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P.Williams compared Cutler to Favre

Ed Hochuli 3:16

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Minnesota Vikings Pro Bowl defensive tackle Pat Williams doesn't offer much praise.


Just ask Bears Pro Bowl center Olin Kreutz.


But Williams has a lot of respect for Bears quarterback Jay Cutler.


"He's just a gunslinger, and he just wants to play. I ain't mad at him. If he throws a pick, he'll just keep coming," Williams said. "He ain't shell shocked, or gun shy. I tip my hat off to that. Some quarterbacks go in the hole. He don't go in the hole, and he's not scared to throw the ball.


"I love to play him. He's a tough boy. He can run, and he'll take the hits, and he'll get up and he'll talk to you. I love that."


Asked if he reminds him of anyone, Williams said, "He's like Brett Favre.


"He's a tough guy, too."


Williams recalled when Favre was the Green Bay Packers, and he'd bury him or knock him down.


"He'd say, 'That's all you got, Pat?' I used to love playing Brett," Williams said.


Williams said he also respects the 2010 Bears.


"I tip my hat off to them. They're playing good all around," he said. "Their offense is up and down, but they're still playing good over there."


As for the Bears offense, Williams said it's predicated on the run.


"If they run the ball, then their offense clicks. If they don't run the ball real good, that whole offense falls apart," Williams said. "They got to run the ball, in Chicago, for that offense to work."


Finally, I asked Williams about the Bears offensive line.


"They got some young guys over there," he said, "but, they still play us tough."


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