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Cutler Passer rating


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It's a nice trend for sure!


I think I heard somewhere that combined with the end of last season, his numbers are quite excellent.


If he can keep it up, we're going to be a happy fan base this season!


So far in 2 games he exceeded all expectations of this year in passing, Its phenominal to see this on a bears team. I never have seen this in 1/2 century of existance.


Game 1. 108.3


Game 2. 136.7


If this persists we maybe in for quite a year.


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Im eating crow as of this morning. However, I wanna see him play well at home against GB. Because they are the best team we face this year (twice of course)

The Jets and Patriots are very good too, but yes, this will be a good test for Cutler.


It's a nice trend for sure!


I think I heard somewhere that combined with the end of last season, his numbers are quite excellent.


If he can keep it up, we're going to be a happy fan base this season!

Yeah, 4 straight games with a 100+ PR dating back to last year.

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