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Can we cut Collins?


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The Bears have been quick to dump dead weight lately. I would not be at all surprised if they brought in another QB and promoted Hanie to #2, at least until the new QB can learn the system. I have no doubt Hanie would have done much better than Collins if given the opportunity.

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I have no doubt Hanie would have done much better than Collins if given the opportunity.


Couldn't agree with you more on this one Pix. With that said, I personally said the Bears wouldn't score this week until they brought Hanie in. If I can see it, why can't they? And why didn't they drop this dead weight before he embarrassed himself?


And yeah, for the smartasses out there on this board, I know the Bears put up some points while Collins was in the game. But I'd say NONE of it had anything to do with him. Solid D, great special teams and a Matt Forte that looks completely back from his injury made the difference.


Let's hope we get Cutler back this week and his confidence is back. We can't have a QB with happy feet out there like he had against the Giants.

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Collins isn't going anywhere. His moneys already all paid


That doesn't make a difference. We're paying Mark Anderson 1.75 million on top of what he's already making for the Texans. Anderson wasn't very good, but he at least look like he belongs in the NFL. I wouldn't want Collins on my softball team. He's done. He can't play. Cut him.

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