why the term "coachspeak" was coined. To hear the Chicago media tell it, you'd think Lovie was the only one doing it.

Outstanding post - thank you!!!!


Peace :dabears

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What are the odds of that happening, maybe a million to one? Obviously everyone here would be happy if it did happen, but what is the point of speculation like that? The fact is that the team has gone downhill the last several seasons and Lovie bears alot of the responsibility.

That is why I said miracle. Bottom line to me, if the Bears do not make the playoffs Lovie and staff must go.


Peace :dabears

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First, I do not think there is anyone on this board that would wish for the Bears to lay an egg this year so Lovie would go. Above all, we are all Bears fan here, and we all hate it when the Bears lose. Do a poll on that one and see how it works out.


That being said, Lovie has been part of very poor teams over the last few years. And his demeanour, lack of emotion, ABSOLUTE DENIAL of reality in relation to the state of the team, questionable personnel decisions, and a whole host of other issues have led to people being sick and tired of him being the coach of the Bears. I am sorry, but this guy went to the same school that politicians go when they study media relations and outdid them all! And Bears fans do not take kindly to that kind of bu££shit!


"Airing team business out in the media puts him at a competitive disadvantage?" There are degrees of dishonesty, and Lovie is way out on the extreme end when it comes to refusing to acknowledge poor performances at any position. Noone is asking for a Ditka-like brutal analysis of mistakes made, ie Donnell Woolford assessment after being torched by the Redskins, but wow, can't we acknowledge we need to make some big changes to win?


I don't think Lovie wants to make the changes necessary. I think he sticks with a defensive system what won't be successful and insists on staying with staff and personnel who don't do the job. And above all, he is an ass-kissing wimp who will say whatever necessary to keep his job and not put any pressue on his own, or other Bears personnel, failings.


By all means, prove me wrong Lovie and do the right things....lots of us are watching. And if the team is unsuccessful this year, we will be looking for you to go.

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Truest post in this thread. Worth multiple rereads.


First, I do not think there is anyone on this board that would wish for the Bears to lay an egg this year so Lovie would go. Above all, we are all Bears fan here, and we all hate it when the Bears lose. Do a poll on that one and see how it works out.


That being said, Lovie has been part of very poor teams over the last few years. And his demeanour, lack of emotion, ABSOLUTE DENIAL of reality in relation to the state of the team, questionable personnel decisions, and a whole host of other issues have led to people being sick and tired of him being the coach of the Bears. I am sorry, but this guy went to the same school that politicians go when they study media relations and outdid them all! And Bears fans do not take kindly to that kind of bu££shit!


"Airing team business out in the media puts him at a competitive disadvantage?" There are degrees of dishonesty, and Lovie is way out on the extreme end when it comes to refusing to acknowledge poor performances at any position. Noone is asking for a Ditka-like brutal analysis of mistakes made, ie Donnell Woolford assessment after being torched by the Redskins, but wow, can't we acknowledge we need to make some big changes to win?


I don't think Lovie wants to make the changes necessary. I think he sticks with a defensive system what won't be successful and insists on staying with staff and personnel who don't do the job. And above all, he is an ass-kissing wimp who will say whatever necessary to keep his job and not put any pressue on his own, or other Bears personnel, failings.


By all means, prove me wrong Lovie and do the right things....lots of us are watching. And if the team is unsuccessful this year, we will be looking for you to go.


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I just threw up a little...




Just to point out, if Lovie said today, "I resign," we would not be going out and hiring Cower or the like, but would most likely promote one of the former HCs on our team, none of which had success in that role. You know how I feel about Lovie, yet at the same time I am not sure if we would be better off with Martz, Tice or Marinelli taking over the team.


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