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What is up with Collins

Alaskan Grizzly

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I admit since I have Sunday Ticket, I overuse my DVR and have recorded not only all the games but this last week's NFL Networks episode of the Green Bay game. All told I've probably watched each game a minimum of three times. Anyhow my point in question format is, what is the deal with Todd Collins? Looking at the Chicago Bears website he is listed as the #2 behind Cutler. Yet what bothers me is that each time you see Cutler on the sidelines in between Offense possession he is sitting with Hanie going over stills and talking strategy. In almost everyone of those shots I never see Collins nearby. In fact I have seen him in a few shots hanging out by himself. What gives? I mean he is the #2 and does have SOME experience so wouldn't you think he would be working with Cutler on things he sees that might work and the like? Maybe I am missing something.


But if this is the only thing I really have to complain about, things must be going pretty good which brings me to this weeks update on my recovery..


Madlith: Week three and things are looking good. Go LOVIE!!! :headbang

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Collins won't matter. Cutler goes down, and we're beyond doomed... I like that he's talking to Hanie. Hanie is the future of our back-up position.


Damn, getting called out already Alaska! :P I still stand by that I don't think Smith is a good HC. But, and I've made comments in other posts to date, he's appearing to step out of the way of his coordinators, and let them coordinate. Most tellingly with Martz. I still think Rod is a puppet for Smith...but at least with peppers and a healthy Url, the Cover 2 has a chance to be moderately successful. And, I will give Smith complete credit, (yes, you read it here folks!) for holding his players accountable. It's about time he did it consitently, and it appears he's now doing that. I think I can stomach more of Smith if everything keeps progressing as we've seen. But we can't lose Martz. I still cringe when we let teams run down the field on us. Not so much with GB becasue they are good. But when Detroit did it, and especially when he let Bowman take on Megtron by his lonesome, I did not like it one bit. Winning sure hides a lot of flaws! I give Smith credit for 2 games so far. I think he basically botched week 1.


PS - I was up in Alaska this past summer on a cruise w/ my family. Loved the stops! Especially Juneau where I had the most awsome king crab ever at a shack! Oh yeah, the bears, bald eagles, and other critters were awesome as well! And the fresh halibut was dyn-o-mite!



I admit since I have Sunday Ticket, I overuse my DVR and have recorded not only all the games but this last week's NFL Networks episode of the Green Bay game. All told I've probably watched each game a minimum of three times. Anyhow my point in question format is, what is the deal with Todd Collins? Looking at the Chicago Bears website he is listed as the #2 behind Cutler. Yet what bothers me is that each time you see Cutler on the sidelines in between Offense possession he is sitting with Hanie going over stills and talking strategy. In almost everyone of those shots I never see Collins nearby. In fact I have seen him in a few shots hanging out by himself. What gives? I mean he is the #2 and does have SOME experience so wouldn't you think he would be working with Cutler on things he sees that might work and the like? Maybe I am missing something.


But if this is the only thing I really have to complain about, things must be going pretty good which brings me to this weeks update on my recovery..


Madlith: Week three and things are looking good. Go LOVIE!!! :headbang


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I was on the exact same! It was with Celebrity...


But we only got a few hours in Victoria. We went ot the Buchart Gardens and a winery... Given that I live in CA, their wine didn't really impress me. But the city is beautiful!


Skagway was a real kick! We did the whorehouse and ghost tour. Then did a dog muching training tour. Loved it all! We just stayed clear of all the jewelry stores that are basically owned by the cruises!


I think the only stuff we bought were food items like jams, sauces, and tons of smokes salmon and other fish!


I hate to change topics but I was on a cruise in Alaska 3 years ago and it was awesome. The stops were Juneau, Ketchikan, Skagway & Victoria, BC. I PM'ed Alaskan Grizzly awhile back asking him for housing information for SE Alaska because one day I'd like to live there.


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As far as Lovie goes, I agree with most everything you have noted Mad Lith. I feel the Bears have been "lucky" in two of three games (GB and Det). I don't think I need to say why. However, due to the fact that the Bears are 3-0 and and can afford to lose one or two more in the next couple weeks (if at all) I am pretty content. I think Lovie is able to recognize a good thing when he sees it. Martz is good at what he does and Marinelli, maybe not the best D coordinator, is able to get folks motived and play tough.


Not sure what the deal is with Collins. I realize he is not the long term answer and fear what may happen if Cutler gets hurt ( :pray ). The part that makes me cringe is when Cutler gets hit in the backfield. He has taken some pretty vicious licks the last two weeks and managed to still continue despite it. Somethiing to be said about his toughness. A true Chicago QB for sure. Stay strong Jay!!!


Alaska is amazingly remote and vast. You guys mentioned seeing the Southeast. It is funny because not only is it cut off from everything but it is in its own when it comes to weather and terrain. Most of that area is very similar to what you see in the Seattle area. Lots of rain forest and pretty climate weather. Up in the area I live near Anchorage it is still pretty mild in temp. (70-75 summer / -20 in the winter). But it is not as closed off from everything although we only have two highways (one going North the other South) and that accounts for about half of all the highways up here. If you go more North, near Fairbanks you find a little more difference in people and weather. Their weather, because they are in the interior and away from the ocean, is pretty dramatic. Summers can be humid (like the Midwes) and near 90 and in the winter -40 or worse. The amazing thing about Alaska is when you get in an airplane and leave Anchorage (pop about 400,000) and within about 5 mins into the flight all you see is mountains and wilderness for as far as the eye can see. It is unbelievable. Anyhow, I ramble.


Here's to another win on Sunday night. DA BEARZ!!!!! :bringit

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Jay is a tough SOB! But, I'd prefer he not test the outer limits of his fortitude! The line needs to improve. About week 6, teams will start seeing trends and try to counter. It'll be then that we get a truer picture I think.


It is beautiful country up there! My city slicker ways were impressed!


Go Bears! Always...





As far as Lovie goes, I agree with most everything you have noted Mad Lith. I feel the Bears have been "lucky" in two of three games (GB and Det). I don't think I need to say why. However, due to the fact that the Bears are 3-0 and and can afford to lose one or two more in the next couple weeks (if at all) I am pretty content. I think Lovie is able to recognize a good thing when he sees it. Martz is good at what he does and Marinelli, maybe not the best D coordinator, is able to get folks motived and play tough.


Not sure what the deal is with Collins. I realize he is not the long term answer and fear what may happen if Cutler gets hurt ( :pray ). The part that makes me cringe is when Cutler gets hit in the backfield. He has taken some pretty vicious licks the last two weeks and managed to still continue despite it. Somethiing to be said about his toughness. A true Chicago QB for sure. Stay strong Jay!!!


Alaska is amazingly remote and vast. You guys mentioned seeing the Southeast. It is funny because not only is it cut off from everything but it is in its own when it comes to weather and terrain. Most of that area is very similar to what you see in the Seattle area. Lots of rain forest and pretty climate weather. Up in the area I live near Anchorage it is still pretty mild in temp. (70-75 summer / -20 in the winter). But it is not as closed off from everything although we only have two highways (one going North the other South) and that accounts for about half of all the highways up here. If you go more North, near Fairbanks you find a little more difference in people and weather. Their weather, because they are in the interior and away from the ocean, is pretty dramatic. Summers can be humid (like the Midwes) and near 90 and in the winter -40 or worse. The amazing thing about Alaska is when you get in an airplane and leave Anchorage (pop about 400,000) and within about 5 mins into the flight all you see is mountains and wilderness for as far as the eye can see. It is unbelievable. Anyhow, I ramble.


Here's to another win on Sunday night. DA BEARZ!!!!! :bringit


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Jay is a tough SOB! But, I'd prefer he not test the outer limits of his fortitude! The line needs to improve. About week 6, teams will start seeing trends and try to counter. It'll be then that we get a truer picture I think.


It is beautiful country up there! My city slicker ways were impressed!


Go Bears! Always...





I agree the O Line has some improving to do, but I am actually slightly impressed with the improvement shown so far. If they can do a good job tomorrow I will be ever more impressed.

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I agree the O Line has some improving to do, but I am actually slightly impressed with the improvement shown so far. If they can do a good job tomorrow I will be ever more impressed.

I agree DBF and think this is a game that they should start to step up in since the G-men are banged up on the d-line.

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