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Chester Taylor


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I have a question that I've been thinking about for a few weeks. Is Chester Taylor tipping off plays? Clearly his performance hasn't been good in the second half of the season and when you compare his numbers to Forte's they are headed in opposite directions. I definitely think Taylor himself is not running well as he doesn't seem to be hitting the hole very decisively. However, he also seems to face more tacklers in the backfield than Forte does.


Seeing that everyone else out there is the same why are defenses seemingly so good at keying on Taylor's runs? Is it just his hesitation, Martz' play calling, or is his alignment pre-snap giving defenders a clue where the play is headed?



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That's a good question. I wish I knew what the answer was.. It's almost a waste now to even put him out there because he never does anything positive for us anymore. Everything is a negative gain or at the very least a run that gets us back to the LOS.

The benefit is he is giving Forte plays off. Other than that, he is a waste.


Peace :dabears

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