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Poetic Justice


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I remember a game in 2004 against Detroit. Bernard Berrian caught the ball in the end-zone. Had full possession. When he hit the ground the ball moved a little bit. This would have won the game. It was ruled "no-touchdown" saying the ball moved. I thought it was a bullshit call.


I thought the Johnson catch should have been a TD . . . I guess we're even.

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Do not remember that play however, the refs and the replay officials totally screwed that call up. Johnson made the catch and placed the football on the ground figuring he had the reception. To rule that it was all part of the play and that Johnson lost the ball thus resulting in an incomplete pass is just pathetic. Bears should have lost this game with the way they played today.

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We not only lost on that Berrian play but we had a fake punt where AP caught the ball and took three steps as he was getting tackled but when he hit the ground the ball came out...INCOMPLETE. The rule has been in place for years because it takes judgment out of the call. Otherwise you get referees saying they figured he had the ball but on replay the other guy says well I didn't think he had it. Over the years there have been many key plays throughout the league where this has come into play and nobody has ever made it controversial as much as they are today. Love affair with Detroit? Or maybe the media dislikes Lovie as much as we do?


I am in favor of rules like this that eliminate judgment calls. I also like that they got rid of the force out rule. Now you have to get two feet down no matter what. End of discussion and it can't be questioned. Calvin just had to do what Forte did...hold the ball up in the air!



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Calvin just had to do what Forte did...hold the ball up in the air!


And that is why it was ruled in complete. Johnson and the Lions may be ticked at that outcome but it's his own fault. He had control of the ball and all he had to do was hold it up. I think t's also the way it came out. He landed and ball touched the ground then left his hand. I believe he did have control but chose to let go of the ball. Should it have been a TD? Yes, but not because the official blew it but but because Johnson blew it. They all know the rules that you must maintain possession all the way through the catch and come up with the ball. Had he done like Forte did and held the ball up where there's no doubt he had possession and control it would have been ruled a TD.


The bigger story is it should never have come down to that play. Turnovers absolutely killed us every time we got some momentum we coughed it up.

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