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Chris Berman


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The Bears win by 14 points, and probably could have won by 10 more, but what do we hear after the game?


1. What's wrong with Farv

2. Will Farv return

3. Why the locker room isn't the same as last year


On top of that, we see two highlights:

1. Farv's TD to Harvin

2. Farv's INT to Briggs


I hate how it seems that the Bears never get showcase time on the highlight shows.

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Which is why I'd watch the NFL Network's postgame stuff right away, NBC's with Dungy and Harrison at 6 CT, or nothing at all, if I were you. Did you expect anything differently?


BTW- it's Favre. Not Farv. Don't know if you were doing that purposely.


Yes. I'm doing it on purpose. He says Farv, I spell Farv. It's just another one of the ironies of Farv in the NFL.

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The Bears win by 14 points, and probably could have won by 10 more, but what do we hear after the game?


1. What's wrong with Farv

2. Will Farv return

3. Why the locker room isn't the same as last year

Yeah, the announcers during the game were doing the same thing. The Bears win a squeaker over Buffalo and that shows how "vulnerable" they are, but Minnesota needs a fourth-quarter rally to sneak past a flat-out-awful Cardinals team, and they've got "momentum"? Come on. They showed this big graphic of Favre's career W-L record against Chicago, which makes it look like he's their worst nightmare, and then in a little footnote they mention that he's lost 3 of his last 4. Hey guys, that might have something to do with the fact that most of his record against the Bears is from the '90s. Maybe the more relevant record is that Favre's gone 3-7 (now 3-8) against Chicago since Lovie took over. Or do you think that his wins from 10-15 years ago against Wannstedt and Jauron have some bearing on Sunday's game?


It was honestly ridiculous. Bennett drops a sure TD and the Bears commit an unforced penalty? It's a "great defensive stand by the Vikings." Harvin scores on an obviously blown coverage? It's the "explosive potential of Minnesota's offense" or something like that. They were doing it all game - every Bears screwup was a great play by Minnesota, then on every great play by Chicago it was "what's wrong with Minnesota this season?" Give me a break.


It's like none of these guys remember that the Bears BEAT the Vikings the last time they played. And that was with Rice, Berrian, Harvin and Favre all healthy and Jared Allen on a hot streak. Why is it a surprise when the Bears beat them again? It's not like last year's Bears team was playing BETTER than this year's. It's not like the Vikings have the better record. It's not like Brett Favre losing to a Lovie Smith defense is unprecedented. I mean, take the names away. You've got two teams:


Team A: Banged up, 3-5 record, lost to Team B the last time they played and have regressed since then, quarterback has a career losing record against Team B.

Team B: Mostly healthy, 5-3 record, beat Team A the last time around and have improved in all 3 phases since then, head coach historically has Team A's QB's number.


...if you're not a member of the sports media, and you don't have a man-crush on Favre, which of these teams do you bet on? Seriously.

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That is the problem that we have and will always face. The National Media always is extremely biased against the Bears or any Chicago team no matter what the sport. They think we give a rat's a$$ about Dallas, I don't think so. The National Media is also so in love with Favre that it is offensive and the sooner he retires completely then better off the entire league will be. I have learned to hate the National Media and take them all with an extreme grain of salt. It even gets worse in College Sports however, I digress on that topic. Until the National Media decides to be more respectful to Chicago versus thinking of Chicago as only a Second City, we're stuck with this ridiculous bias until the end of mankind.

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The only thing worse than listening to Berman babble about Favre would be Madden and Berman with one ball each in their mouths. They make me sick. Berman and his washed up nicknames are retarded and he makes every converstation sound just epic and it's pointless. The same with Joe Buck and Aikman talkingh about Dallas. They are 2-7 not 16-0!!!!! The media is so damn biased and, Chitown man, you couldn't be more right about the media shutting out Chicago.






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