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Monsters of the Midway


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I haven't seen anyone talk about this, but it seems the team is bringing back the monsters of the midway as a theme this year, making shirts and everything.


There is an article in the Trib saying what a joke this is, asking how can a team that doesn't even practice tackling in camp have the audacity to bring out this theme. I'll go one further.


This is not a moster defense, and I am saying even if it is hitting on all cyclinders. It isn't just that we don't practice tackling, but that we don't even want to make the big tackles. We try to wrap a guy from behind and punch the ball out, rather than hit him straight on and make him pay for thinking about gaining yards on us.


This is a finese defense, not an attack one. Do our corners line up on the LOS and jam the WRs? Do our corners play physical and make the receivers work for it? Nope. Our corners play off the ball, allow the catch, and then run up to make the tackle..er...I mean go for the strip.


While our DL has changed some, it is still a small group. In theory, sure, they get after that QB, but how much does a bunch of 260lb DL scare offenses? Yea, you game plan to stop them, but I am talking fear.


Honestly, I don't know who the genius is that thought to bring out this theme, but I think it is an embarassment. Even if this defense works, they are not going to do justice to the previouis monsters of the midway. Further, why the hell would this team want to put itself in a situation of being compared to the '85 Bears? When we last were in the SB and had a solid D, the players talked about how they were not the '85 team and didn't want to be compared to them. Yet here we are, with an inferior group, and we are doing something that will force just such a comparison.


IMHO, there is a PR guy at Halas that needs to be fired.

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I read the article too...


There was great mention that the teams in the 80's hit a LOT. Henceforth why they were great... If you don't practice it, you're not ready for it.


I just find it shocking that this staff simply thinks the players will tackle on Sundays if not practiced. There was also reference that we were one of the worst teams last year regarding long gains by RB's...which is a tell tale sign of missed or poor tackling. And more refence of guys dragging our tacklers downfield for 10 yards while the tackler is just trying to strip the ball.


It reeks of marketing and trying to throw a bone to "meatball" fan that thinks the term alone will somehow mean something regardless of the reality behind it.


Doen't this kind of thing come from the coaching staff, not PR? Or at least both at minimum?


I haven't seen anyone talk about this, but it seems the team is bringing back the monsters of the midway as a theme this year, making shirts and everything.


There is an article in the Trib saying what a joke this is, asking how can a team that doesn't even practice tackling in camp have the audacity to bring out this theme. I'll go one further.


This is not a moster defense, and I am saying even if it is hitting on all cyclinders. It isn't just that we don't practice tackling, but that we don't even want to make the big tackles. We try to wrap a guy from behind and punch the ball out, rather than hit him straight on and make him pay for thinking about gaining yards on us.


This is a finese defense, not an attack one. Do our corners line up on the LOS and jam the WRs? Do our corners play physical and make the receivers work for it? Nope. Our corners play off the ball, allow the catch, and then run up to make the tackle..er...I mean go for the strip.


While our DL has changed some, it is still a small group. In theory, sure, they get after that QB, but how much does a bunch of 260lb DL scare offenses? Yea, you game plan to stop them, but I am talking fear.


Honestly, I don't know who the genius is that thought to bring out this theme, but I think it is an embarassment. Even if this defense works, they are not going to do justice to the previouis monsters of the midway. Further, why the hell would this team want to put itself in a situation of being compared to the '85 Bears? When we last were in the SB and had a solid D, the players talked about how they were not the '85 team and didn't want to be compared to them. Yet here we are, with an inferior group, and we are doing something that will force just such a comparison.


IMHO, there is a PR guy at Halas that needs to be fired.


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Are there any training camps that are run like they were 10-20 years ago? They all have gotten to the point where the number one priority it to get the player you are paying a king's ransom to the first game of the season healthy. Very seldom do teams allow aggressive "hits" and 2-a-days in pads is a thing for history books.


If you watch film of the games 2 decades ago and apply the rules the NFL have imposed since then I think you will find that half the plays would be flagged.


Unfortunately, the game has gotten soft when compared to the "good old days".



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Are there any training camps that are run like they were 10-20 years ago? They all have gotten to the point where the number one priority it to get the player you are paying a king's ransom to the first game of the season healthy. Very seldom do teams allow aggressive "hits" and 2-a-days in pads is a thing for history books.


If you watch film of the games 2 decades ago and apply the rules the NFL have imposed since then I think you will find that half the plays would be flagged.


Unfortunately, the game has gotten soft when compared to the "good old days".

Agreed. The way teams practice now is a product of the way the league is now.


Peace :dabears

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I agree that it is a bit embarrassing to compare this team to the 85 Bears....and I really think that many people would appreciate the Bears more if they were a bit more smash mouth style. I have seen that style of play, not the 46 but an aggressive blitzing style, used with other teams and always wished we could have a bit more of that. Somehow I don't think the defensive style really compliments what the city loves....Chicago has always been about the D, i.e. Butkus still being one of the, if not the, biggest icons of all time in Chi-town.


Oh well....guess we just have to wait until a new coaching staff comes in.......what's that about wishing the Bears would lose to ensure Lovie's departure? hahaha

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There are other teams that practice tackling. I am not saying we have to act like Butkis on every play through camp, but not practicing tackling at all does tend to have an effect. And yes, I realize there are other teams that do not practice tackling. At the same time, when you suck at something like we do, maybe we should work on that.


Also, I do think it is a product of the system. Throughout camp, what do we hear Lovie talk about? Tackling? Nope. He talks about turnovers and fumbles and suck. Players go for the ball and not the tackle. Hard to wrap up properly when you are using an arm to try and knock the ball out.


Are there any training camps that are run like they were 10-20 years ago? They all have gotten to the point where the number one priority it to get the player you are paying a king's ransom to the first game of the season healthy. Very seldom do teams allow aggressive "hits" and 2-a-days in pads is a thing for history books.


If you watch film of the games 2 decades ago and apply the rules the NFL have imposed since then I think you will find that half the plays would be flagged.


Unfortunately, the game has gotten soft when compared to the "good old days".


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I just find it shocking that this staff simply thinks the players will tackle on Sundays if not practiced. There was also reference that we were one of the worst teams last year regarding long gains by RB's...which is a tell tale sign of missed or poor tackling. And more refence of guys dragging our tacklers downfield for 10 yards while the tackler is just trying to strip the ball.


Agreed 100%. Sort of hard to properly wrap up and tackle when you are using one of your arms/hands to try and knock out the ball. As I commented to Pix, when have you ever heard the staff preach about tackling? Seems like all they really stress is going for the ball. Stripping, knocking it out, whatever. Point is, if that is what the players are told to do, it is no surprise when they miss tackles are tackles are broken.


Doen't this kind of thing come from the coaching staff, not PR? Or at least both at minimum?


I don't see why Lovie would have anything to do with this. This is a Halas thing. Lovie deals with the football field, and this is a marketing thing. Frankly, I am not even sure Angelo would have been involved in this. This is more a Phillips and his staff deal.

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Yeah...it's just not a good philosophy. Stop first, strip second.


You're probably right...but I'd have to think they'd get LS and JA's sign off on it. Smith's been touting it, so in some shape or form, he's OK'ed it. Otherwise, he's brush it off.



I just find it shocking that this staff simply thinks the players will tackle on Sundays if not practiced. There was also reference that we were one of the worst teams last year regarding long gains by RB's...which is a tell tale sign of missed or poor tackling. And more refence of guys dragging our tacklers downfield for 10 yards while the tackler is just trying to strip the ball.


Agreed 100%. Sort of hard to properly wrap up and tackle when you are using one of your arms/hands to try and knock out the ball. As I commented to Pix, when have you ever heard the staff preach about tackling? Seems like all they really stress is going for the ball. Stripping, knocking it out, whatever. Point is, if that is what the players are told to do, it is no surprise when they miss tackles are tackles are broken.


Doen't this kind of thing come from the coaching staff, not PR? Or at least both at minimum?


I don't see why Lovie would have anything to do with this. This is a Halas thing. Lovie deals with the football field, and this is a marketing thing. Frankly, I am not even sure Angelo would have been involved in this. This is more a Phillips and his staff deal.


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You're probably right...but I'd have to think they'd get LS and JA's sign off on it. Smith's been touting it, so in some shape or form, he's OK'ed it. Otherwise, he's brush it off.


Simply disagree. If the decision comes down from Halas, all below would be expected to follow.


I know the Sox and Bulls often come up with some sort of theme or phrase to advertise in the offseason. I remember "these kids can play" among many others. I doubt seriously Ozzie or Del Negro were needed to sign off. I see no difference with Lovie and the Bulls. Lovie has power over the roster (not sure anymore about the coaches) but when it comes to how the team advertises, not only does Lovie not have power, but I would think he has more important things on his plate than to help the team sell tickets and design a PR campaign.


Who knows. Maybe it was Lovie's idea, or maybe he signed off on it. I simply think this was a Halas thing, and Lovie (as well as the rest) were told what to do.

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Bite your tongue! There are no Halases making decisions anymore! Only McCaskeys! ;) Virgie signed up with the dark side!


Who really knows...it's just hollow no matter how you slice it.


You're probably right...but I'd have to think they'd get LS and JA's sign off on it. Smith's been touting it, so in some shape or form, he's OK'ed it. Otherwise, he's brush it off.


Simply disagree. If the decision comes down from Halas, all below would be expected to follow.


I know the Sox and Bulls often come up with some sort of theme or phrase to advertise in the offseason. I remember "these kids can play" among many others. I doubt seriously Ozzie or Del Negro were needed to sign off. I see no difference with Lovie and the Bulls. Lovie has power over the roster (not sure anymore about the coaches) but when it comes to how the team advertises, not only does Lovie not have power, but I would think he has more important things on his plate than to help the team sell tickets and design a PR campaign.


Who knows. Maybe it was Lovie's idea, or maybe he signed off on it. I simply think this was a Halas thing, and Lovie (as well as the rest) were told what to do.


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Just to clarify, though I am sure you were playing, when I say Halas I am referring to Halas Hall. I realize there is no longer a true Halas, and that is sad.


Then again, I have a feeling if Halas were alive today and running the team, fans would have a VERY different opinion of the man. Fans complain about how the team is cheap. Really, this team is not cheap anymore, but decades of cheap management (Halas) earned a very strong reputation. Do you honestly believe Halas would have bought Peppers, or doled out the contracts we have seen in the last decade.


If Halas were alive and still running the team after FA began, Bears fans would have turned on him.


Bite your tongue! There are no Halases making decisions anymore! Only McCaskeys! ;) Virgie signed up with the dark side!


Who really knows...it's just hollow no matter how you slice it.


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I know! Just playin'! ...and yes, it is sad.


Oh, I hear ya there. But, 'd bet our D would be the toughest, meanest lot in the league!


If he were still alive, FA may not have passed through!


Just to clarify, though I am sure you were playing, when I say Halas I am referring to Halas Hall. I realize there is no longer a true Halas, and that is sad.


Then again, I have a feeling if Halas were alive today and running the team, fans would have a VERY different opinion of the man. Fans complain about how the team is cheap. Really, this team is not cheap anymore, but decades of cheap management (Halas) earned a very strong reputation. Do you honestly believe Halas would have bought Peppers, or doled out the contracts we have seen in the last decade.


If Halas were alive and still running the team after FA began, Bears fans would have turned on him.


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