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A couple interesting things from last nights practice.


1) Lance Louis got the start at RT. While Tice said he just "wanted to give him some more work" this is a a pretty good sign he's standing out in practice and the coaches wanted to see how he'd handle a little more pressure (Soldier Field, night lights, 26k fans).


2) Garza started at LG for us.


3) Olsen continues making plays downfield in this offense.


4) Peppers is just dominating our OTs. By all accounts he's working hard and I'm beginning to think we're going to see a really strong season from him.


5) Tommie Harris practiced and it didn't make the news. Very nice (in the sense that the last two camps it was news when he practiced).


6) Bowman with 3 pass deflections. Seems he's continuing with strong play all through camp.




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A couple interesting things from last nights practice.


I'm assuming you went? So how was it? I've only been once and I was dissappointed to it compared to Bourbannais. The nice thing about Bourbannais is being so close to the players.


1) Lance Louis got the start at RT. While Tice said he just "wanted to give him some more work" this is a a pretty good sign he's standing out in practice and the coaches wanted to see how he'd handle a little more pressure (Soldier Field, night lights, 26k fans).


I assume you meant RG. Camp started with Asiata, Louis, and Beekman battling for the LG spot. Later, Louis gets moved to RG and Asiata runs with the first team. Now Garza moves to LG and Louis runs with the first team at RG.


Basically we're screwed at this position. Despite what we're saying, these moves indicate we're not happy with Asiata, Louis, or Beekman.


2) Garza started at LG for us.


The o-line success begins with consistency and continuity. Is moving one of our stable pieces a good idea?


3) Olsen continues making plays downfield in this offense.


Olsen has to be the best training camp player in the NFL. I'll be happy if this carries over into the season.


4) Peppers is just dominating our OTs. By all accounts he's working hard and I'm beginning to think we're going to see a really strong season from him.


The glass half empty: Do our offensive tackles just suck?


5) Tommie Harris practiced and it didn't make the news. Very nice (in the sense that the last two camps it was news when he practiced).


Agreed. Although, like with Olsen, I'll be happy when this translates to game situations.


6) Bowman with 3 pass deflections. Seems he's continuing with strong play all through camp.


That's awesome! Bowman was one helluva a pick by JA.

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Hell no I didn't get to go, I'm stuck here in Arizona. I just read the media reports. I was hoping someone from the board was out there but it doesn't appear that way.


Yes, Louis was in at RG. I tend to disagree with your assessment of that meaning the others are just bad. The others, including Garza, have a lot more experience and if the coaches went the safe route you'd still be seeing Beekman at LG and Garza at RG. To me this indicates that Louis really is stepping up.


As far as Olsen making plays in camp. The only point I was trying to make is that Martz is clearly using TEs on downfield routes, something that wasn't supposed to be on the menu. I wasn't necessarily referring to Olsen looking great. Months ago I read somewhere that there was a role for TEs catching passes in this offense going back to the old Air Coryell days with Kellen Winslow. The question was one of would Martz tap into that or go with what he's done in the past. It seems to me Martz has given Olsen and Clark opportunities early in camp to state their case and so far so good.



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1/2 - While I don't want to give up all hope, I do agree that moving around our OL so much does not seem like a good thing? Its one thing if your backups move around. In that, I can see the argument you want your depth to be practiced multiple positions. But we moving Garza, for example, to LG just doesn't seem like a good thing.


I guess the optimistic way of looking at this could be, if Louis is looking that good at RG, and has won the job, Tice wants to look at Garza at LG. But does anyone really believe this?


Like you, I fear we are shuffling these players around because they simply are not looking great thus far at the positions they were originally placed in to compete at.


3. From what I read, a big part of what Martz has been doing is attacking "our" defense. In other words, he is calling plays that attack our defenses weaknesses, thus why Knox has been the biggest WR thus far as he has been attacking a weakness in the intermediate area of the cover two, while Olsen has been attacking the deep middle.


Honestly, for me, I only see this is as a positive. Sure, it can go away, but (a) there was so much concern about whether Martz would use the TE, I think the signs we are seeing thus far at least provide positive signs and (B) the better Olsen looks in camp, the more likely Martz is to follow up on playing him once the season begins.


4. Omiyale worries me more due to the number of false starts and overall poor play that has been reported. Still, Peppers dominating our OTs doesn't worry me too much. When I read about Anderson, Wooten, etc consistently dominating our OTs, then I will start to worry.


5. Still plenty to prove, but at least for now, it is a positive sign.


A couple interesting things from last nights practice.


I'm assuming you went? So how was it? I've only been once and I was dissappointed to it compared to Bourbannais. The nice thing about Bourbannais is being so close to the players.


1) Lance Louis got the start at RT. While Tice said he just "wanted to give him some more work" this is a a pretty good sign he's standing out in practice and the coaches wanted to see how he'd handle a little more pressure (Soldier Field, night lights, 26k fans).


I assume you meant RG. Camp started with Asiata, Louis, and Beekman battling for the LG spot. Later, Louis gets moved to RG and Asiata runs with the first team. Now Garza moves to LG and Louis runs with the first team at RG.


Basically we're screwed at this position. Despite what we're saying, these moves indicate we're not happy with Asiata, Louis, or Beekman.


2) Garza started at LG for us.


The o-line success begins with consistency and continuity. Is moving one of our stable pieces a good idea?


3) Olsen continues making plays downfield in this offense.


Olsen has to be the best training camp player in the NFL. I'll be happy if this carries over into the season.


4) Peppers is just dominating our OTs. By all accounts he's working hard and I'm beginning to think we're going to see a really strong season from him.


The glass half empty: Do our offensive tackles just suck?


5) Tommie Harris practiced and it didn't make the news. Very nice (in the sense that the last two camps it was news when he practiced).


Agreed. Although, like with Olsen, I'll be happy when this translates to game situations.


6) Bowman with 3 pass deflections. Seems he's continuing with strong play all through camp.


That's awesome! Bowman was one helluva a pick by JA.


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The thing that botherd me was all the reports that Martz does not use TE except to block. Well then after plenty of articles refering to Martz's system is a take off of Don coryells system he used in SD. Kellen Winslow is a HOF inductee due to that system. Maybe its just that he (martz) never has a TE available to put that system in. Hence Olsen and Clark are benefiting from it.

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