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Holding up my hand


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I was very critical of Jay during & after the Giants game but after my rewatch & reading the news since it seems he played most of the game concussed. Not a lot a QB can do when he has no idea whats going on.



My only question now is if I could spot it watching on telly why didn't the coaches/doctors not pull him straight away??

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Flea, That would explain that there were a lot of times that Cutler looked a bit lost and day dreaming out there and in slow motion. We'll we ever get a true explanation of what was happening and why the coaches and medical staff missed something so important? I highly doubt it. Hope that Cutler is all right and with being in Carolina, I would be inclined to let Jay sit and I would start Hanie ahead of Collins. Did not like the Collins signing and I think Hanie has a lot more potential versus Collins.

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Should have brought Garcia in over Collins. Collins is cannon fodder... At least Garcia is mobile. He's actually the perfect back-up for us at the moment.


Flea, That would explain that there were a lot of times that Cutler looked a bit lost and day dreaming out there and in slow motion. We'll we ever get a true explanation of what was happening and why the coaches and medical staff missed something so important? I highly doubt it. Hope that Cutler is all right and with being in Carolina, I would be inclined to let Jay sit and I would start Hanie ahead of Collins. Did not like the Collins signing and I think Hanie has a lot more potential versus Collins.


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Everytime the ball was snapped Collins wet himself. He was too scared to even step into his passes. I think he's the first guy I've ever seen do a 2 step drop and throw the ball about 5 feet. He doesn't belong on the team and I would much rather have LeFevour still with us as a developmental prospect. At least LeFevour could run out of our constantly folding pocket.

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I respect Cutler for his toughness. He's probably the toughest QB, maybe player in general, in the NFL. I just hope he didn't hurt his season, career, and life by continuing to play through this.


Puh lease. Drop all the melodrama will ya fella? He had a concussion. Quit talking about the guy like he's about to kick the bucket. About 100 NFL guys have a concussion every season and they all seem to survive. It's getting multiple concussions that does the damage over time. And if Cutler's was a major deal, he wouldn't even be being considered for this week.

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Puh lease. Drop all the melodrama will ya fella? He had a concussion. Quit talking about the guy like he's about to kick the bucket. About 100 NFL guys have a concussion every season and they all seem to survive. It's getting multiple concussions that does the damage over time. And if Cutler's was a major deal, he wouldn't even be being considered for this week.

You know what? This franchse is depending on him. And yes, he might kick the bucket if this OL continues to block like they have been- dude's on pace to get sacked like 85 times.

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