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Gotta disagree with you guys on this. What in the hell is Cutler supposed to do when:


A] The OL has allowed a free rusher on EVERY play

B] He has been hit on nearly EVERY play

C] Martz continues to call 7-step drop plays

D] Martz refuses to provide more than 5 man coverage

E] Martz refuses to roll Cutler out

F] Martz refuses to run draws or screens enough to affect the DL

G] At least two of the team's offensive linemen are CFL players, at best

H] One of the Bears' offensive linemen might actually be the worst player in the NFL (Omiyale in case you're wondering)

I] The WRs clearly aren't getting open, since a few of the sacks were coverage sacks


Really. What the hell is Cutler supposed to do?

I think your defense of Cutler is a little off. At least 5 sacks Cutler took were his fault. He simply was not sharp tonight and held the ball too long. Martz and the OL sucked tonight, but Cutler looked out of it before the game even started.

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Nah. I didn't think Cutler was that bad. I mean come on what the hell is he going to do after getting sacked 8 times? Get up and jump for joy? It's a natural human reaction that when something bad happens over and over again you get discouraged and I'm sure inside Cutler was pissed but his body language was not even close to ridiculous, it was what you can expect when that sort of destruction of the offensive line happens. You don't see Peyton Manning smile or look upbeat after he's been nailed a few times, and he's never been sacked 8 times in one game like Cutler was.

From what I saw, Cutler definitely deserves a portion of the blame for that mess. Give you an example; the play that he went out with the concussion; he had a DB blitzing on his left side and a vacant area behind the DB where Earl Bennett was wide open. Cutler could have hung in there and completed that pass with ease and if he took the hit it would have been a penalty, but he pulled the ball back and took the sack without throwing it.


That said...after being hit 8+ times, you're going to start becoming tentative because you don't want to fumble the ball.


Finally...whoever is criticizing Cutler for leaving the game with a concussion...that's absolute B.S. The studies they're doing on these guys after 10+ years of playing through concussions is finding their brains turned to jelly after all the impacts. People are suffering lifelong mental problems because of the blows they take as a QB. If a guy even has a weak concussion...get him the F*** out of there. It's not worth suffering through the next 30 injury shortened years of your life to play 1/2 of a game of football.

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I think your defense of Cutler is a little off. At least 5 sacks Cutler took were his fault. He simply was not sharp tonight and held the ball too long. Martz and the OL sucked tonight, but Cutler looked out of it before the game even started.


Five sacks were his fault? C'mon! Think about this...


The majority of the calls were deep drops.

The majority of the plays with deep drops had at least one OL cleanly beat.

When a QB drops back on a deep drop, he's supposed to turn and survey the field for a WR. If everything goes perfectly, it should be a pass right after the back foot is planted. But when you plant your back foot and see your initial read is blanketed, then you look for another. Cutler didn't even have time to look at his second read. That's F'ing pathetic.


Most of the ones he was "supposed to" throw away would have resulted in intentional grounding penalties, because he was getting hit inside the tackle box.


I'm sorry, but maybe one or two of those is on Cutler. The rest is as mentioned before (i.e. OL, Martz, Lovie, Angelo).

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No QB, Payton Manning, Tom Brady, A Rogers, (or even J Unitas, J Montana, etc...) would have succeeded with the lack of protection Cutler got.


I cannot believe some on the forum are calling him a Pu**y.


He got the shit kicked out of him. He was brutalized.


He got a concussion, if you do not know what that actually means read up on it, we are talking a serious injury.


NFL teams take this injury very seriously now a days since the seriousness of a concussion has been studied.


If he had shown symptoms of a concussion at half time, the team HAD NO CHOICE but to pull him.

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I give Cutler credit for continuing to come out on the field in the first half. It was obvious to everyone watching what the Giants D was going to, and could, do. Cutler didn't even have enough time to ground the ball on several of those sacks.

The OL and adjustment by the coaches (lack of, in this case) was appalling. Embarassing to watch.

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Give me a damn break. Cutler got sacked legitimately 4 times and IMO ran into a bunch of others. Two of the "sacks" were him running out of bounds behind the line. Yes, the line BLOWS and I've been saying that for several years. Several here have debated me on that FACT and now want to jump on that bandwagon. Welcome aboard! But that doesn't change the fact that Jay quit on this team well before the alleged concussion occured. You would've never seen Jimmy Mac or hell, even Favre, do what Cutler did yesterday. And this forum can get on me all they want for the title but I stand by it 100%! The Giants got into his head with the first couple of sacks and he wasn't even looking for receivers at some point. He was watching the line collapse around him and dancing around. And what the HELL happened to his delivery? He had the biggest windmill of a throwing motion I've ever seen last night!


You're all right, Martz didn't help by continuing to bullheadedly call deep routes. But there have to be checkdowns available and several times I saw receivers in the middle of the field open. Cutler didn't get the ball off anywhere near as quickly as he needed to.


Get used to it fellas. This line sucks AS PREDICTED and it ain't getting better. And now every team in the NFL knows they can get in Cutler's head but putting him on his ass a few times early in the game. This is going to get ugly.

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I've never seen a guy quit on his team like I'm seeing from Jay tonight. Sure, the line is playing poorly but close to half the sacks thus far are purely ON JAY. Probably more. And his body language is totally unacceptable. If I were Lovie I'd bench him. Roll him out, go to shorter drops. Jesus, this isn't rocket science!

You are a freakin pussy. Seriously?


9 sacks. Let me see you or any other QB in the NFl take that and survive, none-the-less actually do anything productive.


Oh and good call, we saw how much better the team was with Todd Collins.

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Bullshit. You mix it up. A moving pocket is an easy thing to try. It's crazy to have him keep taking 7 step drops and pound the ball.


And that wasn't the only thing I said to try. This is embarrassing.

A moving pocket isn't an easy thing to do when your oline can't even create a pocket. But I forgot, you think our QB, who is widely regarded as one of the toughest QB's in the league (in terms of what he can take physically) is a pussy.

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& the fact your not willing to blame any of it on Cutler is just as comical

I'm sorry, but no QB in the history of the game could have done anything last night. Why don't you ask QB's what matters most. I guarantee they will tell you protection.


This game had nothing to do with Cutler. It could have been Cutler, Orton (who would have actually died), Brady, Manning. Didn't matter, they all would have died.

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Gotta disagree with you guys on this. What in the hell is Cutler supposed to do when:


A] The OL has allowed a free rusher on EVERY play

B] He has been hit on nearly EVERY play

C] Martz continues to call 7-step drop plays

D] Martz refuses to provide more than 5 man coverage

E] Martz refuses to roll Cutler out

F] Martz refuses to run draws or screens enough to affect the DL

G] At least two of the team's offensive linemen are CFL players, at best

H] One of the Bears' offensive linemen might actually be the worst player in the NFL (Omiyale in case you're wondering)

I] The WRs clearly aren't getting open, since a few of the sacks were coverage sacks


Really. What the hell is Cutler supposed to do?

Thank you Jason, for bringing logic to the argument.

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Oh and I bet even money that it will eventually come out that Cutler suffered his concussion far earlier in the game.

If he did, he suffered a 2nd on on that 9th sack. His head clearly hit the ground hard. And the Bears training staff should be fired if they sent him out there if he was already having symptoms.

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If he did, he suffered a 2nd on on that 9th sack. His head clearly hit the ground hard. And the Bears training staff should be fired if they sent him out there if he was already having symptoms.

I thought his half time quote was pretty true. He said, try getting hit that many times and see how hard it is to get rid of the ball at that point or even know what is going on.

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I'm sorry, but no QB in the history of the game could have done anything last night. Why don't you ask QB's what matters most. I guarantee they will tell you protection.


This game had nothing to do with Cutler. It could have been Cutler, Orton (who would have actually died), Brady, Manning. Didn't matter, they all would have died.





I remember Dave Krieg getting sacked 9 times (7by Derrick Thomas) & still throwing for 300+ yards & 2 TD's in a win.



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A Lovie Smith quote:


"He took some hits so it's hard to say exactly when," coach Lovie Smith said. "Right now, I don't have all of that information, but we need to protect him more. You can only take so much and tonight was a little too much for him."


looked like the 4th sack to me

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looked like the 4th sack to me

I think that sounds about right. After that moment, it looked like Jay was pretty glossy in general. Even in the few sideline shots he didn't look like himself.


The thing that I think irritated me more than anything was that we were almost at halftime, down 3-0 (which was a blessing) and I couldn't wait to get to the half so the team could just take a breather and hopefully re-adjust and there we are, dropping Jay back again letting him get the 9th sack and get hit another 2 times.


So while I think Jay was dumb for trying to be the "tough" guy and his play definitely suffered because of it (i.e, he was completely incapable of making a quick decision because he had no idea what the hell was going on).

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I think that sounds about right. After that moment, it looked like Jay was pretty glossy in general. Even in the few sideline shots he didn't look like himself.


The thing that I think irritated me more than anything was that we were almost at halftime, down 3-0 (which was a blessing) and I couldn't wait to get to the half so the team could just take a breather and hopefully re-adjust and there we are, dropping Jay back again letting him get the 9th sack and get hit another 2 times.


So while I think Jay was dumb for trying to be the "tough" guy and his play definitely suffered because of it (i.e, he was completely incapable of making a quick decision because he had no idea what the hell was going on).

sorry but he looked lethargic before the opening kickoff. He had receivers open on many occasions. The telecast even pointed that out. I won't call him a puss, but he definitely gave me a vibe before the game even started. He was simply off. Nothing he can't recover from.


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I remember Dave Krieg getting sacked 9 times (7by Derrick Thomas) & still throwing for 300+ yards & 2 TD's in a win.


dave krieg? as a chicago bear?


he was in chicago for only one season and replaced an injured kramer for 13 games in '96.


he NEVER threw for 300 yards in any game for chicago and ABSOLUTELY NEVER was sacked 9 times as a bear qb in one game.

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dave krieg? as a chicago bear?


he was in chicago for only one season and replaced an injured kramer for 13 games in '96.


he NEVER threw for 300 yards in any game for chicago and ABSOLUTELY NEVER was sacked 9 times as a bear qb in one game.


He had a long career before Chicago. It was with Seattle in 1990

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