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Hey Angelo! Do you think we need OL help now?


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The 4th down call, which had Lovie's conservative play-calling influence stink all over it, will always be a situation that kills the Bears as long as you continue to neglect the OL. Year after year this is the Bears' weak point, yet you continually ignore it as if LTs just come off of practice squads.


Get a clue Angelo, or you'll be leaving with Lovie at the end of the year...which, after the Lions game, seems all but a guarantee.

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1st and goal from the one foot line had me asking, Where the hell is Walter? We needed Sweetness to go up and over the top. With the way that series played out, Angelo, Smith, Tice, Martz and the entire coaching and scouting staff all need to go and go tomorrow.

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My word you think the Bears lost!!! They did not loose, Line play was better then I thought it would be, Defense was awsome, And we have a OC that can call a game, Now if the fumbles are blamed on Angelo and lovie, then get rid of them both But to me it was first game freakish things that happened. Nothing more or less.

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My word you think the Bears lost!!! They did not loose, Line play was better then I thought it would be, Defense was awsome, And we have a OC that can call a game, Now if the fumbles are blamed on Angelo and lovie, then get rid of them both But to me it was first game freakish things that happened. Nothing more or less.

Turnovers and penalties are sign of an un-disciplined team. That goes directly to the coaching.


Peace :dabears

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It's ridiculous. Maybe McKie isn't that bad after all! :P freakin' can't get any tough yard at all. We are SOFT. In smashmouth, we are getting our asses handed to us.


1st and goal from the one foot line had me asking, Where the hell is Walter? We needed Sweetness to go up and over the top. With the way that series played out, Angelo, Smith, Tice, Martz and the entire coaching and scouting staff all need to go and go tomorrow.


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Turnovers and penalties are sign of an un-disciplined team. That goes directly to the coaching.


Peace :dabears




Grizzly, we all love this team, we're all happy that we actually got the W....but it was like watching a high school team (mostly coaching wise) today...Coaching is a lot bigger part of this game than I think you give it credit for.....sure blame the player for the fumble, i mean come on it was the individual who dropped it...but when you have numerous players not protecting the ball that tells you the coaching staff is lackadaisical...optimism is great, and I am still optimistic about this season but there is a reason why there are some teams year in and year out that can develop players into talented ones...


If Lovie could adapt to different situations he may be a decent coach, but he refuses to admit that his schemes/decisions/thought process is wrong and needs tweaking...the teams that win super bowls are the teams that have a coach that can analyze a situation and adapt to it DURING the game. Lovie CAN NOT and WILL NOT even try to do this.

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My word you think the Bears lost!!! They did not loose, Line play was better then I thought it would be, Defense was awsome, And we have a OC that can call a game, Now if the fumbles are blamed on Angelo and lovie, then get rid of them both But to me it was first game freakish things that happened. Nothing more or less.


The reason we rant when the Bears win is that we realize the folly in supporting Lovie Smith and his system. We understand that despite being happy about the win, we should all be upset about the manner we won. To get that starting position, with that yardage disparity, and still need an absurd rule to pull out a fluke win, is not a win I'm ecstatic about. The fumbles aren't blamed on Angelo and Lovie, but as others have said: it's a sign of a lack of discipline. Not only that, but the game should have never been in the balance like it was.


1) The Bears should have tried something a little different, a little unorthodox, in the series on the goal-line. To see that vanilla garbage was frustrating because everyone in the world (aside from the Bears' coaches) knows that the Bears' OL is horrible.


2) The fourth down should have NEVER happened. It should have been a gimme field goal. To argue otherwise is completely ignorant, and shows a lack of football knowledge. And, frankly, it shows poor addition skills. Lovie needs to go retake some addition classes.


3) Everyone responsible for the end-of-game prevent needs to be beaten. The entire game they were playing pretty well, and THEN some genius decides to change it up and basically give the game to the Lions, which, by the way, they did; but, we got lucky with the aforementioned rule.


Lovie Smith is an idiot. Period. The Bears can't get rid of him soon enough.

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Excellent analysis.


If Lovie could adapt to different situations he may be a decent coach, but he refuses to admit that his schemes/decisions/thought process is wrong and needs tweaking...the teams that win super bowls are the teams that have a coach that can analyze a situation and adapt to it DURING the game. Lovie CAN NOT and WILL NOT even try to do this.


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LT, did you watch the game?


Yea, we put up a lot of total yards, but...


(a) Cutler was sacked four times, hit more, and under pressure much of the game. You don't expect this line, game one, to provide great protection, but the protection Cutler got was pretty weak.


(B) Sad thing is, the pass blocking was far better than the run blocking, which was atrocious. One of the best testiments of an OL is the ability to get a push at the LOS for short yardage gains. In these situations, our OL was getting flat blown up and blown backwards.


© While Det has improved, it isn't like we were playing that good of a defense, so to me, that is an even bigger indictment. Yea, we put up some solid passing yardage stats, but the OL was not really the catalyst to that. If the OL doesn't get better in a hurry, Cutler will get knocked out, and you can forget about Forte.


Do we need Oline help? They blocked for 463 yards of offense. Is that not good enough?


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Do we need Oline help? They blocked for 463 yards of offense. Is that not good enough?


What's the saying about people who use stats being liars?


Simply put, Cutler got blasted several times, the OL had gaping holes more than once for defenders to run through, many of the passing yards were the result of Cutler scrambling, and the run blocking was ATROCIOUS. The one positive is that the pass-blocking was better than expected as a whole.


Please spare us the "debate for the sake of debate" nonsense, because nobody who watched the game is buying it. The Bears desperately need OL help, have needed it for several years, and against a superior defense it could cost them Jay Cutler's health.

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Just wanted to note this.

Why isn't Forte a better goal-line runner? As we noted Sunday, Forte had one of the worst goal-to-go ratio of carries to touchdowns in the NFL last season. In the fourth quarter against the Lions, he got three cracks from the 1-yard line and was stopped for no gain on all three. Is this a power issue? An offensive line issue? Poor use of personnel? Playcalling? A combination? One way to find out is to use backup Chester Taylor in those situations and see if the result is any different.
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One, I have always read Forte was an upright runner, which makes him easier to bring down, especially in short yardage situations.


Two, while I have no clue how often this is an issue, but on at least one of those goal line carries, I think Forte blew it by not following his block. Manu blocked on the right side, and there was actually an opening. Not a huge one, but enough to score, but Forte was running wide of Manu. Without a lead blocker, Forte was stood up. I don't know if this is often an issue, or simply was an issue on this one down.


Three. In the bar, we were screaming to see Taylor on this series. Taylor plays with power, and was more the power runner in Minny. In fact, many questioned how Minny would do in short yardage and goal line situations without Taylor. So we get him and don't use him? WTF?



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