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It's just Arizona


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I know we'll all be looking for some good things to happen this weekend against the Cards so here's a bit of a scouting report from what I've seen of the Cards so far this offseason.


QB: Leinart has not looked good at all this preseason and has now been demoted in favor of Anderson. Meanwhile, Anderson's accuracy is all over the place. He can hit some perfect deep passes and then miss an easy 10 yard route. Under pressure his mechanics fall apart. Translation: If our secondary looks good don't make too much of it.


OTs: The Cards OTs aren't all that great in pass protection. I expect Peppers to get around the corner early and often. If Mark Anderson is to generate sacks this year you should see some good pressure from him tomorrow.


Demoting Leinart is the Cards final admission that they won't be relying on the passing game this year, which everyone's know all offseason. They will be working to establish their running game so it should be a good chance to see how our run D is.


CB: Trumaine McBride (yes, that Trumaine McBride) was their starter opposite Rodgers-Cromartie (DRC) until he got demoted this week. Outside of DRC they have issues. Of course Adrian Wilson is their SS and he's an elite player but their FS is still a work in progress. There should be some good opportunities for Cutler and the WR to make plays.



Overall: If the Cards look really good against us on either side of the ball it's reason for concern. OTOH if we look really good don't read much into it.



LB: OLBs are ok but their ILB are a concern for them and they don't run well. If we can get Forte and Taylor to the second level they should be able to make some good gains, especially on outside runs.


Dline: This is the strength of their D. They have very good players at DE and NT. Calais Campbell is becoming a good pass rusher, as is Dockett, and they should be able to give our Oline a good test of their pass blocking skills. Plus it's a 3-4 front so it's another opportunity to see how they handle their assignments.



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